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Many people freeze in the face of danger and pay for it. Are you ready for a violent attacker? Here are 15 self defense tactics to help you.
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Also read: this is the essential training equipment for Krav Maga. In some cases, you will have to push yourself beyond your limits to survive, but knowing the basic survival skills already puts you ahead of other people. Here are some situations where your survival and Krav Maga skills can be put to good use to save your life and other people who depend on you. Roughing out in the wild was a common theme among Neanderthals, Cro-magnons, and Denisovans, and they made caves their homes as they lacked the ingenuity to build small communities and other types of civilizations.

Survive Like A Spy

Surviving the elements, their environment, and wild animals was a daily occurrence and through it, they were able to develop natural survival instincts. Thankfully they had passed on those instincts to us their descendants through DNA evolution, which made us so much better in surviving this world than they ever could. Later on, in modern history, humans fought each other for many things including power, dominion, lands, and resources. In their attempts to become a better warrior or combatant they have developed the martial arts skills that we know of today — including Krav Maga.

So everything is circled back to our primitive ancestors and, in fact, martial arts is just another form of your survival instinct if you really think about it. Survival is objective and nothing puts your life at a total risk like an aggressor who is willing to do anything, including harming you and others, to get what they want. You have ample time to come up with a plan to avoid dying of hunger or thirst, but not so with an immediate threat where it also warrants your immediate attention.

When you keep training in Krav Maga, it becomes your second nature and you as well as your class batch will soon get promoted to the rank of experts and masters and even may start your own KM schools. With the evolving threats in the world Krav Maga adapts and refining its methods in dealing with such threats. After Israel won a decisive victory against the 3 Arab states that threatened her existence she grew ever stronger than ever in terms of her economy and as a regional power with the support of America and Europe.

Krav Maga while overshadowed by the miraculous win of Israel slowly became a prominent self-defense technique that would take the world over by storm. They also train in several other martial arts that have been deemed useful for military and police combat.

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From onwards Krav Maga self-defense rolls full steam ahead to fame and recognition and the reason for that is, because it gets right to the important stuff and not dull you with pre-fighting rituals and spiritual concepts of the martial arts. Women and children also find Krav Maga helpful in not just learning and mastering the art of self-defense, but this fighting style is also a great alternative to common weight loss programs.

Children learn how to identify threats like pedophiles, sex offenders, rapists, kidnappers and other kinds of bad people, and know how to respond in critical situations where these kinds of scum are involved and especially if there are no adults around to supervise them. When compared to other martial arts techniques people find it easier to fit in with Krav Maga, and perhaps that was the reason why it became a household name. Today there are thousands upon thousands of Krav Maga schools and gyms as well as dozens of international organizations that help people who are looking for information related to Krav Maga.

The militaries, law enforcement agencies, and private security firms from all over the world include Krav Maga as part of their training. It would be surprising for someone not to know about this Israeli fighting style today as information about it has been proliferated online and via word-of-mouth marketing. So going back to the inquisitive question about Krav Maga in order to close this article we find the answer to be fluid.

It taps into your primal instincts — one that which only drives is to survive at all cost — and will push you to your limits to ensure you remain alive until you will reach safety or can get help. Also read: will Krav Maga make me a badass? What I'll cover in this in-depth post:. Previous post Krav Maga Stances you should learn 15 stances beginner-advanced.

How to Win a Street Fight

Next post Is Krav Maga Effective? Water is often one of the most difficult aspects of survival because it can be so hard to find; in some cases when you do find it, it might not be a clean drinkable source. Depending on your environment, finding water can be difficult. Depending on your existing body fat percentage and constitution, that timeline may vary. Sooner or later, regardless of your body type, you will expire without the much-needed nutrition your body needs to power daily functions.

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For everything else, use the universal edible test. For extended periods of time in the wild, hunting and fishing may become a necessity. Vitamins such as B12 are almost exclusively found in animal proteins. Here are some wilderness survival skills that will make you a successful hunter. In the following section, we provide detailed lists of survival skills centered on the following essentials:.

Staying warm is one of the most vital and difficult aspects of survival. The elements can be relentless; rain, snow, and temperature fluctuation present unique challenges.


Getting dry is a crucial element of ensuring your survival. Survival techniques like sun-drying your clothes, building fires, and finding shelter from rain and moisture will mean the difference between life and death in certain situations. Put the point of your spinning stick into a flat piece of wood on the ground and support the top with a stone or block you can hold in your hand. Keep in mind, you will still need a pile of dry shrubbery to catch the small embers you produce.

Creating fire is vital to your ability to survive in the wild. While creating a fire out of available resources is one of the most valuable wilderness survival skills, having the tools to easily build a fire in your survival kit is far more superior. Make sure your emergency bag is outfitted with a high-quality fire starter and matches to ensure your ability to stay warm in the wilderness. After mastering basic survival skills, you need to master the advanced ones as well.

Here some strategies for handling potential injuries and ailments that may arise. These first aid survival skills are valuable in the aftermath of a variety of disaster scenarios, including tsunamis. Learn more about surviving a tsunami here. Wild animals such as bears, wolves, and moose can seriously injure or kill you. In addition to animals, people who have lost their humanity may also become a threat.

These skills will cover self-defense from both humans and animals.

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Your mentality will play a major role in your success as a survivalist. Those who prepare are the most likely to survive in the wilderness.

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