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Pre-Historic Lanka to End of Terrorism [Dr. Sripali Vaiamon] on *​FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Invaluable material culled during the past.
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Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Home Timeline. June 15, KENYA: More than 60 killed in three-day siege when gunmen attack hotels and police station in Mpeketoni; no claim of responsibility but al-Shabaab widely suspected. May 22, CHINA: More than 30 killed, 90 wounded, in car bomb and explosives attacks in Urumqi; no immediate claim of responsibility but Muslim Uighur separatists widely suspected.

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Hood, Texas, on 5 November Christopher Stevens and three other Americans killed. July 13, INDIA: Three blasts in crowded areas kill 18 and wound more than in Mumbai; attack is said to commemorate birthday of sole surviving gunman of November Mumbai siege. Boko Haram claims responsibility; attack is believed to be first suicide bombing in the country.

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August 17, IRAQ: Suicide bomber in Baghdad kills 57 civilians and wounds others in addition to killing and wounding many military recruits; Islamic State of Iraq claims responsibility. May 1, US: Vehicle bomb fails to detonate in Times Square, New York City, as alert street vendor notifies police of smoking vehicle; Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan claims responsibility for the attempted attack. December 8, IRAQ: Near-simultaneous vehicle bombs at government buildings kill ; authorities blame al-Qa'ida militants.

In terms of targets, even though Tamil Tigers conducted many indiscriminate attacks on civilians, many of their strikes were a targeted form of assassination against military and political targets. In addition to these two heads of state, the Tamil Tigers also claimed the death of nine ministers, 26 members of parliament, four provincial councillors, 16 local councillors, 12 military officers and many other civil servants. Historical context and the use of violence Ever since the British colonial period and the early years of independence, Sri Lanka has suffered from a deep and pervasive class struggle that has fuelled divisive ethnic separatism.

Between and , Sri Lankans went through massive social and economic problems. Youth unemployment ran rampant amongst both the Sri Lankan Buddhist majority and the Tamil minority. And despite the Sri Lankan government investing substantial amounts in welfare programs, including the expansion of education, many Tamils were left behind.

Indeed, the educational explosion was seen by some to partly fuel the dissatisfaction, having led to an educated but unemployed population. Various measures were introduced to solve these social issues but reforms repeatedly ended up favouring Singhalese over Tamils, contributing to pre-existing ethnic tensions between the two groups.

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Such tensions exploded in July , when anti-Tamil pogroms surged through the country, setting the capital city of Colombo aflame. When, in bitter response, 13 Sri Lankan soldiers were gunned down by Tamil militants in Jaffna on 23 July , Sinhalese retaliations against Tamils flared up again. Such attacks and counter-attacks were to cause a gravely deep cultural wound.

From such bloody days, a civil war blossomed. Within this violence of attack and counter-attack, suicide terrorism found root, the ugly face of deep and complex issues that had long infected the Sri Lankan body politic.

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To this end, the Sri Lanka government failed to reach out to collaborate with nation-states such as Israel to gain expertise in counter-IED work. Equally, Sri Lanka, initially at least, lacked substantive support from key geopolitical states like India, meaning they failed to develop any coherent international tactical countermeasures against suicide terrorism. Three areas stand out. First, it seems that the government chose to shift away from an attempt to negotiate with the LTTE to annihilating them.

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But in mid, when the LTTE deliberately ended a ceasefire, the Sri Lankan government decided to change its strategic objective. And, in addition, this support base had grown weak. By , the LTTE relied on conscription — not volunteers — to fill its ranks, and many of these were children. The Sri Lankan government came to the cold calculation that, no matter what human rights they would contravene in so doing, they could win the war by destroying the city — decimating the LTTE leadership no matter what.

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Second, the government shifted away from narrow military success to a more comprehensive grand strategy aiming at victory. The armed forces budget was boosted by 40 per cent, supported by a billion dollar loan from China, along with lines of credit for oil and weapons, from Iran, Libya, Russia and Pakistan. The government worked hard overseas to ensure the LTTE which received some 60 per cent of its funding and most of its military equipment from offshore was alienated globally; the group was banned in some 32 countries and help from crucial allies in India was cut off. And the government invested in alleviating poverty, including costly schemes such as the poor farmer fertilizer subsidy scheme.

In short, they convinced people there was a peace worth fighting for. The measures worked.

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Before , the Army had difficulty recruiting 3, soldiers annually; by late , the Army was recruiting 3, soldiers a month. Operations were also conducted to wipe out LTTE cells operating within the capital and some large towns. In these operations, small, well-trained, highly-mobile groups proved key. Between and , guerrillas carried out at least attacks, killing 1, people and injuring a further 3, The deadliest attacks included: the Central Bank bombing in Colombo with at least 91 killed, and 1, injured 31 January ; the Dehiwala train bombing with 64 killed and injured 24 July ; the Bandaranaike International Airport attack with 7 Sri Lankan Air Force personnel killed 24 July ; and the Digampathana truck bombing that attacked 15 military convoys leaving as many as deaths and over injured 16 October Such attacks were deeply divisive.

And such tactics were to prove a dangerous source of inspiration for major terrorist organisations the world over.

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    Dr. Sripali Vaiamon

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