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A persona, in the word's everyday usage, is a social role or a character played by an actor. The word is derived from Latin, where it originally referred to a theatrical mask. The Latin word probably derived from the Etruscan word "phersu", with.
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Writing with Personae

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All IP addresses in Germany are blocked. This block will remain in place until legal guidance changes. Such attacks are not taken lightly in the academy these days, and Ms. Paglia is doubtless being picketed at this very moment by a gang of irate undergraduates. But Ms. Paglia, an associate professor of humanities at Philadelphia College of the Performing Arts, is no conservative, either, and any canon-loving traditionalist who takes the trouble to read her book from cover to cover is more than likely to join the picket lines.

The argument of ''Sexual Personae'' runs roughly as follows: Nature is barbarous and violent, though people choose to pretend that it is benevolent rather than succumb to utter despair.

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Art can be either Apollonian, camouflaging the ''dehumanizing brutality'' of nature, or Dionysian, accepting and celebrating it. The Apollonian striving for order is central to the Judeo-Christian tradition, which is responsible for ''western personality and western achievement. Paglia prefers the term ''chthonic'' that liberal humanists prefer not to acknowledge.

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In art, the chthonic realities of nature are typically represented by sexual symbolism, which is usually violent and compulsive. Paglia argues, ''have been ignored or glossed over by most academic critics. Paglia believes to be omnipresent in Western art; a sequel devoted to popular culture is in the works.

All of this may sound rather conventional, if not actually stodgy, but Ms. Paglia heats things up considerably by drawing a flashy assortment of extreme conclusions from her basic premises.

Activity - 21 Personae | MACBA Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona

Not only does she praise ''the spectacular glory of male civilization,'' she flatly rejects Rousseau's vision of ''benign Romantic nature'' and its offspring, ''the progressivist strain in nineteenth-century culture, for which social reform was the means to achieve paradise on earth. Feminism has exceeded its proper mission of seeking political equality for women and has ended by rejecting contingency, that is, human limitation by nature or fate. If civilization had been left in female hands, we would still be living in grass huts.

Paglia's aggressive antiliberalism is deceptive, however. While she pays lip service to traditional Western values ''Happy are those periods when marriage and religion are strong. Far from merely arguing for the significance of the chthonian dimension of Western art, Ms.


Paglia positively wallows in it. A self-styled ''advocate of aestheticism and Decadence,'' she seems to believe that decadent art is great precisely because it is decadent - that is, because it offers a truer vision of ''the amorality of the instinctual life'' and thus provides Apollonian civilization with a necessary catharsis for its chthonic fears and fantasies.

In reply to Jens sorry for the delay , to me a persona should be as fully-rounded and believable a depiction of an actual individual human being as possible, while remaining an ideal amalgam of all users of a certain type. Such an individual will certainly have different motivations and responses in different contexts. One way of integrating a jobs-to-be-done approach with persona-driven design is in feature spec. I generally spec via user stories expressed in terms of a persona, what they want to do, and why. It can be very similar to how our experiences of actual people influence our understanding of who they are, which in turn influence our experiences with them.

In reply to Abishek and Anirudh, certainly any given technique has to be evaluated for its applicability to a particular product.

Shawn Lane, Jonas Hellborg, Jeff Sipe - personae aka juvalamu

If we discover that a particular process artifact is not actually adding value, nothing should force us to continue it. User personas or personae, if you are replete with pretense are for people with limited imaginations. What affects decisions and actions is intent.

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What actions will they take? To me user personas really are just a cult of popularity. UX is the most important part of web design. It appears first to the any use so it is more important to make it unique and easily understand by any user. If user likes to explore your web site then they stay more and visit often. Skip to content Authors About Us Contact us.