PDF Pass the PMP Exam: Everything you need to pass the PMP

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Is there any passing score for PMP exam? (Updated for 2018)

Because exam questions are frequently reviewed and revised, the content is highly relevant to actual project management, and therefore also changes every few years. The exam contains scored questions and 25 unscored questions. Unanswered questions are scored as incorrect, so you should try to answer all questions. There is no specific number of questions that must be answered correctly in order to pass the PMP exam. Each question is graded based on its relative difficulty, meaning that if you get all of the easy questions right but get all of the hard ones wrong, you could still fail the exam.

How to Pass Your PMP Certification on Your First Try

There is no way to distinguish the questions that are scored from those that are not, which means you will have to do your best to answer all questions correctly. A PMP Certification Training Course is a good idea if you need additional guidance of what to study and to keep you on track and increase the odds that you will pass the exam on your first try. If you fail the exam, you can take it again, up to three times in one year. If you fail three times within a year, you must wait for a year to re-take your exam.

The five sections or domains of the PMP exam include a selection of tasks and questions aimed at gauging your skill and knowledge of more than 20 different areas. These include:. Tasks might require analyzing documents, developing a project charter, obtaining approval for a project, and so on.

These might include setting up and planning a project, creating project plans, handling meetings and stakeholders, and other real-world tasks. The section ends with a knowledge and skills test that measures your techniques and planning skills. Executing the Project — This comprises one of the largest and most important sections of the test. These take longer to complete than the previous tasks, as they include making changes, obtaining resources, and following plans. The knowledge and skills section covers tools, techniques, quality control, budgeting, scheduling, and more. This section typically covers quality control, project performance, assessing actions and risks, and taking steps to ensure that deliverables are finished and handed in on time.

The questions section checks your ability to monitor, use analysis, and management techniques. These revolve around obtaining deliverables and acceptance, transferring ownership, obtaining financial and legal closure, archiving, distributing projects, and customer relationships. The knowledge and skills section tests feedback, techniques, close-out procedures, and compliance. In previous years, the PMP exam took an average of 7 hours to complete; today, the test is much shorter and typically takes about 4 hours to finish. You can schedule the PMP online or by phone.

How Much Should You Score In PMP Exam Practice Tests?

It is offered in various locations throughout the year. Depending on your qualifications, you might have to take a paper or a computer test. If you want to reschedule your exam within two days, you will have to cancel and forfeit the entire exam fee. On the day of the exam, you must arrive at least 30 minutes before the exam is scheduled to begin, and preferably earlier in case there is a line.

PMP Certification Requirements: Do You Meet Them? [Complete Guide]

You must sign in, present your identification, and provide your PMI code a minimum of 30 minutes in advance of the exam. In some cases, you might also be asked for your confirmation notice. Your ID should be in English or have an English translation, and feature your signature and your photograph.

You will have access to a built-in calculator on the exam, but you may ask for a handheld calculator, and either scratch paper or a marker board to make notes. You will also be asked to take an optional minute survey and questionnaire before the exam.

Tips to Prepare for the Exam

The exam is four hours long, and there is no scheduled break. You may take short breaks when you choose, although you will have to sign in and out again, and the exam clock will not stop if you take a 10 minute break, this time will be subtracted from the time you have to complete the test. You will only have just over one minute to answer each question, so breaks are not advisable unless you are a quick worker and you are ahead on the test. For this reason, you should plan ahead, bring water, and try to limit any bathroom breaks.

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However, this is no longer the case. Unfortunately, PMI no longer publishes their minimum required passing score. Instead, questions are graded and scored based on their difficulty, which makes it difficult to pass simply by answering a certain number of questions correctly. In addition, only In other words, each exam is scored individually based on the difficulty of the questions that are answered correctly.

Should you choose to take a preparatory class or program, you should factor that into the costs as well and consider that some prep courses include the PMBOK Guide in their study materials. The PMP is one of the most well-recognized project management certifications in the world, and is certainly one of the most valuable. Some companies do not consider applicants without a PMP certification for specific positions, so having the certification can help you in the hiring process for higher paying jobs.

PMP certification demonstrates that you have specific experience and dedication to your field, which makes you eligible for more senior positions, often with better pay.

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However, the following types of positions may be held with or without PMP certification:. To increase your chances of passing the test, enrolling in a formal training program will help a lot. Harnessing your project management skills and knowledge of the PMBOK Guide will definitely help you perform better in the actual exam. If you decide to go for the mock test, make sure to review all your answers and look consult the PMBOK Guide for clarifications.

A PMP exam passer said you need to score more than 70 percent in your mock test, to get a good shot at passing the actual PMP exam. In the real world, you likely employ different strategies in managing your projects. Project management experience, however, will not be enough to answer the PMP exam well.

Understanding its principles and applying these correctly to the exam will serve to compliment your project management know-how where it counts. To avoid them, you must have a PMP study plan and schedule. In preparing your PMP study plan, assess yourself and analyze which departments you need to focus on for your review. Your plan must be able to bridge the gap between your strengths and weaknesses in project management.

What to Expect from the Questions Asked

And make sure to establish a realistic study schedule and stick to it. An hour or two a day is okay, it all depends on you and how much time you can devote to your review, daily. The PMP certification exam is such a huge step in your career as a project manager or a business person. Kimberly is a futurist who spends most of her time monitoring social behavior in search of new consumer trends.

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