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Being an autobiography it was a little out of my comfort zone because I am usually used to sticking with the dystopian genre. This book was nothing like any other business book that I had ever read. Sam Walton kept me wanting to turn the page time after time. Sam is the spitting image of the American Dream. Being born in America to selling newspaper subscriptions from a young age to being named the Richest Man in America by Forbes Magazine.

Walton from the start was a very humble man.

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Whenever you own a chain of stores you would imagine that you would be dressed all nice, have a nice car, and have a big house, but was more so the complete opposite. The book goes from teaching you the value of a dollar to how to manage a company.

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Waltons book is a nonfiction book but more specifically an autobiography. I feel like this book is more geared toward people that either really have an interest in the history of Walmart or want to go into entrepreneurship. I started to read it for the fact that I am an avid lover of Walmart and wanted to learn about some of the history behind the whole company. Reading this book I thought that there was never a moment that I turned the page and did not learn anything. I personally think that most autobiographies should have a lesson here or there, this book does not fail to include valuable lessons.

Being an autobiography Made in America is written in a traditional way which is chapters. The way that the chapters are written is more or less in chronological order. The book being written in chronological order gives the book more effect because it showed how Sam Walton made a business from the love of working in retail. A unique thing that I liked about this book is that every chapter started with either a little quote or story from someone that worked with Sam Walton whether it was his family or the first manager that he had hired.

Like most books this book had an ongoing theme that I noticed which was entrepreneurship. Sam explains his whole experience of building a business in a very detailed way that is easy to follow. Overall the author, theme, style of writing, and genre all blended together to make a book that I would highly recommend.

I rate this book a 5 out of 5 stars because it had everything I believe a book should have.

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Sam Walton is just one of those authors that can somehow take his life story and make it to where people want to read it with vivid language and details. He paints an image in your mind of exactly what is going on. Jun 18, Tigran Mamikonian rated it really liked it. The book of Sam Walton, founder of Wall-Mart, is classic biography book of very successfull businessman.

Would recommend to read this book to all business founders and owners.

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Here arethe ideas I really liked in the book: 1. Hands on approach to his business, down to each store, business unit - even if you are the The book of Sam Walton, founder of Wall-Mart, is classic biography book of very successfull businessman. Hands on approach to his business, down to each store, business unit - even if you are the toppest manager; 2. Attitude of Sam to his subordinates and the corporate culture of support in he company, i.

Confidence of Sam in his success from the times of his childhood As he said he couldn't even think about failure The culture of Wall-Mart assumed constant change and development We are always ready to give away all achievements and start from scratch Wall is quoting Rockfeller - Any right is responsibility, any opportunity is liability, any ownership is debt By this he stressed importance of debt financing in building of equity Dec 02, Jason Navallo rated it it was amazing.

Great book! It was great to learn from the man himself on how he built one of the world's largest and most powerful corporations, from scratch! Jul 23, Mario Tomic rated it it was amazing. This is one of those book that you have to have on your bookshelf. Sam Walton is a great example of a man with very strong values and principles, despite all of the success and failures Sam never sacrificed his core values. If I had to summarize the book into top 3 lessons this is what it would look like: 1.

Be passionate about learning, Sam Walton learned so much from people around him, his co-workers and from all his competition and it was one of the key elements of his success. Take action This is one of those book that you have to have on your bookshelf. Take action first and a lot of things will fall into place. We always think about preparing ourselves perfectly for a situation before we take any action on it however if you look at Sam Walton's story he usually learned by taking action.

Be ready to experiment until it works. Most of what Walmart did in the early stages was trial and error until they got the right formula. So the lesson here is never expect things to go perfect from the first try, persist until you get it right! There's much more in the book and these are just my top 3 things. Sam Walton is a great inspiration and I consider myself fortunate to be able to get access to his book, it's really amazing. Feb 26, Dan rated it liked it Recommends it for: Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Business-minded individuals.

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The story of Sam Walton, a man who could not sit still. Take aways from this autobiography: Understood the value of a dollar, grew up during the depression. Continued to be frugal through all his years. Made sure all his businesses also understood the value of a dollar. From an early age he worked multiple jobs, never stopped moving. He has an urge to win, to win at everything. Sam built Walmart by copying.

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He didn't just merely copy someone else's design, he took the best from everyone, and everything. He found what worked and doubled-down. He accepted and then moved past his failures quickly. He spoke to everyone he could in the industry, and took intense notes he obviously learned best by writing. He went to trade organizations, competitors, both domestic and global. He was always in his stores, around his employees, asking questions, seeing how things were done.

He never stopped learning. He was always look to improve every aspect of his business. He was never married to procedure, only to values and concepts. He accepted changes to his operations as necessary, but the driver to those changes was his overall vision and values, which never faltered. Although he looks back thinking what he did was best overall for everyone, he definitely put his business ahead of his family.

View all 3 comments. Apr 24, Tim Chavel rated it liked it. Being an employee at Wal-Mart now for almost three years I knew this is a book I wanted to read. I also enjoy reading books about companies especially if the author is the founder. Wal-Mart's story is a fantastic story of America's free enterprise. I will tell you that some of the things revealed in the book about employees were either not correct or they have changed through the years. I know for a fact that many have changed and I think Sam Walton would not be happy about some of the changes. To help you understand was an amazing success story Wal-Mart is I have included a quote from the book below: As everybody today knows, Wal-Mart's stock performance, and the wealth it has created, is a story in itself.

Since then, we've had nine two-for-one stock splits, so you would have 51, shares today. Obviously, our stock has made a lot of folks happy over the years, and - pure and simple - that's where the Walton family net worth has been created. It paid off beyond any of our dreams.

Jun 22, Alex Poovathingal rated it really liked it. A brilliant tale of a startup which went on to become the largest company by revenue. The basic philosophies which Sam Walton brought into his retail and discount chains business has been a driving force behind this change. One of the most striking among them, I felt, was his lack of inhibitions to copy ideas. One of his favorite past times was to visit the stores of his competitors and figure out what works for them.