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BOOK NOW The length of the tour is approximately four hours; from La Fortuna we must go 5 ½ kilometers to the This adventure will take you to Costa Rica's biggest lake, right at Arenal Volcano's feet, Amphibious and Reptiles at Night.
Table of contents

Sarria, Peru — presenting on prana breath processes during heart expression Patricia Savastano, Argentina — presenting mudras and mantras Gayathri Sudi Pallai, India — presenting Bharatanatyam dance. Are you between the ages of 1 and 99?

Do you enjoy listening to music and watching exotic dances? Have you been wondering how you could better your health while healing your spirit with food?

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Do you want mental, physical and spiritual balance? The truth be told, India Fest has been designed with everyone in mind. The marketplace will be open for the entirety of the festival, and already doctors and curious souls alike have signed-up to hear the conference and workshops on Ayurvedic medicine — after all, any practice that has been refined over 5, years, as the holistic and scientific practice of Ayurveda has, is worth learning.

So bring your yoga mat or at least a pillow for sitting on , some cash for vendors and an open mind for learning, and we hope to see you there! Print page. Coastal areas in the central and north Pacific are suitable for smaller cars, as are most places between the Caribbean coast and the northern lowlands. The roads surrounding the Arenal Volcano are appropriate for this type of car as well. These cars have two-wheel drive and are not suitable for rough roads. Compact cars are the smallest, most economical option. Oftentimes they are hatchbacks, although many are sedans as well.

Full-size cars are larger than compacts. They are typically sedans and have more powerful engines. Appropriately, they get slightly worse gas mileage. Full-size cars are roomier and better for groups with lots of luggage.

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A final option is vans. Vans are the largest, most spacious vehicle and are great for big groups. Vans should be used in the same areas as a compact or full-size car. Most are two-wheel drive and have very poor off-road capabilities. They typically seat up to twelve people and come in three or four door options. Vans tend to get low gas mileage and like full-size SUVs, have a greater chance of tipping due to their size. Manual and automatic options are offered in every category.

Rental cars also typically include a safety kit for accidents and flat tires.

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This includes jumper cables, rope, a flat tire kit, road triangles, and a fire extinguisher. One popular — and much recommended — device to add to your car rental is GPS. A GPS unit can save you time and a world of trouble. Another thing to keep in mind: several places in Costa Rica share the same name, which can get confusing.

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This will save you the headache of arriving at the wrong place. A good way to supplement GPS is with the Waze application. Travelers with a smartphone and international data plan can download this community-based traffic and navigation app to get real-time information on road, routes, accidents, traffic jams, construction, and more. Waze does, however, require an Internet connection to initially map out routes and obstacles. For this reason, we recommend using Waze to map your route while still at your hotel or before you start driving—once you no longer have Internet, your routes will still be saved.

Travelers can also purchase or rent road maps from most car rental offices. The following section includes information on insurance, deposits, fines, and rental times. Tourists are typically allowed to rent a car for up to 90 days. There are also supplemental full coverage insurance options that can be purchased on top of the mandatory insurance.

These are more expensive, but cover most situations, have a higher amount of coverage, and may have zero deductible. Many also include hour roadside assistance. Again, the amount you pay depends on the type of vehicle you rent. Before you leave for Costa Rica, read up on your own car insurance policy.

First of all, find out whether you are covered abroad. If you are, see if your policy extends to all persons driving the car and how much liability is covered if a third party is injured. When you rent a car, you will also be required to place a deposit. The rental company puts a hold for this amount on your credit card and releases it when you return the car and GPS device in good, working condition. The deposit is not released immediately, however, but rather requires around weeks to be placed back onto your credit card.

If an accident does occur, your deposit will be held while your case goes to court. There are several conditions that may result in a fine from the rental company. These include returning the car with less fuel than it was initially rented with, returning the car late, or returning the car to a location other than initially agreed upon. Regarding the second point, rental times are defined very rigidly — one day of rental literally means 24 hours. For example, if you rent a car for one day and you pick it up at 8 AM, it must be returned by 8 AM the following day.

Failure to do so will result in a fine. If you are fined, you can either pay the amount directly or have it subtracted from your deposit. Within the span of a single day, you can travel along winding mountainous roads, rural gravel paths, or scenic coastal byways. Before you head off on a road trip, think about where you will be going and what you will be driving through.

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Learning about the road conditions will give you a good idea of what to expect. Costa Rican driving conditions vary from place to place. The farther you get from a developed area, however, the poorer the road conditions are likely to be. They curve up, down, and around mountains. Along roads like these, is not uncommon for large trucks to go very slow and have traffic pile up behind them.

For this reason, going a seemingly short distance can take much longer than expected. Some roads lack guardrails and have steep drops along either other side. Others are pockmarked with potholes or have been washed out completely by a landslide. In many rural areas, gravel or dirt roads are the norm. These can be quite rough and may even require stream crossings. Two-lane roads often narrow into single lanes over bridges—in this case, drivers must ceda yield to drivers with the right of way.


The reflective paint separating lanes or lining the roads can be faded or non-existent, which can make driving dangerous, especially at night. Signs in Costa Rica are equally hit or miss. Along well-traveled tourist routes for example, in Manuel Antonio , the signs are well positioned, easy to see, and informative. However, in many parts of the country, signs are either lacking or totally absent. The following section will instruct you on the most practical ways to avoid accidents, fines, and frustration. The easiest way to avoid all three things is by using GPS.

Most often, the GPS is attached to the dashboard of your car and is easy to see while driving. They are hands-free and will tell you when to turn and what to expect. They can help you plan routes, estimate distances and arrival times, and even locate the nearest gas stations.

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As a supplement to GPS, travelers with smartphones and an international data plan can download apps like Waze, which help map roads, routes, accidents, construction, and more. It does, however, require Internet access—fire it up and type in your destination before heading leaving your hotel. We also suggest travelers to have physical maps in the car as well. These can be rented or purchased from most car rental agencies. If you do get lost, it will be helpful to know at least a few words of Spanish.

Purchase a basic Spanish phrasebook and bring it along with you. Practice your pronunciation in the car for fun. Costa Rica is a tough place to drive in during the day. Roads may also have poor reflectors between the lanes or lining the side of the road, and very often have little room to pass. The closer you are to a sizeable town, the better the chances are of being able to get towing, mechanical, or medical help. Along the Interamerican Highway, this is usually not a problem.

Major towns and tourist destinations — like Liberia, Puntarenas, Golfito, Quepos, and Palmar — all have clinics or hospitals.

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However, in more remote areas, it may be difficult to get your car towed and fixed or get an ambulance to a hospital. You can also call and get redirected to whatever agency you need. If there is a police officer nearby, they will show up and make a report, which will help facilitate your insurance claim.

Officers can sometimes be unhelpful towards tourists they perceive as being rich and reckless. Speaking Spanish will help, as will being kind and patient.