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Sep 23, - Part 1 in the book describes the truth of God in Biblical teaching. Part 2 in the book elaborates about the plan of God's grace in Biblical history.
Table of contents

The Jews thought they were the rich, that they were spiritually mature, that they knew God, represented God, were moral, were fastidious in keeping the law. As religious as you are, you are spiritually bankrupt. You want to enter the kingdom, you need to mourn; not rejoice over your supposed achievements, but mourn. You need to weep and mourn. And if you want to be satisfied with true righteousness, you have to hunger and thirst for that righteousness, a righteousness you do not possess. You have to hunger and thirst for a righteousness that you do not possess and cannot gain on your own.

This is salvation by grace through faith, as we read in Ephesians 2. And as I said, He basically attacked all their religious ceremonies and rites and rituals and sacraments, and even their supposed personal morality, and showed how it was insufficient. So He comes to the end of His sermon and He pulls together these two realities: the religion of human achievement, the religion of divine accomplishment. And as we come to the end, as I began to read in verse 13, I want you to see the contrast, they are vivid. There are two gates: wide and narrow. There are two ways: broad and narrow.

Grace Community Church: Painted Post, NY > Entering by the Narrow Gate

There are two destinies: life and destruction. There are two crowds: many and few. There are actually two trees, good and corrupt; and two fruits, good and bad. There are two behaviors: the sayers and the doers.

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There are two builders: the wise and the foolish. There are two foundations: the rock and the sand. And there are two houses: the one that stood, and the one that fell. This literally reduces the spiritual world and the religious world to two options: one is the path to heaven, and the other is the path to hell.

Nobody sells tickets to hell. This is the entrance to the highway that goes into the presence of God.

  1. The Mountain of Oblivion;
  2. Entering by the Narrow Gate.
  3. Looking for the Narrow Gate That Leads to Life - World Mission Society Church of God?
  5. Please check your email!.
  6. Again, both roads are religious, both roads promise heaven. But only the narrow road goes there.


    The true way to heaven is spelled out and it is the narrow way. So let me break this down very simply. Not enough to look and admire the narrow gate. Not enough to be happy that other people are going in. Not enough to listen. Not enough even to study the truths regarding the narrow gate and the true gospel. Hell is full of people who admired the Bible, admired Jesus, went to church, were baptized; but they were never in the narrow gate on the narrow way.

    You must enter this way. And it narrow because it is only through Christ. I am the door. So you must enter through Christ, there is no other way to heaven. No other religion will get you there. So you must enter. This is a command.

    The Narrow and Wide Gate Matthew 7

    You must enter this gate: Christ alone, Christ alone, no other than Christ. He is the only Savior. Faith comes by hearing the truth about Christ and believing it. So you must enter, you must enter this gate, and you must enter this gate alone. You must enter this gate. And, thirdly, you must enter this gate alone, you must enter this gate alone. Religion, part of the deception of religion is its collective nature. There are other people like them. The crowd is there with them. Their religion is crowded with other adherence and other believers.

    Entering by the Narrow Gate

    But this gate is a turnstile. You come in alone, one at a time. The kingdom advances one soul at a time. They go through the broad door with all their friends, all those that are part of their group, and continue that way on the road to hell. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me.

    He who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it. The Jews thought they were all on the road to heaven because they were the children of Abraham, because they had been circumcised, because they had respect for the Old Testament, in spite of their apostacy.

    He was a part of it. You must enter this gate alone one soul at a time. Now let me add something else. You must enter this gate alone with difficulty, with difficulty. What an amazing statement at the end of verse There are few who find the narrow gate. And on the other hand, there are so many false religionists all over the place selling tickets to the broad road.

    And the broad road is so much more accommodating. The broad gate is so much easier. They want to go through the narrow door and on to the narrow way to heaven. They will try but not be able to enter. Becoming a Christian is waging a war against yourself. Are you willing to deny father, mother, sister, brother?

    Are you willing to deny your own personal ambitions? Are you willing to turn from your sin? Are you willing to abandon the sovereignty you exercise over your own life and confess Jesus as Lord? That is the struggle of the heart. There was not going to be any sacrifice on his part, none whatsoever. So you must enter, you must enter this gate, you must enter alone, you must enter with difficulty. I will give my life to Him for the gift that He offers, which is the forgiveness of all my sins and the promise of eternal life.

    That is difficult for proud hearts. And it is part of human nature to love lusts — lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, and pride of life. So you must enter, you must enter this gate, you must enter this gate alone with difficulty. And just another thought: you must enter this gate naked, as it were.

    This is expressed in the two parables in Matthew to 46 where a man found a treasure in a field and sold everything to get the treasure. Another man found a pearl of great price, sold everything to get the pearl. When Christ is so valuable you will give up everything, you have stripped yourself bare.

    All self, all sin, all self-righteousness, all of that has to be abandoned. That is hard for the unregenerate heart to do, and will not happen unless it is enabled by the wonderful working of the Holy Spirit who breaks the grip of sin on the heart. From the start, Jesus called for repentance, a recognition of your own spiritual emptiness, sorrow over sin, eagerness to turn from it, be rescued from judgment at any cost, willing to abandon everything and come naked. Listen to the language of our Lord in the fourteenth chapter of Luke in verse For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to see if he has enough to complete it?

    Or else, while the other is still far away, he sends a delegation and asks for terms of peace. So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not give up all his possessions. Deny yourself, take up your cross, follow Me. And salvation is marked today as if it was cheap and easy, and it is not.