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The Girl at the Bottom of the Sea! (Table of Contents: 1). comic story / 11 pages (​report information). Script? Pencils: John Rosenberger (signed); Inks: John.
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Weird is that neither of these old codgers possesses any organic or technological means of generating illusions or of evading her telepathic scan. Meggan tells her to look, she found the caravan. But Meggan senses something else, lights. Inside there is an old chained creature, crouching, begging them for help.

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Back at the Excalibur mushroom, Nightcrawler, changing into his costume, asks Kylun for his story. When he was seven, the crime queen Vixen heard of his mutant powers and had him kidnapped. But her men were overconfident and he managed to escape. He was scared and lonely until Widget magically appeared. He made the boy laugh.

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They played games and, despite his hunger and fear, Colin felt safe. They were so happy… but it was not destined to last. It was a massacre. Kylun was badly wounded and left for dead. But he survived to rally a new army. Nightcrawler already knows the rest.

Present: He needs to find Necrom. All in good time, Kurt replies and shows him the miniaturized demon he and the Technet caught recently. Not a statue, Kurt explains. The real thing. Chinadoll reduced it to a petrified miniature ten days ago. How can that be? Kylun wonders. Necrom and his creature passed through the door to his world seconds before he did. Kurt explains that time is not consistent across the dimensional planes of the multiverse.

Bodybag witnessed their materialization but they dismissed it as one of the unusual phenomena that plague their lives.

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A month, Kylun repeats horrified. Necrom could be anywhere. He is lost if Necrom has him and, if he plans to establish an empire there, he is merely the first. Nobody is safe, Kylun threatens. Back in Germany, Rachel advises caution. Something is very wrong there. She can see the thing, but it is invisible to her psychic probe. It must be an illusion. Meggan disagrees, claiming he is kind and beautiful. Rachel repeats in disbelief.

The lights, Meggan replies smiling. The spirit plane is denied to her, but it is within his power to let her perceive its wonder. Behold the Alshra. And Rachel sees the Phoenix force threaded through every cell of her mutant body, the terrifying potential undiminished by its current dormant state. She catches a look of Meggan, a very different Meggan. Unable to express what she sees in words, Rachel forges a telepathic link between them to allow Meggan to see herself as a more elfin, lithe shape, wondrously aglow with black eyes.

The Alshra is truth. The creature continues that she is not destined to find her parents at this time. She followed a false trail. Madam Zelda told her of a magical creature thought to be hidden in a gypsy caravan. A fairly amazing coincidence, Rachel remarks. Not so. They are pawns of fate and others who hope to manipulate the frame of live, the creature replies cryptically. A fast-paced, action adventure with Annja Creed, a modern-day Indiana Jones. A smart, beautiful, martial arts trained?

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This is who I always wanted to be! This story is set in Costa Rica. While on vacation, Annja runs into a woman whose husband, expedition leader to find the lost Treasure of Lima, has gone missing. She agrees to help find him - and hopefully the treasure - and the adventure A fast-paced, action adventure with Annja Creed, a modern-day Indiana Jones.

She agrees to help find him - and hopefully the treasure - and the adventure begins. The group encounters one danger after another on their quest, hampered in their search by a surprising enemy. This was a fun, escapist read and I want to read more about Annja's adventures this is 46 - yikes! I'll want to check out number one to get the complete background of how she got her sword, but other than that, I think these are pretty much standalone stories and don't need to be read in order.

May 13, Andrew Bass rated it really liked it. Nice tight Pulp adventure. Like Indiana Jones? Read the Rogue Angel series.

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There's a disappointing shortage of fun Pulp these days. Treasure of Lima is just fun.

Saturday Comics Auction #46

I've got a few other Rogue Angel books around here somewhere. I'm looking forward to digging them out and enjoying the exotic locales and non-stop implausible trouble scenarios. Feb 11, Lianne Burwell rated it liked it Shelves: adventure , ebooks. After reading this book, I was a little surprised to find that the Treasure of Lima is an actual, and it really is supposed to be buried on Cocos Island. I had assumed, while reading the book, that it was made up for the book. Annja is on vacation boy, she goes on a lot of those through the series in Costa Rica.

There she meets a woman whose archaeologist husband has disappeared on Cocos island while looking for the treasure of Lima, and the government isn't allowing her to go looking for him. Through Roux, Annja pulls some string, and goes with the woman and her hired hands to find the man. Unfortunately, despite her research before heading out, she doesn't bother doing any research on the people she is travelling with a failing she does kick herself for later It's also a little hard to believe, in this day and age, that there is a hidden Incan outpost still surviving on this island albeit underground , but still, it was a fun 'lost world' type of story.

The weakest part of the book for me was the villain, who was a little too cartoony for my tastes when revealed. Jul 14, Tammy rated it it was ok. An interesting plot with a fascinating location. However, the writer seems to have a problem keeping the main character's personality and abilities consistent and as the novel continues the writer's ability to track the action, plot fight scenes, or even pace the story disintegrates.

At one point a bad concussion, worsened by exhaustion and re-injury, heals when Annja is again struck in the head, like a children's cartoon. Rather than getting more fascinating at the climax of the book, it just An interesting plot with a fascinating location. Rather than getting more fascinating at the climax of the book, it just gets more absurd, finally ending the book on randomly cheesy. Was very disappointing after the first Rogue Angel novel I read.

Sep 23, CatBookMom rated it liked it Shelves: ebook-borrowed , finished , sff-alt-reality. This was a not-quite-3; started it and easily put it down for a while. Our Heroine managed the usual amazing saves and incredible physical feats, and always manages to duck those bullets just in time. Y'know, this would be a great graphic novel Fun, so not serious. Sep 22, Gina rated it really liked it. If you like treasure hunts and extreme camping, and wild boat chases, you will love this one. It was great. I really can not get into my favorite parts without giving a TON away.

Atlantis Rising Magazine #46

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