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Nov 13, - The video, published on Twitter, also labelled homosexuality and atheism as dangerous leondumoulin.nlg: (Erotic).
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Who are the feminists in the Arab world and beyond? Upcoming SlideShare. Like this presentation? Why not share! Women rocking the tech world in the Embed Size px. Start on. Show related SlideShares at end. WordPress Shortcode. The A Factor Follow. Full Name Comment goes here.

The Scathing Atheist

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2. Joumana Haddad (Lebanese)

Views Total views. Actions Shares. Embeds 0 No embeds. No notes for slide. To be a feminist in the Arab world today A few examples of freedom fighters 2. The historic ones 3. The icons 6. She has written many books on the subject of women in Islam, paying particular attention to the practice of female genital mutilation in her society. Her writings revealed, among other things, the importance of the role played by women in the harem in influencing the state of affairs.

Later she helped to establish the "Society for the Emancipation of Women". Her writings proposed a feminist nationalism. In pre-Islamic times, women participated in tribal warfare on the Arabian peninsula. With the advent of Islam, women did not relinquishh their place on the battlefield. She was an early female warrior. The polemic ones She is based in Cairo and New York City.

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  • How Did New Atheism Fail So Miserably?.

The activists She was nominated for the Nobel peace prize. Amira Yahyaoui created an NGO, Al Bawsala, which is monitoring the constitutional assembly and advocating for human rights. But the list of U. One thing Harris has done is take seriously the rhetoric of ISIS by looking at what they actually say in their impeccably — yes, really — written magazine. They already have a theory as to what animates radical Islam. In short, western imperialism and bigotry. This from a group that would otherwise be extremely sensitive to white westerners presuming to speak for brown foreigners.

Harris and his detractors are talking past one another by having an entirely different focus.

For Harris, all the action is on the radical Islamic side, and the locus of blame found there. For many progressives, the locus of blame is to be found in western aggression. I thought of this when I was reading the comments, but not sure if mentioned or not. The Iraq War turning into a complete debacle really discredited a lot of the New Atheist and adjacent types, because a decent chunk of them had really cheerled cheerleaded?

Feminist Atheist In Saudi Arabia

And a bunch of New Atheists got caught up in that. Not to imply the center-left learned these lessons at all, given that Obama and particularly HRC did almost exactly the same thing if at a smaller scale and with less direct costs to the West in Libya. American foreign policy present has involved some truly baffling decisions regarding creating power vacuums, being ignorant of what might fill them, and failing to offer up anything else to fill them.

That strain has given right-wing populism and in some places authoritarianism a big shot in the arm. Creating a vacuum is doing what was done in Libya, obliterating the existing regime with essentially no idea what would replace it. I remember a defense or maybe criticism of Obama as basically allow France to lead him into war.

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The US had a plan for what would fill that power vacuum, but it was an unrealistic plan, on multiple levels. The first repeat of the Iraq War was led by a man who launched his national political career opposing the Iraq War when that actually meant something, and by the country which led or, at least, was the main synecdoche for, cf freedom fries the Coalition of the Unwilling. I know you know better than that. They were, however, told by basically everyone that a US occupation of Iraq was problematic.

Everyone, in this case, means the military, the state department, and the ambassadors of numerous other countries, both Arab and other. Right, thanks. Not just a knock on Iraq. Military plans that accurately estimate what will be needed are, historically, incredibly rare. The Shinseki thing is generally misrepresented. The difference between Iraq and Libya is that Libya was already in a state of power vacuum when we intervened and Iraq was not. Would you mind expanding a little?

It was one of many attempts to link Saddam to Al Qaeda, and little more. The underlying core of fascism is the idea of nation as one, striving together for greatness.

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In fact, fascism was explicitly describes the state as a spiritual entity. The ummah idea is at least as robust as Christendom. People who coined the term probably did think about it, though, as it is not a bad description of what entities like ISIS are trying to achieve.

  1. WikiZero - Feminist views on BDSM.
  2. Joumana Haddad Talks Erotica, Atheism, and Feminism in the Middle East | Bitch Media.
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  8. Secular, modernizing, nationalist socialists. That, at most, is a rhetorical shift. In Germany, a country with a long history of religious conflict and rivalry, religion represented an important source of identity that was outside of state control. Those conditions and historical factors do not exist in any muslim country, with the at best extremely partial exception of Iran.

    Creation Evidence for God & Kalam Cosmological - Muhammed - Saudi Arabia - Atheist Experience 22.11

    But religion has represented a source of power and authority outside the control of the state throughout the Islamic world basically since the death of Muhammad. This is true everywhere, but not all conflict is equal. The institutional separation of church and state in the christian world was orders of magnitudes greater than in the muslim world, and the scope for conflict greater in like quantity. There is nothing like the the emperor at canossa in Muslim history.

    OK, sure, but what exactly do you mean by that? Unifying the entire umma under the divine law is a much, much older idea than fascism, in any event. I absolutely agree. They are basically parallel ideological evolution, they evolved separately but fit into parallel psychological niches, like fins on fish and aquatic mammals. The two seem extremely distinguishable to me in a huge variety of ways.

    I disagree with your characterization of fascism. Fascism does not worship the leader or the folk. Islam has not had a prophet for a very long time. Rulers are supposed to be subordinated to the law. At the end of the relevant part of his memoirs, he lists good things about the Sultan and bad things about the Sultan. One of the good things was an incident where the Sultan struck a young man with no legitimate legal excuse. The young man sued. The Sultan made no attempt to interfere with the legal process.

    The ruling was that the young man was entitled to his choice of compensation or retaliation. He chose retaliation—to strike the Sultan, knocking his turban off, observed by Ibn Battuta.