PDF Dick Sand: A Captain at Fifteen

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Hey its an exciting adventure, you should read it!!! I've read a few of Jules Verne's books as a child. They are, or at least were, pretty much a given for any French child to read. While I quite enjoyed most of those I read, the opinions of the time are very notable in Verne's books, and the discriminatory views regarding certain groups, Africans in particular, are nowhere more prominent than in this book, at least among those books of his I read.

While the story has an interesting premise, the negative portrayal of any African tribe encountered I've read a few of Jules Verne's books as a child. While the story has an interesting premise, the negative portrayal of any African tribe encountered by our protagonists completely destroyed the enjoyment I could have derived from reading it. That aspect was much worse in this book than in "Les enfants du capitaine Grant", and I had to stop reading it halfway through because I could not stand it anymore.

I do understand that the author was only reflecting the common views of his contemporaries and thus the views he was taught to have since childhood about different cultures and that he didn't know better, but that is one book I will never pick up again, though I might try and read other books by him at some point. Today we rarely appreciate how small become our world with affordable travel and all knowledge about every country available in our pocket.

Even when I was a kid the only source of knowledge about the world were books. Including Jules Verne books, which tells about the world through adventures of its characters. And it's probably one of the best ways to teach something. Some things that Jules Verne describes just not true, not sure if it was intentional or just common believes of his time.

But Today we rarely appreciate how small become our world with affordable travel and all knowledge about every country available in our pocket. But this mistakes plays against books in their losing battle against the modern world. I would have loved this book when I was But now it's just ok. The book is about a young man, Dick Sands as the title suggests who unexpectedly becomes a ship captain at 15 and about his adventures. It was definitely an intense read -- very wordy but the overall storyline was pretty good. Some great characters, however I feel like some characters could have had more development.

Likewise with the story -- the author definitely elaborated parts which I didn't enjoy yet the happy parts which I wanted more of, there was a lot of skimming going on. I would The book is about a young man, Dick Sands as the title suggests who unexpectedly becomes a ship captain at 15 and about his adventures.

I would recommend this book for people who are lovers of Jules Verne or older fiction - but definitely go in thinking about the time the book was written in otherwise you may be highly disappointed. Jan 31, Helen rated it it was amazing. Who am I to judge Jules Verne, one of the most beloved writers in the world.

I had run out of books so I got this one out of my shelves and read it and I must say I had a great time. I read many of Vernes books when I was a teenager and I really loved them all.

Dick Sand; or, a Captain at Fifteen - Free PDF Download

I definitely recommend this novel to children, teenagers or adults. Jan 19, T. It is packed with information about sailing a whaling ship, the African slave trade and other dimensions of the mid s, wrapped up in a slighty implausible tale that traverses several continents. Aug 31, Julien M. A little hard to find the captain realistic enough to enjoy the rest of the book. I don't remember so much but the memory that stuck in my mind is good, and at that moment i was fascinated about the stuff learned.

I really liked it expectedly as it's one of the classics and I cannot wait to read every book written by Jules! Aug 28, Veragygagavera rated it really liked it. Good book for travelling.. Long trips with Dick Sand will make it quite shorter for you! Each hero falls into your heart at once!

Yeah, rereading it was a great idea!!


Not very interesting. It's ok. One of the best adventures book for reading in the young age. How had the ferule come to break. It was inexplicable enough. It was possible, however, that it was oxydized, and that the pitching and rolling had broken it from the woodwork. Now, indeed, the sea had been rougher during the night. However it was, the compass was broken in such a manner that it could not be repaired. Henceforth he was reduced to trust solely to the compass in the binnacle.

Very evidently no one was responsible for the breaking of the second compass, but it might have sad consequences. The novice then took every precaution to keep the other compass beyond the reach of every accident.

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An act of spontaneous combustion had just taken place. The king had taken fire like a petroleum bonbon. This fire developed little heat, but it devoured none the less. At this spectacle the natives' dance was suddenly stopped. See what the little orphan, rescued on the beach at Sandy Hook, had obtained by his work and conduct.

He was, in spite of his youth, surrounded by the esteem, one might say the respect, of all who knew him; but his simplicity and modesty were so natural to him, that he was not aware of it. He did not even suspect—although no one could attribute to him what are called brilliant exploits—that the firmness, courage, and fidelity displayed in so many trials had made of him a sort of hero. Jun 10, Rigers rated it it was amazing.


This was the very first book that I read outside of school textbooks so it was a long long time ago and I was about 7 or 8 yrs old. I started it many times and refused go past pages, but my mother was forcing me to read and wouldn't let me do anything else so at some point I passed the th page or so and couldn't put it down anymore. It is essentially the book that got me into reading. It is a captivating story with lots and lots of real information about insects, animals, weather, the This was the very first book that I read outside of school textbooks so it was a long long time ago and I was about 7 or 8 yrs old.

It is a captivating story with lots and lots of real information about insects, animals, weather, the ocean and obviously sailing. At the time I felt like school work but I loved reading it even though it would drag to much at times and I couldn't wait to for it to get back to the story. The portrayal of slavery and what people are willing to do for money might not be fully grasped by an 8 year old but it's all there. Verne tells us what it's like to be free, to fight for your dreams and what it means to be human through an amazing story.

We all want to be explorers and this books tells us what it's like. All the actions and decisions are based on rational thought telling us what it really takes to be a captain, to survive and that to get what you want you have to fight for it with everything because a lot of times your life depends on it.

Post the following as a review no later than November 11th a. What you liked most about the book b. What you liked least about the book you may state that there was nothing about the book you did not like c. A quotation from the book that you find memorable or important, properly cited.

Dick Sand A Captain at Fifteen

A level three question that springs from the book. A Captain of fifteen is an exiting book about the adventures of Dick Sand , a novice mariner who is put in charge of the "Pilgrim", a whale hunter 1. A Captain of fifteen is an exiting book about the adventures of Dick Sand , a novice mariner who is put in charge of the "Pilgrim", a whale hunter ship. What I liked the most was the places description that Jules Verne does during the book and also the way he narrates the adventures and dangerous situations.

Sometimes, like in the part they go to Africa to find the indian's prisoners, the narration turns so slow because he gives too much details, and also I don't like the end because Dingo Dick Sand's dog dies at the end. Imagine you are part of a ship with a lot of sailors. Would you say that friendship is above usefulness??? View 1 comment. Jul 27, Mr.

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A young sailor is thrust into the role of ship's captain when an unfortunate whaling accident carries off the stripped-down crew of his ship. Using five African-Americans who had been rescued earlier from a shipwreck as crew, young Dick Sands begins making his way toward the coast of South America.

Onboard are three other passengers--the wife, five-year-old son, and useless cousin of the ship's owner--and the first villain I've run into in any of Verne's adventure novels, a Portuguese cook who A young sailor is thrust into the role of ship's captain when an unfortunate whaling accident carries off the stripped-down crew of his ship. Onboard are three other passengers--the wife, five-year-old son, and useless cousin of the ship's owner--and the first villain I've run into in any of Verne's adventure novels, a Portuguese cook who subverts the young captain in every imaginable way, taking everyone wildly off-course.

The second half of the book is devoted to the adventures encountered when Dick Sand and his charges wind up in Africa, enmeshed in a slave-trading operation. It is an action-filled novel with some amazing circumstances, but Verne jumped the narrative thread a little too frequently in this one. A lot of the story is predictable, but, again, many of the details included are an education in themselves. Dec 01, Anna rated it really liked it. What I expected: a marine adventure.