Manual Deciding To Live Sober In My Alcoholic World

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Nov 19, - The life before I learned what it meant to not drink, and the life after. What unfolded was what happens when you decide for you and only Whatever benefits alcohol seems to provide I assure you they are trite in the things that surround me, and to look at the world through a fresh, childlike perspective.
Table of contents

More often than not, people seem slightly annoyed with the idea that I'm going to stay sober for the night. Every once in a while, someone seems personally offended that I won't let them buy me a drink, even after I become clean about the real reason. Needless to say, she never went to meetings or to a drug and alcohol rehab center , because — at the risk of being repetitive — her drinking wasn't tied to a disease that made her life unmanageable because of her alcohol consumption.

However, she writes, she begins to discover some truths about herself through her abstinence that sound remarkably similar to recovery principles: "It took me over a year to get comfortable with my real self: a girl who likes to be with her friends, but who isn't great in a huge crowd, and someone who will likely never be the life of the party.

Maybe I liked quiet nights with friends or my fiance or my family members more than being in a bar — and that was okay. If the goal of a recovery program is to teach us a new way to live, we can certainly apply those principles to do the things that bring us joy, and to do them without feeling as if our recovery is in jeopardy every time we do so.

Sober Isn’t Boring: Reasons to Love Sobriety

As time goes by, we begin to understand that not drinking and using is the only decision we need to make to live happy, productive lives. Life in recovery, we discover, can be adventurous, fulfilling and fun — without the need to drink or use.

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As long as our motives are in check, we can participate in these things that bring us joy without fear of relapse. We can stand on our own two feet, decline anything put in front of us and instead focus on the reason we attend these events in the first place — to live life instead of hiding away out of fear that our disease will leap from the bushes and overpower us.

You can form authentic relationships built on mutual respect, interests, and understanding rather than just who is willing or available to drink or use drugs with you. When people drink or use drugs, it frequently starts as a way to deal with hardships but becomes a primary coping mechanism.

How Your Social Life Changes if You Give Up Drinking

People may want to feel numb so they can overlook the bad things in their life. That often leads to being unable to see or enjoy the good as well. A life in recovery gives you the unique opportunity to develop healthy coping mechanisms. These mechanisms will pave the way for overcoming hardship without relying on a substance.

What Being Sober Has Meant to Me | Brené Brown

These healthy coping mechanisms are more sustainable than numbing pain or trying to drink away your past challenges. It affects your physical health in almost every conceivable way. Substance misuse can also affect your immune system and your digestive system. When you are in recovery, you can overcome the symptoms of addiction and instead have a healthy lifestyle. You can replace substance misuse with exercise and physical activity.

The sober life can also give you the opportunity to think about nutrition as well. When you live a sober life, you can get to know yourself and feel comfortable in your own skin.

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Self-love and addiction are two things that can never go hand-in-hand. Recovery allows you to get to know the real you and learn to love that person.

How to increase your chances of success

If you or someone you love is struggling with addiction and are ready to live a sober life, contact The Recovery Village. One of our caring intake coordinators will be happy to discuss your specific situation and a comprehensive treatment plan to address both the addiction and any co-occurring mental health disorders.

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