The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb-Formation in Non-standard English (Studies in English Langu

Editorial Reviews. Book Description. Why do we insist on using words that are ' wrong'? In this The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb-Formation in Non- standard English (Studies in The Morphology of English Dialects: Verb- Formation in Non-standard English (Studies in English Language) 1st Edition, Kindle Edition.
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The Morphology of English Dialects

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    Typology and process in concept structuring. You just don't understand: Prototypes in Linguistic Theory. Cambridgeshire Independent Press 18 April. Clevedon, Avon, and Philadelphia: Issues and Methods in Dialectology. Department of Linguistics, University of Wales. The dialect of Egton in North Yorkshire. DO in English, Dutch and German. History and Present-day variation. Changes in Prototypical Senses and Cognitive Metaphors since A history of English syntax: A transformational approach to the history of English sentence structure.

    Papers from the 4th International conference on historical linguistics. Language in Society 1: The Social Differentiation of English in Norwich. Cambridge Studies in Linguistics Difference and Dominance , ed. Sociolinguistic Patterns in British English. Social and Geographical Perspectives. An Introduction to Language and Society. Language in the British Isles. Language in society The Dialects of England. Folia Linguistica Historica East Anglian English , ed. Journal of English Linguistics 36 4: Studies in grammatical variation. A Guide to Varieties of Standard English.

    Essays in Criticism and Interpretation. Resultative perfective with participle after object: He has the book read. A -prefixing for the continuous: They were afixing the car. Range of the continuous form: Greater range of present tense: I know him since ten years at least. He might could come this evening. Use of for with infinitives of purpose: He went out for to get some milk.

    Zero subject in relative clauses: Preference for that with animate antecedent: Double marking with comparative and superlative: The house where you are in it now.