A Young Mans Guide To The Real World: A Real Self Help Book

This is the best numb-butt toilet book ever” – The Author "This book will never be part of The Oprah Book Club" – Authors Wife "This book will.
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The Magic of Thinking Big. The Seat of the Soul provides a unique take on life that blends science, philosophy, and spirituality. The main message Zukav stresses is the idea of humans going through a psychological and spiritual evolution. This evolution involves a shift from external power to internal power. Zukav defines external power as power acquired and defined by our 5 senses. This power is false power since it can be taken away by external forces. Internal power is authentic power since it is completely generated by the individual.

The Seat of the Soul: Awaken the Giant Within is a collection of strategies for enacting change from self-help guru Tony Robbins. Robbins states the reason people struggle with change is they are not aware of the behaviors and reasons behind bad habits. Removing the limiting thought patterns that keep one stuck in their current position allows one to unlock seemingly endless possibilities for achievement.

Robbins conveys this information through easy to understand prose, which makes Awaken the Giant Within a wonderful read. Awaken the Giant Within: An interesting fact about The 48 Laws of Power is it is one of the most requested books among American prisoners. It is also a favorite of world leaders like Fidel Castro and hip-hop superstars such as 50 Cent.

Greene presents these laws with actionable steps for the average reader to incorporate into their approach to life. The book covers areas such as negotiations, how to get people to do what you want, and how to maintain the ideal relationship with superiors in the workplace. The 48 Laws of Power is a staple for anyone looking to rise to the top of their career. The 48 Laws of Power. As A Man Thinketh is a self-help book revolving around the theory of responsibility assumption.

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Responsibility assumption states that humans have complete and total control of the external events that happen to them. The basic theory is man shapes his world, and therefore himself, by his thoughts. While originally published with Christians in mind, this book has evolved in the modern era as a self-help book that transcends all faiths. As a Man Thinketh. Taleb breaks down the various ways humans assign meaning to a series of independent random events. Taleb opens with 2 basic fallacies of our perception of randomness. The first is that we tend to over-estimate cause and effect.

Lessons in Manliness From Hardboiled Detective Philip Marlowe

Our brains are wired to make connections between events to formulate a reaction. The second fallacy is we view the world as explainable when in reality there is no explanation for the succession of independent and random events that make up reality. Brown extrapolates this theory on vulnerability throughout her book.

The book begins with a discussion on how humans by nature do not put themselves in vulnerable situations since our reptilian brain relies on this risk assessment to stay safe. The reality is most risks that pop up in our daily lives are not life or death, and our reptilian brain limits us by keeping us away from feeling vulnerable.

Daring Greatly helps readers free themselves from the prison of vulnerability, and to see being vulnerable as a desirable emotional state. The authors also give a 4-quadrant chart to organize daily tasks. The four categories are:. Readers put every task through this classification in order to figure out the most efficient schedule for their weekly planners. This book is all about self-hate, and how self-hate is a main factor in stopping us from achieving our goals. Huber starts with defining self-hate.

She discusses the different ways self-hate manifests itself and how this negative self-image keeps us from having the confidence necessary for success. The book also discusses the role self-hate plays in addiction and other harming behaviors. Huber provides a strategy based on daily meditation to foster a feeling of unconditional love towards oneself. She teaches readers how to embrace their flaws as well as the flaws in others. Once we accept that we are our own worst critic, we are free to pursue our full potential. There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Codependent No More has helped millions of people break free of the prison of codependent relationships.

Battie defines codependence as relying on relationships with others for our own self-worth and happiness. Her book is a guide in working through the reasons for this codependence and helps the reader foster internal happiness. Codependent No More made its mark as the first book on codependence written for the average reader.

This brought the codependent relationship to the forefront of communicative theory. Battie shows how those who try to help an addict or someone who is depressed can provide the breeding ground for an unhealthy codependent relationship. She provides readers with strategies on how to help others emotionally without becoming an external source of their happiness. A Return to Love was one of the first books ever endorsed by Oprah and has sold over 3 million copies worldwide.

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It has been credited as one of the main driving forces for bringing the concept of spiritual well-being to the American mainstream. It has been an essential tool in helping millions unlock a spiritual path to happiness for over 20 years. A Return to Love: The Brain That Changes Itself is a personal development book on the topic of neuroplasticity.

Neuroplasticity is the idea that the wiring of the brain that controls our habits and thought patterns are constantly changing. The book uses case studies of people with brain injuries to illustrate how other areas of the brain adapt to compensate for the injured area.

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This research supports the biological level of neuroplasticity. He highlights how repeating an action or skill over a long period of time actually re-wires the neurons in the brain. The Brain That Changes Itself: Starting Strength is widely regarded as one of the best barbell-training guides on the market.

This 3rd edition is updated with new testimonials and expanded exercises to maximize results. This book is a great read for those looking to build muscle. Most people see weight training in the gym in front of others as intimidating. The book contains illustrations for each exercise so readers can see how each exercise is performed.

Basic Barbell Training, 3rd edition. The Success principles is a culmination of the tips, tricks, and skills Jack Canfield has developed over 30 years as a best-selling author and motivational speaker. Canfield carries the feel-good tone of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series into this self-help classic. Throughout the book Canfield provides stories of famous celebrities and significant people from history who have used these principles to achieve greatness.

With daily practice these principles of success can fast track anyone to realizing their goals. Murphy teaches his readers how the subconscious is the key to many aspects of life, including:. Murphy uses scientific research to back his claims regarding the power of the subconscious. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind. The Science of Getting Rich helped define the self-help genre with its publication in The first page paraphrases the Hindu philosophy of Oneness, which ties into all of the ideas portrayed throughout the book.

Wattles theorizes that the most efficient way to get rich is through cooperative creation instead of selfish competition.

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The Science of Getting Rich is a superb read for those who want a self-help book whose advice has stood the test of time. The Science of Getting Rich. Unlimited power is another self-help masterpiece from motivational speaker Tony Robbins. The main message is that humans are born with all the power they need to achieve their dreams. Power is not acquired through gathering wealth, resources, or romance.

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Moore combines research from renowned Psychologists, such as Carl Jung, with spiritual truths to provide a guide designed to nurture the soul. Moore highlights how the archetypes that pop up in ancient myths are mirrors of the human psyche, and that we all can embody any of those characteristics with proper nourishment of the soul. Care of the Soul: Kushner gives his readers timeless strategies for developing a solid foundation for handling grief.

This reversal causes the stress and anxiety that come with procrastination. Koch provides his readers with a guideline for devouring these principles and apply them to all aspects of their lives. Austin is a fantastic artist, but most importantly he communicates the essence of writing and creating art better than anyone else I can think of. It is a manifesto for any young, creative person looking to make his mark. Pair up with Show Your Work which is also excellent. Status Anxiety by Alain de Botton. Ah yes, the drive that we all have to be better, bigger, have more, be more. How do you manage ambition?

How do you manage envy? How do you avoid the traps that so many other people fall into? This book is a good introduction into the philosophy and psychology of just that. There are lots of books on aspiring to something. Very little are from actual people who aspired, achieved, and lost it.

With each and every successful move that he made, Jim Paul, who made it to Governor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, was convinced that he was special, different, and exempt from the rules. Once the markets turned against his trades, he lost it all — his fortune, job, and reputation. Learn from stories like this instead of by your own trial and error. Think about that next time you believe you have it all figured out. Tim Ferriss recently produced the audiobook version of this , which I recommend. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius. I would call this the greatest book ever written.

It is the definitive text on self-discipline, personal ethics, humility, self-actualization, and strength.

Bill Clinton reads it every year, and so have countless other leaders, statesmen, and soldiers. It is a book written by one of the most powerful men who ever lived on the lessons that power, responsibility, and philosophy teach us. This book will make you a better person and better able to manage the success you desire. The Arts of Leadership and War. Xenophon, like Plato, was a student of Socrates. For whatever reason, his work is not nearly as famous, even though it is far more applicable.

Machiavelli learned them, as this book inspired The Prince. Just like Meditations , which was never intended for publication, this is a private correspondence between Lord Chesterfield and his son Philip. We should probably be happy that this guy was not our father — but we can be glad that his wisdom has been passed down.

I have not marked as many pages in a book as I have in this one in quite some time. His letters are an incisive and edifying tutorial in entrepreneurship, responsibility, and leadership. His biographies and sketches of Pericles, Demosthenes, Themistocles, Cicero, Alexander the Great, Caesar, and Fabius are all excellent — and full of powerful anecdotes. These are moral biographies , intended to teach lessons about power, greed, honor, virtue, fate, duty, and all the important things they forget to mention in school.

Basically a friend and peer of Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Raphael, Titian, and all the other great minds of the Renaissance, Giorgio Vasari sat down in and wrote biographical sketches of the people he knew or had influenced him. These great men were not just artists, they were masters of the political and social worlds they lived in.

There are so many great lessons about craft and psychology within this book. It was written by someone who actually knew what he was talking about, not some art snob or critic; he was an actual artist and architect of equal stature to the people he was documenting. Widely held as a classic, this book is much more than a manifesto and manual on swordsmanship and martial arts. As a swordsman, Musashi fought mostly by himself, for himself. His wisdom, therefore, is mostly internal.

Go read this one now. Leadership and Self-Deception is the kind of book that will completely change the quality of your relationships—at work and beyond—for the better. Through memorable storytelling, It reads almost like a novel, but it does an incredible job of getting readers to think about how we view others and why that impacts our ability to lead or even communicate effectively with them.

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With a fixed mindset, you believe failure means something is wrong with you. On the other hand, with a growth mindset, you see failure as an opportunity to grow and become better. The author guides us through various topics—from parenting and relationships, to school and business—and explains how developing a growth mindset in all areas of our lives can help us reach our full potential.

This book gets a bit repetitive at some points, but it is most certainly worth the read. The Road Less Traveled is a truly profound book. More than anything, these pages will leave you feeling more in touch with the greatest truths in the universe—and how they can guide you to greater heights of self-understanding and love. The School of Greatness is an uplifting read by author Lewis Howes who also hosts an awesome podcast by the same name, which you can check out here.