The Secrets of Freemasonry

The Freemasons are one of the most secretive and controversial religious groups in the world. Masons have existed for centuries - and if we.
Table of contents

In fact, in my own experiences I have seen that the secret Masonic ritual can vary considerably from one night to the next in the same Lodge.

What About the Secret Masonic Handshakes, Signs, and Passwords?

The teachings are the same; the impressions intended to be made upon the candidate are the same, but the varying ritual is only similar. Surely, no real secret can be kept in varying forms. The true secrets of the Freemasons are just that: Men from all walks of life and from disparate backgrounds come together in Masonry and call each other Brother. Some of those men truly become like brothers.

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They form trusting and resilient friendships. They share life's trials and tribulations. They accept and are accepted.

And, along the way secrets are made and secrets are shared and secrets are kept. That is the truth of the Freemasons secrets. No true Freemason can or will publicly disclose the secret knowledge that he has sworn not to. As I said, it is a matter of personal honor. However, this does not mean that an in-depth and comprehensive study of the symbols, secrets, and significance of the order is discouraged. By all means, we should all continue to strive for more knowledge, deeper understanding, and more light. An excellent resource for this continued study of Freemasons secrets is W.

Let us know what you think, or ask us what you want to know.

Secret History of the Freemasons

We are happy to answer and discuss sincere questions and address legitimate concerns regarding Freemasonry and the Masonic fraternity using the Facebook app below. You can also use our "Answers 2 Your?

Key Issues

Have something to add? Though some members deny it to the public, the Freemasons have at least one secret masonic handshake. Supposedly, there are even phrases a Freemason can utter when facing grave danger — causing other members to rush to their aid. The founder of Mormonism, Joseph Smith, is said to have uttered this phrase in the last moments before his death.

This is one of the best-known facts about the Masons, but the general perception is that they have just one password. In fact, there are several passwords for various occasions and reasons.

Top 10 Scandalous Freemason Secrets

This secret word is used only for ceremonies: The initiation rituals- though described by Masons as beautiful ceremonies — include a noose. Freemasons believe that the east symbolizes rebirth. They sing the sun in its flight — marvelling at its passage through the sky. Masonic lodges tend to be built in the east and in the west, as an attempt to control solar power for their own purposes.

The first requirement is that potential members must believe in a higher power of some sort.

Secrets of the Masons

Masons often claim that Freemasonry is not a secret organization, but an organization with secrets. As former Masons, we can assure you that you are not missing much when it comes to what is really considered Masonic secrets, because the only real secrets in Freemasonry are the " "modes of recognition", which include due guards, signs, tokens which are the handshakes or secret grips , and passwords.

Everything else is pretty much fair game to be revealed. However, most Masons will refuse to divulge anything and will "forever conceal, and never reveal any of the art or arts, part or parts, point or points of the hidden mysteries of Freemasonry, which they have received, may be about to receive, or may be hereafter be instructed in, to any person unless it shall be to a worthy Brother Mason.


What's more, after taking the bloody oath that reinforces this fear, the candidate is told that "the penalty of their oath or obligation is not literal, but instead, symbolic of what an honest man would rather undergo then to violate his solemn vow. So, it turns out to be a "catch," either you fear that some over zealous Mason just might hold you accountable by fulfilling the penalty on behalf of the Craft, or else your pride and honor are at risk of being destroyed.

In either case, most Masons choose to take the safest route and keep their mouths shut entirely, rather than risk either consequence. However, as Ex-Masons for Jesus we fear reverence God not man, and therefore we're not obligated to an oath which was rendered to us under false pretenses. As far as we are concern, the oaths which we took are null and void.