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20 Awesome Classroom Projects [Erin A. Schreiner] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. With the transition to the Common Core comes an.
Table of contents

Teaching GED classes allows you to engage with adults who are passionate about getting their education back on track. Those in your classroom will be hungry to improve themselves and excited about jumping back into education. As the number of students receiving online education increases, so does the need for virtual teachers.

20 Alternative Jobs for Teachers in the PreK-12 Education Sector

Online organizations like K12 partner with parents and students to create an optimized digital learning experience developed just for them! By removing the barriers students face and meet them right where they are, encourages students to grow to their full potential. Online schools also cater to a variety of learners and focus on a broad range of subjects. Transfer your teaching skills into a digital classroom and utilize your current knowledge base to educate students of all ages.


Many educators are expected to juggle numerous responsibilities while taking on several roles, in addition to their regular teaching obligations. Lighten their load by providing wraparound services in these various roles. If you have experience or a background in a specific area, being an instructional or development coach is a great way to educate other teachers in this area. As a former teacher, you are likely to be a great leader and motivator, enabling you to mentor those who are interested in developing their teaching skills. Help fellow teachers save time, headaches, and late nights by selling your most popular, engaging lesson plans online.

Ready-to-use content like lesson plans, exercises, templates is especially helpful for first-time teachers who are new to teaching curriculum. The difference between being a good teacher and a great teacher all centers around solid support systems. No teacher can achieve their highest potential while working as an individual. Taking on the role of college counselor allows you to influence students in making crucial decisions about their future. Social workers provide care and protection for children in potentially harmful situations, ensuring they receive the care they need. Teachers are naturally compassionate, playing a vital role in the wellbeing of the children in their care.

Translating these skills to the role of a social worker can mean you are the saving grace in the life of a child.

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Are you looking for management jobs that will advance your career and diversify your experience in the education sector? If so, here are a few alternative jobs for teachers you may like. Many individuals who are now in leadership roles at schools began their careers in a classroom. Many teachers develop a number of leadership skills that position them for more opportunities outside of the classroom. A school administrator role allows you to stay in close contact with other staff and students while being a top decision-maker.

Some examples include a superintendent, principal, or dean of students. Who better to make decisions about how to make a positive change in a classroom than those who have classroom experience themselves? Using their classroom background, those in education management roles are the people who make the clock tick, ensuring things go smoothly behind the scenes.

Individual student activities

With hundreds of thousands of schools in the United States, there are plenty of organizations you can find that support and partner with school systems. One of the best ways to use your classroom experience is to advise other educators. Consulting allows you to make your schedule while also being making suggestions on classroom techniques, procedures, and development. Many private and public schools, government agencies, and education-based companies will hire education consultants as independent contractors. One of the best reasons a teacher makes a great project manager is because of the level of communication, planning, and implementing that goes into a classroom.

Program and project managers all come with unique backgrounds and skills, making it a perfect fit for an educator. This kind of tutoring can be done privately at their home or the local library or community center. Community engagement is another way to provide wraparound services for students outside of school by connecting them with resources that are conducive to creating positive learning environments. An Ed Tech is an excellent job for those interested in advancing student learning through the use of technology.

Technology has made incredible strides over the past 5 to 10 years. Use your classroom expertise to create immersive, intuitive, and engaging ed-tech products for kids and teachers. Are you accustomed to using different learning styles to address the various ways kids process information? If this sounds like a dream job, product development might be a good look for you. Interested in culture, but looking to step outside the classroom walls? A museum educator allows you to give back to your community while also developing programs and initiatives that engage local students and educators.

You might even get the opportunity to lead a lecture or field trip for attendees!

20 Clever Ways to Teach Creativity in the Classroom

Do you want to use your teaching experience to shape the content, policies, and voice of education? My class is working on what we call Genius Hour. They love it, and we have experienced some of the same confusion and excitement that your students are experiencing. I love that you are doing it in high school. I teach middle school, and our high school teachers have not got excited about it yet! Thanks again! You know, this is something that I will be really interested to see the outcome of.

Could we ask you, the teacher, to produce a report of what your kids did by the end of this?

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Great article. How have the parents taken to this idea? And what limitations have the kids run into in class while reasearching? I am excited to see where the kids will take this and how we all cope with the lack of success criteria etc. Hi, just wondering how it went and how you went about the outcome? I teach the same age level in NZ. Our blog — […]. Of the month, at 8pm CST. Anyway… I have Genius Hour because I despised my independent reading projects!

If you look at it, check the February posts, first! This coming year it will be a blog to tell what the kids are researching or reading for their Genius Hour! Sincerely, - JoyKirr. The Google Rule […]. My email is nchaykin gmail. Read more more about his experience on his blog. What surprised me was how difficult a time many of my students had coming up with something to […]. Juliani, a high school English teacher in Pennsylvania, implemented the 20 percent concept with his 11th graders. You can read more about A.

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Maria Montessori, […]. After a Fall in service where we shared about Genius Hour five other teachers […]. As a coach this […]. It was one of the most rewarding experiences I ever had with my students. After running […]. Sometimes it worked, but often I would fail to reach all of them. Then one day I gave my students choice.

As a coach this has […]. It changed my classroom for the better, and […]. Thank you for this. Anything that avoids standardized testing is healthy in my book.