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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Boyd Bailey is the founder of Wisdom Hunters, Two Minutes in the Bible® with Jesus: A Day Devotional - Kindle edition by Boyd Bailey. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones.
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My self-reliant spirit gets in the way of the Holy Spirit's work in my life. I am learning that what 'I will' is irrelevant unless it aligns with what 'God wills'. I require regular listening prayer, so I am realigned onto Christ's purposeful path. I pray these daily readings will realign your will to God's will for your life.

Boyd Bailey. Boyd Bailey has a number of short, concise devotional thoughts based on an assortment of verses in the Bible. His thoughts are good ones and worth reflecting on. There are useful ideas associated with Scripture that can be helpful.

I like the Related Readings which cross reference the target verse. Image Gallery.

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Download Cover. Register Perfectbound. Quantity: eBook available at your favorite eRetailer. A Word from the Author "Men, it's all about what God wants for us, not what we think we need for ourselves. Yet Jesus managed to look down at his mother and tell one of his disciples to care for her.

Jesus heard the taunts from soldiers and the criminals being executed next to him. Was it a terrible scene? Was it also magnificent? Numerous historians report Jesus died. The Romans were good at many things—killing was one of them. The soldiers at the cross made sure Jesus was dead before taking him down. Jesus came to die for our sins so that we could live. He was the ultimate sacrificial lamb. He suffered so you could be forgiven. I believe you took my punishment and suffered in my place by dying on the cross.

Help me to follow you. Please come into my life.

Two Minutes in the Bible® with Jesus: A Day Devotional - Boyd Bailey - كتب Google

Thank you for saving me. A parent, a youth pastor, the person who gave you this book. Then commit to learning more about Jesus and serving him with your life. In scientists Rupert Timpl and George R. Martin discovered a substance they called laminin. Think of it as body glue. Basically, laminin holds our cells together.

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While the science sounds confusing, when you see what laminin looks like, its power becomes clear. Scientists who study the human cell under incredibly powerful electron microscopes have found that all laminins discovered so far are in a cross-like shape. So the protein that holds our cells together looks like a cross. He even holds our bodies together with the symbol of his never-failing love. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. But he had a rocksolid faith based on the cross of Jesus Christ. You may hear a teacher discredit Christ, see a TV show that argues against Christianity, or experience a time when God feels far away.

When that happens, remember to look at the cross. The cross holds our Christian faith together, just like cross-shaped laminin holds our cells together. Jesus gave his life so we can be forgiven and know God personally. Without the cross, we could never have that bond. So hold on to the cross, and hold close to Christ. According to a global survey, LEGO building bricks top the list. LEGOs placed first for boys and were in the top three for girls, easily making them the overall winner.

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In all, about , LEGOs were used in the massive structure. Brick by brick. The same thing is true about your life with Christ. The Bible calls Jesus the cornerstone and says anyone who trusts in the cornerstone will never be put to shame 1 Peter The most important stone in any building is the cornerstone.

Every stone in the building must line up with the cornerstone. Learn to follow his commands. Seek his will in every decision you make. Build a towering life that honors God. Stand tall for Jesus. A study at the University of California, San Diego, discovered that people who regularly eat chocolate weigh less—five to seven pounds on average—than those who stay away from the sweet. An ounce or two a day can be a great treat. Dark chocolate is even better for you. Research shows if you eat chocolate that contains 70 percent cocoa, you enjoy health benefits along with the yumminess. Plus, it contains helpful minerals, like potassium, copper, magnesium, and iron.

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We normally relate sweet things with dessert or a reward. We should desire to taste the sweetness of God as much as possible. His Word is sweet and good for us. But we should.

Two Minutes in the Bible Through Revelation: A 90-Day Devotional

Maybe you could keep a journal of what you learn. You could even make up a song or poem. Just remember to brush your teeth afterward … eating sweets, that is, not reading the Bible. She celebrated for a week when her parents said they were moving to Hawaii. Now she could be warm all the time. She liked warmth so much that she never put anything in the refrigerator.

Avery thought. Being warm is much better. But one day Avery grabbed the milk from the counter and poured it on her cereal.

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To her surprise, it came out in huge, stinky globs. Then she decided to make a turkey sandwich. What happened? Many people have misguided and unfounded beliefs about Jesus. Whether we choose to believe it or not, Jesus is the unique Son of God … So we have a choice: we can live in a fantasyland of our own making by believing whatever we want about him; or we can seek to discover who he really is. But how do we discover more about Jesus?

One of the best ways to find out who Jesus is, what he did, and his true character is by reading the Gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Hint: Mark is the shortest, but all of the Gospels contain great facts about Christ. Write down which book you want to read here: Try to read one chapter a day. Protected by your ribs, this muscle weighs as much as an apple. Yet this amazing organ beats around , times a day and pumps more than 2, gallons of blood every twenty-four hours.