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Can you divulge the name? Instead I guide the individual to finding their own meaning. It can be quite powerful. But first I must build and outhouse. And yes, they are related. Smiling, Janet. Dreams and outhouses. The workshop I attended was many years ago. Could it have been Robert Moss? Quite fascinating.

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In a row? No wake-ups? I barely remember my dreams at all, much to my chagrin. My husband, on the other hand, used to dream solutions to his problems! Surely you mentioned your frustration about the bees as you were reading, just before he went to sleep? I have to comment on a lot of things here Dale. I have my own internal wake ups at least twice during that seven hours. So many others are bemoaning the same experience. Second, yes in my studies and research and attending dream workshops, I have read books and talked with people who have been able to go to sleep asking for a solution to a problem, and when they wake up from their dreams they have the answer.

Good for your husband!

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Lastly, no, I definitely read the bee chapter after my guy had fallen asleep. I have absolutely no doubt that my thoughts entered his dreams. I think these sleep patterns really affect us as we get older. Sucks big time! He was lucky foe that! And way cool that your thoughts entered his dreams. Did you ever watch Northern Exposure?

Interesting — no, I never saw that show. Whoo whoo, huh? Thats incredible that your husband has that kind of ability to just dream something up prior to even falling alseep. I told him. Great post and I am hoping I will dream again soon. If you go to bed asking for a dream, it will come. Now, I did NOT ask for my guy to dream about bees, but obviously the bees were flitting in my head, and they flew on over to his dreams.

Of course you should tell him!! Let him read the chapter of the swarm in the church. How funny is that? This world is far more complex than our puny brains can comprehend — yes, even engineer brains.

Dreams & Mysteries - The Mystery of Numbers

Science is just the mystical explained. An engineer should understand that. Educate that man! I did, It fell flat. What a fabulous relationship — to share your dreams with your spouse! Dark dreams follow dark and shadowy stories. Loved todays blog. Tried to Like it, but will have to spend time getting a new password. I heard spooky music playing by the end of your post. He shook his head, all the while displaying goose bumps.

It DID! I am also a whoo-whoo kind of gal. I have had way too many personal experiences to ignore it. I will usually pick up the phone and start calling people. I have a few friends who truly respect my intuition because they have experienced it first hand. You and I, Courtney — intuitives! Still weird! Loved this post. That IS fascinating. My guess is that your dreams are being displayed in your stories.

Now that I think about it, I think I dream less on the days I write more, also. So weirdly cool. Or cool-ly weird. Okay, I DID tell him.

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He just could not take it in. A shake of the head. Love it!! Yes I would tell him. I love dreams and have had many dreams that hold meaning to. Though I have told him exactly the same thing as you told yours. Happy dreams to you, my blogging friend.

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Thanks for putting so many smiles on my face this morning! Loved the way you have narrated this simple thought.

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I also feel you must have told him…or is it just your imagination? Quite possible! OH, I told my guy about the reason he dreamed of bees. Even so, I still have a non-dream-believer in the house. Something difficult to do.

ARC Review: To Die To Sleep by Stephanie Black

You are an observer and interested in the world around you. Ohhhh, I love that thought, Patricia. So true. Impossible to be whoo whoo without being wholly present in the moment. Love your post, Pam. But the up side is that usually when I wake in the middle of the night, I remember what I was dreaming. You guessed it Andrea.

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A friend once said to me that he and I could never date because all that energy I have some days would overwhelm him. What a coincidence! I chuckled at this one. Oh, Bonnie. Dreaming is such a treasure. My dream is that, sometime, you will be able to remember yours and get enough REM sleep! Sorry but you have rooked your readers often, the past.

While it is possible that he did indeed dream of bees and you had just read about bees in a story, it is a bit much for me to believe, However, It is possible and, I would think merely by coincidence that your husband finally remembered a dream and if so does did the dream indicate something of significance?

And finally is it related to your marriage? I hope not. I am probably going overboard here. I never discussed my dreams with anyone. I think those dreams were telling me that I was very ill and I had better take heed. Since that time I have been sure to take BP meds as prescribed. Happened exactly as I wrote it here.