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Trans-Siberian Orchestra "The Snow Came Down": A railway station On a long forgotten line No destination But it always leaves on time He buys.
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The Snow Came Down

Now, as we approach mid-December, we have had a snow covering for nearly a month. I have also been amazed with the texture of the late-November snowstorm. Falling as it did on the night of Nov.

The Snow Came Down (Remastered Version)

This made the snow very wet. Damp snow is sticky, so much of the falling white stuff hung onto tree branches.

We woke to a marvelous scene of trees being draped with a cold coat. Many bent to the ground. This is not unusual for early-season snows -- especially those of November -- but what made this unique was the following day.

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As Nov. Afternoon readings were a full 10 degrees colder that the early morning, and the low reading for the day was in the late hours. When such a chill comes, the snowpack changes, becoming drier in the arid air. However, this snow still held onto the trees and we reveled in a pristine arboreal scene. Usually warm melting temperatures or strong winds will bring down a snowy blanket, but we experienced neither. During the following week, this wondrous winter show continued and, each day, we were part of such picturesque forests.

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I found that walking in the woods was made more difficult amid all the bent trees. Still, I noted various conditions of the trees: The small deciduous ones in the forest, such as hazels, dogwoods and alders as well as lilacs in the yard , are able to arc completely down to the ground. But, when relieved of the cold covering, they bounce back up virtually undeterred. Large oaks, basswoods and maples seem to lift the load just fine, with maybe a few thick branches breaking off.

But it seemed to be the mid-sized trees, especially birches, that are most affected. At two sites in my yard are paper birches that have formed arches of their own. I do not expect these trees to resume their normal shape when the snow melts. This situation reminds me of the results of an ice storm.

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When the snow came by Simon de Voil

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Arkansas gets maybe one good snow a year. If we are lucky. Yesterday was the first full snow day and the boys took advantage of it. With chocolate chips for eyes and bits of Clementine peel for the nose. He was so proud of his snowman and even more excited to see that it was still standing this morning.

After that the snowball fight begin and continued intermittently all day. See that gleem in his eye? Yep, I got pellted myself after taking this picture. My Christmas decorations are not down yet. Not outside, not inside.

Comments so jealous! I'm so jealous! It hardly ever snows here! Blessings, Lorilee.