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The Nor~Tros Nascent eBook: Thomas Lewarne, Brian Piwowarczyk, Olivia Emert: leondumoulin.nl: Kindle Store.
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Jens Petter Gitlesen. Vil du starte en virksomhet, men har ikke kapital? Prosentandel med tvangsvedtak. Most people want to keep their cool as if it was the most important thing in the world. Luke Skywalker proves maturity, wisdom and human greatness to the extreme in his last appearance. Is this character assassination? He is the last Jedi and also the strongest, because contrarily to the others he is compassionate.

That is what the saga is about: compassion, or lack thereof. A society that lacks compassion, that discourages compassion is doomed.

Yoda himself said that compassion is essential to a Jedi, but we never saw any of them pay more than lip service to the word. Or any message at all for that matter. The Jedi are some kind of superheroes with the Force as their superpower and light sabers as the ultimate weapon. That Jedi theoretically are supposed to fight only for defense and to protect others is uninteresting.

In the cantina scene in A New Hope Oni-Wan is molested by a guy and simply cuts off his arm although neither he nor anyone else was in danger. Why does Luke throw his light saber away before the Emperor? Why does Luke come last, and why does he try to find a diplomatic solution first, instead of attacking right away? Throwing his weapon away before the two most dangerous men in the galaxy requires an enormous amount of moral courage. Luke has learned his lesson. Because human feelings are not cool.

Who cares about characters? They are supposed to be cardboard cutouts so you can either identify with them cool guy or despise them uncool guy. Or, worse, admit that he might understand what Anakin, Luke or Ben are going through. The horror. Like his grandfather, Kylo Ren chose the path of evil because he had struggled with the darkness inside of him over and over, only to come across fear and rejection from the ones who were responsible for him.

In Vader, this was not discernible due to his mask and his haughty attitude almost until the very end, so, though with a sigh, they might accept his ultimate redemption though more or less secretly judging it as being superfluous and mushy. Not humanity.

The reason was that now Dark and Light are equally strong in both antagonists. Why is the fight against the Praetorian Guards so impressive, and at times even in slow motion to ensure that what is happening here is something really epic, groundbreaking? Videos are made and articles written by the thousands about how only the classics are really good movies ok, apart from that dumb plot twist with the redemption and how everything else compared to them is rubbish.

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To have some respect for the author who thought up and created two different worlds from scratch prequels and classics is something else. Good luck with that. Blowing entire planets up, crippling and killing people is ok. Regretting and forgiving, not giving up hope is unacceptable. How does war start to begin with? Lack of compassion.

How do you prevent war from starting again? But in order to feel suspense, I need characters that feel real. What I do mind is when said style is accepted as an excuse for any bad thing a person does, respectively the good things he ought to do but omits. If you love action movies and watch them mainly for the duels, the chases, the battles, fine. The Star Wars saga is intrinsically about Love winning over War.

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Believing in love, faith and hope is neither immoral nor stupid. The saga drives home over and over how disastrous it is when people believe they have to pick a side and to fight the other one to the bitter end.

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If you believe that, please stick with stuff like Mission Impossible, Dirty Harry and James Bond, and identify with those guys. But please stop infesting the Star Wars fandom with of your idea of justice and your stuck-up conviction of what a real man is. Girls want to get laid by the cool guys. The intelligent ones sometimes are taken in too, yes. His face is literally covered in light. Originally posted by highladyofautumn.

Nerd alert! We begin with a focus on Pride and Prejudice , overviewing the similarities between the character design of Kylo Ren and the much beloved Mr. Darcy to Elizabeth Bennet. In our overview of other key literary references, we briefly discuss Wuthering Heights and its parallels to Reylo - but not in the way you expect. Kylo shot down the tie-fighters that destroyed the Resistance bridge where his mother was.

I wonder here about a crucial detail : did he know Leia survived?

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I guess he would have felt it in the Force? And this could change everything. And this foreshadows of how he will betray Snoke afterwards. He fights the Light but it literally eats him.

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This could be a great way in episode 9 to trigger a conflict between Hux and Kylo, resulting in Kylo leaving the FO or being betrayed. I still think that the only true possible redemption is that he finds the answer himself and comes back on his own. But Love can be a powerful way of making him see what he is missing. Due to the way Tumblr Mobile is working for me there may not be a read more on the mobile version of this essay.

I do have one up on the computer version of the program, but apologies for anyone reading this on mobile. Where to even being with this. I suppose I should start as to why I would even do an analysis on the romances here, given that they were very limited in scope of the story proper. Yet, it seemed to be that, even despite not being able to write about the romance in her work, due to either her own issues with writing long works.

Something that Ms. Takauchi still seemed to want to have those romances in some way. Here are just a few points and their rebuttal:. Her father is a potential target of Gin.

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Bourbon works undercover downstairs. She has 1 de-aged kid, Conan, that she takes care of and another, Ai, that she believes in and worries about. She went head-on-head with Sera. She kept the fact that she knew Conan was Shinichi a secret in Desperate Revival arc and was only thrown off when she saw both Shinichi and Conan together.

She lied to Subaru about Shinichi, telling him that Kinichi-kun lived there and was only found out when Sera unwittingly informed them Shinichi used to live in the Kudo mansion. Anytime she has suspected of Conan being Shinichi, she has directly confronted him rather than go in a roundabout way that could involve other people. Knowing what we know about the dynamic of these two, yeah, Shinichi does act irrationally sometimes when it comes to Ran, like when he ran after as Shinichi rather than just coming up with an excuse.

But once she has the assurance that things are gonna be fine, she backs off. They work brilliantly well as a team, with Ran providing the little details that Shinichi may not have been present to know to working as a defender. The brains and brawn, as I like to call them. Shinichi solves the case while Ran supports him in any ways the she can.

And he protects her as well. Their feelings for each other can work as a deterrent or as very good motivator.