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One of the greatest challenges in reading the Bible is seeing the parts in light of the whole. Just like every other book in the Bible, Exodus is.
Table of contents

A stele inscribed stone pillar of the pharaoh Merneptah of that time in which he claims to have destroyed Israel is the first known nonbiblical reference to the people by name. Whether the destruction was in the intervening desert or in Canaan and whether a true or a false claim is not clear. There is some dispute among scholars as to when such features as the Mosaic Covenant actually emerged and as to which of the traditional 12 tribes of Israel entered Canaan at the end of the period of wandering in the desert.

The biblical account of the conquest of Canaan is again, from the point of view of historical scholarship, full of legendary elements that express and commemorate the elation and wonder of the Israelites at these events. Archaeological evidence tends to refute some of the elements of the biblical account, confirm others, and leave some open.

Biblical literature - Exodus | Britannica

According to the tradition, after an initial unified assault that broke the main Canaanite resistance, the tribes engaged in individual mopping-up operations. Scholars believe that Hebrews who had remained resident in Canaan joined forces with the invading tribes, that the other Canaanite groups continued to exist, and that many of them later were assimilated by the Israelites.

The invading tribes who became masters of parts of Canaan, although effectively autonomous and lacking a central authority, considered themselves a league of 12 tribes, although the number 12 seems to have been more canonical or symbolical than historical. Certain leaders arose, called judges, who might rule over several tribes, but this arrangement was usually of a local or regional character.

Redemption and revelation

The period from about to is called, after them, the period of the judges. It was during this period that Israelite assimilation of Canaanite cultural and religious ideas and practices began to be an acute problem and that other invaders and settlers became a threat to the security of Israel. One of the chief threats was from the Philistines , an Aegean people who settled c.

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Organized in a league of five cities, or principalities, the Philistines, who possessed a monopoly of iron implements and weapons, pushed eastward into the Canaanite hinterland and subjugated Israelite tribes, such as the Judahites and Danites, that stood in their way, even capturing the sacred ark from the famous shrine of Shiloh when it was brought into battle against them.

The Philistine threat was probably the decisive factor in the emergence of a permanent political but at first primarily military union of all Israel under a king—what historians call the united monarchy or kingdom. The monarchy was initiated during the career of Samuel , a prophet of great influence and authority who was also recognized as a judge and is depicted in varying biblical accounts as either favouring or not favouring the reign of a human king over Israel.

Exodus 1-18

In any case, he anointed Saul , a courageous military leader of the tribe of Benjamin, as king c. I cannot recommend this book highly enough. The chapter on a musical reading of Scripture is pure gold. The authors do a superb job of showing how all the stories of Scripture are connected and part of one single story centered on the triune God.

The Meaning of the Exodus

Pick up a copy today! Mitch Bedzyk serves as a teacher and worship leader at Elmira Christian Center. He and his wife, Sarah, have two sons, Oliver and Micah, and are foster parents.

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In his spare time he enjoys reading, coffee, guitar, following the Bundesliga and MLS, and playing fantasy soccer. You can follow him mitchbedzyk. Mitch Bedzyk. Related Resources.

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