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The Yoruba called Islam Imole meaning faith believe by force and called Christianity Igbagbo faith by believe. Although the Yoruba received many benefit from the introduction of these new religions such as education and awareness. Bishop Ajayi Crowther was an example of how the African converts learn to read and write. He later translated the English bible to Yoruba. Lijada was another example of one the Yoruba converted to Christianity who was also taught to read and write.

Today in many Yoruba homes the religions concept is 3 in I which Yoruba sometimes call Metalokan. It is the combination of the three belief systems, Namely Traditional practice, Islamic practice and Christianity. | Slavery | Abolitionism

For example in my own family both of my parents were born into traditional practice. My father from Famoriyo family was born into Ifa family and my mother Ajibona was born into Ogun family. My f thers families were later converted to Isl m before I w s born nd my mothers families were later converted to Christianity. For me, I found more truth in the Traditional practices. The idea that we were born sinners according to the Biblical stories is foreign to the Yoruba. It is also foreign to the Yorubas that human were created by God as slave or servant of God only to worship God as the Quran stated.

The revelation and the notion of Ten Commandments is also a foreign concept to the Yorubas. In Ifa the Odus teaches that human should learn from their mistakes and pay the price or be rewarded for their deeds both here on earth and in after life. That is a reality. We must leave by the order of native.

I am writing this book in the wake eminent and potential of religious and cultural conflict that can happen in our country Nigeria. We must try to prevent a religious war in Nigeria. Yoruba have always been in harmony since the fratricidal war that got them into slavery and mass migration of Yoruba people to the America for four hundred years ago. More than six million Yoruba were sold into slavery during that time.

It should not happen again. For these reasons the Yoruba should remain in Harmony. Here is a time line of some of the Yoruba fratricidal war: In bout the ul ni conquered Ilorin.

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In n greement w s signed between b d nd gb to to make peace. In the b d defe ted the j nd w Ob kun surrendered. In Ile w s c ptured by b d. Ibadan drove them out.

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In Kiriji w r. It w s pl nned th t gb j would belong to b d. In tre ty w s signed between the ritish overnment nd d y m the l fin y to allow free trade between the towns. At that time, the French protectorate of Dahomey had been laying claims to some territories along the coastline of Lagos.

The Yoruba Traditional Religion Is Monogamist! (read To Know How And Why?) - Culture - Nairaland

The British decided to act quickly. In tre ties were m de between y Ib d nd others. The British tried successfully to dismantle the war camps t b d , Ikirun and Ilorin. In Il rin nd id h which were r ided for sl ves were c ptured by the Roy l Niger omp ny which w s already taking control of the territories. Tapa Nupe and Ilorin were warned against continuous slave trading and they later accepted the control of the Royal Niger Company. In the Yor b l nd bec me tt ched to the colony of L gos under the ritish nd Roy l Niger omp ny. Here is a time line of the Yoruba ancestors middle passage to the Americas.

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On his request Indi n workers in the Caribbean can be replaced with African slaves. They were indentured servants. Colonies can now buy slaves from the English. But this was done so that Georgia would profit by selling slaves not to free slaves. Slave owners paid a small fine and slaves were not set free. Twelve slaves kill several white men and try to escape to Florida. When the soldiers opened fire, Attucks was killed. According to it, slaves should be counted as three-fifths of a person.

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This act allowed slave owners to return and catch the slaves who escaped to the free states. Proclamation to free the slaves. The Oral tradition from Il If said that the Universe was a vacuum several million years ago. Oldmar asked the Sea to come manifest in the planet. For another several million of years the sea was by itself. Oldmar in his busy time recognized the loneliness of the Sea and decided to put more time to the creation of planet Earth.

He then sent ru m l with some soil from the he vens nd five towed ro ster th t helped spread the soil on top of the Sea. From then the Earth continue to spread. The Yorbs believed that the spot where it first started was in Il-If. The Yorbs believe in existence of only one God, but also as maintained by orthodox Christians, divine essence is manifested in more than one person or elements. So there are the other energies in which the supreme energy manifested. However every traditional African community has its own label to describe the religion of his people.

Thus Chukwism have been suggested for the Igbo of Nigeria. Some people, like L te gbe ro eyioku nd hief gb m j n k suggested Orunmilaism for the Yorubas.

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Some converted Yorubas that have converted to Islam and Christianity call the traditional Yorub s b r s me ning r worshipers. These entities appear to be completely autonomous each with different practices, practitioners and rituals.

Yoruba history

But none of the practices disagree the supremacy of Oldmar God in Yoruba language. Blj dw in his book Oldmar God in Yorb Belief pointed out th t It is not e sy to find a name that precisely a descriptive of real nature of African traditional religion. Other scholars like P.

A Talbot and E. G Parrinder also recognizes this difficulty. They both realizes that the Traditional African society believes in the existence of omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience, supreme God and also in a large number of subordinate r s and deities. It however appear that they fail to note the point that traditional Africans in spite of his belief in subordinate deities would refer everything to God as the ultimate one. The r are considered as the intermediaries between the people and God. Just as the Saints in some other religious practices are considered as the privilege spiritual begins who could help their followers to reach the supreme God.

Like most African religions the Yorb religion and believe was never given a chance. But ironically the slaves that were sold to the Europeans were shipped to the Americas and the Caribbean Island about four to five hundred years ago. They took their religion and culture with them. The Yorb religion which comprises of worship of Oldmar the supreme energy of the Universe and the forces of the Universe called the r s.

The knowledge of which is taught through the sacred scriptures of If called the Ods by ru m l the witness of creation according to Yorb mythology.

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Ifa is the sacred words of Oldmar which was taught to humanity by ru m l. Since Ifa is the wisdom of it all I will say it is appropriate to call it Ifaism. Most Africans believe in the existence of supernatural powers which is responsible for the creation of the universe and all things in it, including Man. Their religious practices are the result of their belief in Oldmar the r , and the energies of the universe.

Dr Osadolor Imasogie in his book African Religion used an example how a Yoruba greets their loved ones goodnight. Yorub usu lly s ys Ol run ji w o. This literally means may the supreme God wake us. The Gwari of Northern Nigeria has a similar goodnight greeting.

For example, Sheko gife nyi which means, May God awakens us tomorrow? Yoruba belief Oldmar created the other energies and the forces of the Universe to help continue the evolutions of the Universe. Yoruba says everything in the world is in the hand of Oldmar God. Many scholars have done comparative studies of the world religion, and this has thrown much light to the awareness of the Origin of religious ideas of the world.

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According to some research the great world religions which still have a great number of followers are Christianity, which has perhaps about million followers, divided among is three main branches, of Roman Catholics with about million members, Orthodox Eastern Catholic about million followers, and protestants about million people.

Islam or Mohammedanism has about million followers worldwide. Judaism has about 16 million followers, Hinduism about million followers, Buddhism can perhaps claim million followers, many of which will also declare themselves adherents of Taoism, Confusiasm, or Shinto. Traditional Yoruba religion claimed approximately 10 million followers worldwide. Ifa had been recognized as the great Oracular religion of the Yorb people and originated from rnml in Ile-Ife.

Now there are organizations being put together under one to represent If, r and the practitioners in the international world.