Read e-book Sex-U-Ology: Origins: God, Gender, Marriage, and Intimacy

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We are swiftly becoming a people whose relational tastes are as varied as cereal brands in the grocery store. The LGBT movement lobbies for marriage equality;.
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This author is not finished. Consider the following:. All heaven took a deep and joyful interest in the creation of the world and of man. Human beings were a new and distinct order. They were to live in close communion with heaven, receiving power from the Source of all power. Upheld by God, they were to live sinless lives. The holy pair were not only children under the fatherly care of God, but students receiving instruction from the all-wise Creator. They were visited by angels, and were granted communion with their Maker with no obscuring veil between the mysteries of the visible universe; the wondrous works of Him who is perfect in knowledge afforded them an exhaustless source of instruction and delight.

They conversed with leaf and flower and tree—gathering from each the secrets of its life. With every living creature, from the mighty leviathan that playeth among the waters, to the insect mote that floats in the sunbeam, Adam was familiar. He had given to each its name, and he was acquainted with the nature and habits of all. God created man a superior being; he alone is formed in the image of God, and is capable of partaking of the divine nature, of cooperating with his Creator and executing His plans.

In fact, I felt as though no one was really interested in me at all. However, according to the above passages, humanity was an order of creation superior to all other beings in the universe, capable of conversing with plants and animals. What is it about humanity that is so special, so superior, aside from the apparent ability to talk to plants and animals? What was I missing?

SG: Melyssa Ford "Thirst-ology" Compromising for your relationship VS. Compromising yourself"

This author has more to say in the following passage:. Family religion is a wonderful power. The conduct of the husband toward the wife and of the wife toward the husband may be such that it will make the home life a preparation for entrance to the family above. Hearts that are filled with the love of Christ can never get very far apart.

Religion is love, and a Christian home is one where love reigns and finds expression in words and acts of thoughtful kindness and gentle courtesy. Religion is needed in the home. Only this can prevent the grievous wrongs which so often embitter married life.

The Compass Magazine In Our Image, Part 2: The Meaning of Human Sexuality - The Compass Magazine

Only where Christ reigns can there be deep, true, unselfish love. Then soul will be knit with soul, and the two lives will blend in harmony. Angels of God will be guests in the home, and their holy vigils [watchful guarding] will hallow [sanctify] the marriage chamber. Debasing sensuality will be banished. Why had no one ever read this to me? No one in my church had ever told me that intimacy was something angels guarded when I got married. Why are angels allowed to watch and made to guard the activities of the marriage chamber?

How do the actions in the marriage chamber equal heartfelt devotion, or emotionally desirous worship? I submit that the answers to these and many other questions can be found in the Genesis account of God creating His image: Man. This text speaks to the equality of man and woman. Each is made in the image of God, and together they are the image of God. One is no more the image of God than the other.

The two together, man and woman constitute the image of God. Together they constituted Adam.

In Our Image, Part 2: The Meaning of Human Sexuality

One is no more Adam than the next. How fearfully and wonderfully made are we? What does all that entail? It is important that we understand the notion of image for a moment. The purpose of this image was to spur the inhabitants of the universe to think about God in certain ways when looking at humanity. The universe was to understand God based on the meaning and actions of the image presented.

The English word image comes from the Anglo-French, and is short for the word imagene. It is derived from the Latin root imagin -, or imago , and is possibly related to the Latin word imitari , meaning to imitate. All of these definitions, when taken together, present a huge picture of what God had in mind when He made us.

I will try to consolidate the different meanings into one thought.

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The Godhead was interested in creating a reproduction or imitation of Themself in solid form so strikingly like Themself, a tangible and visual representation of Themself, that it would create in the minds of the rest of the universe a mental picture, impression, and conception of Themself. Humanity was to be the universal figure of speech when referring to the Godhead, the simile used as the universal reference point from which the concept of the Godhead could be conveyed and heightened.

Humanity was to be the mass media project of God to convey the concept of Themself to the universe.

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Being the image of God, we were created to call up a mental picture of the Godhead for everyone else in a vivid manner, symbolically reflecting, mirroring, and projecting the concept of the Godhead to the universe. However, since nothing can truly stand for all that God is, we were simply, as the Hebrew puts it, an illusionary shadow and a phantom of the reality that is God, designed to get the universe thinking and imagining about God. Our very existence was to bring glory and worship to God. We were Their graven image, Their mirror image, Their living image, and yet a virtual image.

Sex-U-Ology: Origins: God, Gender, Marriage, and Intimacy

Universal beings were to look at us and worship God because of how mysterious and great They are, when they beheld Their illusionary phantom-like resemblance: humanity. This was a definition that I was not living up to. This was a purpose I had never known. I am not even sure I would have even wanted it had I known of it. However, as God began to teach me, the more I wanted to become this type of man. It was God who showed me the starting point, and it is found in Genesis chapter two.

In Genesis two, God declares that man should not be alone. I will make a help-meet for him. We cannot begin to understand how a person can be good.


With God, however, good is His individual nature. It then goes on to say that God made man in His image, that is He made them plural Genesis ; , and called their name Adam. The other three occurrences outside of Genesis two denote military allies. Later on we see that the Word comes from the bosom dare I say the rib of the Father vs. The Word has always been the mouthpiece of the Godhead to the rest of creation, and is the actual medium of creation.

Therefore, if humanity is in the image of Elohim , then the God-Word Relationship is imaged in the man-woman relationship. God the Father is imaged by the man; God the Word is imaged by the woman. When viewed together we are presented with a very different picture of woman than what we may have been taught prior to now.

Woman was the bold, beautiful mouthpiece for the man, and it was her specific function to speak with and for man. She was to be his messenger, his word to the rest of the creation. She was to declare him, to expound him, to praise him, to predict, and expose his will and personhood to the rest of the creation. Since she was him, as the Divine Word is the God, whatever she spoke of him she spoke of herself.

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Whatever she revealed of him, she revealed of herself, for she spoke for them. Woman was the action that all of creation was to see, even as the Word is the one by whom God created all things.