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Oct 15, - Praise for Lulu Bell and the Circus Pup “Lulu Bell is a great new young character for year-olds who love books involving animals.” Fiona Purdon and Emily Purdon (age 9), Daily Telegraph.
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Then there was the hospital ward full of cages for the overnight patients. At the very back were an operating theatre, a store room and a tiny X-r ay room. Kylie, the vet nurse, appeared in the hallway. She was carrying a large fluffy cat in a carry cage. She smiled at Lulu. It yapped furiously as Lulu tapped on the door.

Its owner was an elderly lady. She cooed and stroked the dog. With her big fluffy coat and her own button nose, the lady looked a lot like her pet. Dr Bell frowned and nodded. The walls were lined with shelves right to the ceiling. On the floor were big bins of food for every kind of pet you could imagine. On a side table, under a heat lamp, was a closed cardboard box. Lulu carefully opened the lid. Inside was an orphaned baby brush-tailed possum.

She was curled up asleep in a nest of soft flannel. Her black whiskers twitched. She tucked the sheet around the body to make a little pouch. And Kylie or I give her a syringe of special milk every two hours during the day. He took one bite out of every piece of fruit in the fruit bowl. Mum said it was obviously time for him to return to the wild.

I wish we had had lots of pets. Mum will only let me have a goldfish. Then she grabbed a halter and lead rope from the hook behind the door. She hefted the feed bucket.

Lulu Bell 8 Books The Collection Series Box Set by Belinda Murrell

A soft breeze from the east brought the tang of salt. Lulu could hear the low rumble of the nearby ocean. The vet hospital was just up the hill from busy Shelly Beach.

The beach would be crowded with swimmers and surfers on such a glorious day. Dr Bell hitched up a high-sided trailer behind his station wagon and they set off. Of course, Jessie and Asha could never miss out on a car ride. The two dogs sat in the very back, smiling happily. It was only a ten-minute drive to the Parkway, where the runaway pony had been seen. Lulu and Molly caught glimpses of the city and the blue of the harbour in the distance.

Soon the view was swallowed up by thick green bushland. On the long straight Parkway, Dr Bell drove slowly and carefully.

Belinda Murrell on the story behind Lulu Bell

He glanced through the gum trees on either side. At least it will be safer there. She pointed her finger straight ahead.

‎Lulu Bell and the Moon Dragon on Apple Books

A pure white pony was galloping down the centre of the road, its tail and mane flying. The car in front braked suddenly and its tyres screeched. It swerved to the side of the road. The driver honked the horn and frightened the runaway pony even more. He stopped the car and trailer so they blocked most of the road. He held out his hand towards the pony. Lulu and Molly watched through the open window. The pony reared and tossed its head. It began to gallop again, heading straight towards Dr Bell.

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Its hooves thundered on the bitumen. Come on.

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Its ears flicked back and forth. Its sides heaved. Its neck was slick with sweat and its mane was matted with twigs and leaves.

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  • The Lulu Bell series is fantastic for my 2 Aussie girls -4 & 7 | Pup, New books, Circus show.

The pony paused and sniffed. The pony was completely white, except for his dainty black hooves. His liquid brown eyes were framed with long lashes. Lulu breathed in his warm scent of hay and horse and sweat. She held the bucket while the pony dipped his head in.

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He sniffed, blew and lipped some grain. Dr Bell checked the pony for injury. The people closest waved and cheered as Dr Bell loaded the pony onto the trailer. The girls clambered back into the car. Jessie and Asha were overjoyed to see them again. They took turns to lick the two girls on the fingers.

Asha barked in agreement. Someone will be searching for him. Dr Bell turned the car and headed for home. He led him through the side gate and into the back garden. Lulu, Molly and the two dogs followed close behind. Mum was tying bunches of green and purple balloons to the frangipani tree.