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Table of contents

When a skull is found on the property, the police begin to unearth the darker truth. Tana French's The Witch Elm is a chilling mystery about the unreliability of memory.

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Will the money in his estate go to his young wife or his adult children? Is the fortune smaller than they thought? Wang makes a strong debut with this fun drama. In The Library Book , journalist Susan Orlean explores that case and other library fires and shows readers what history loses when books, and the safe spaces that house them, are targets. As a child of unfit parents, Tena Clark was raised by her family's black maid— an experience that shaped her views on race and life and put her at odds with her family. In her moving memoir, Southern Discomfort , Clark reflects on growing up and coming out in the s.

Unsheltered , the new novel from Barbara Kingsolver, introduces us to Willa Knox, who is confronting life's unpredictability. After losing her job, she is forced to move to an inherited home that's falling apart. There she finds comfort from an unlikely source: the records of a man who lived in the house in the s and faced similar problems.

You've probably taken a personality test at some point, possibly just because you were interested, or maybe because it was mandated by a school or job. Ten years later, the son reappears and is quickly admitted to a psychiatric facility where a Maya, a speech therapist, tries to get him to talk about what happened over the long decade he was gone, while also grappling with secrets in her own past.

The story begins with Elsie, the wife of a missionary in India in the s. This gorgeous novel examines the complexities of the mother-daughter relationship.

The menopause is affecting our relationship, how do I talk to my partner?

If you could invite anyone—dead or alive—to dinner, who would they be? That's a question asked during parties, in interviews, and now in Rebecca Serle's whimsical novel, The Dinner List. Just before Sabrina's 30th birthday party, she finds out she'll dine with her best friend, three people from her past, and Audrey Hepburn. This fun book will make readers reflect on friendship and lost love and how we remember the past.

The McCloud siblings have lost everything— first their mother to childbirth, then their father to a Category 5 tornado. Tucker disappears, leaving the eldest, Darlene, to care for her two sisters. Three years later, Tucker, now a radical animal rights activist, reappears after bombing a local cosmetics factory to kidnap his 9-year-old sister, Cora. Told by Darlene and Cora, Abby Geni's haunting literary thriller, The Wildlands , explores humans' relationships with nature and what drives a person to fanaticism.

Eleven-year-old Wash is a slave on a sugar plantation when his master's brother—an enigmatic scientist and abolitionist—chooses him to be a personal assistant.

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After they have to flee the plantation in the night, a bounty is put on Wash's head. In Washington Black , Esi Edugyan depicts how even as Wash leads an adventurous and boundary-pushing life, the risk of enslavement is never far behind. A riveting story about identity, slavery, and freedom. After the war, Juliet works a humdrum job at the BBC and believes the past is behind her when unusual happenings—old colleagues turning up on streets, a threatening note in the mail—can't be ignored.

In Atkinson's quietly suspenseful novel, nothing is as it seems. At the start of Joyful , author and designer Ingrid Fetell Lee describes a struggling Albanian city that painted its buildings bright colors. Almost immediately, crime declined. People filled the sidewalks. This was in part because color, Lee writes, universally brings people joy. In her book, Lee names 10 "aesthetics of joy," from Energy things like color to Play round objects.

Blending science and tips, Lee shows readers that looking outward—at flowers in a vase or fireworks in the sky—can brighten our days. When Clare arrives in Havana, Cuba, she is shocked to see her husband, Richard, who was killed in an accident only a month before. As she follows him through the island, the lines between what is real and what isn't start to blur, and Clare is brought on a highly unusual adventure, one that may be happening only in her mind. When newly-divorced Virginia accepts a job in the information booth at Grand Central Terminal in New York, she only wants to make enough money to support herself and her daughter.

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What would you do if you came home to find another family had moved to your home? But when Fiona tries to sort out what could be happening, she realizes that both Bram and the boys are nowhere to be found. This heart-pounding thriller follows Fiona as she desperately hunts for answers and for her family, exposing how little she really knew about Bram along the way. This fascinating investigation dives into the world of heart science and the scientists and doctors pushing medical progress further—at any cost necessary.

Frances de Pontes Peebles's tender novel follows this unlikely friendship and the jealousy and rivalry that come with their pursuit of fame. Kya is left to fend for herself when her mom walks out on her family. He does not make any efforts to repair our marriage. Things are different now than they have ever been. When I plan a date night, he goes along with it but never shows much interested — if it happens great if not, no biggy is the attitude I perceive.

I vowed for better or worse till death do us part. I read all the comments that come my way. I can tell you that there is hope.

Hi and thank you for your reply. My concern is still that my husband is so miserable in his job, he feels trapped because he is the source of income for our family and it has drained him of everything… he has nothing left.

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  4. Could this be a true mid-life crisis for him? He told me things last night that I never knew — I found out he shared them with his female friend at work but he never shared them with me. How do we rebuild that? He has totally turned away from God which is also terrifying to me. One more thing… I totally feel like I failed him as a wife. It kills me to know this. HOW does that get repaired? How do I help him through his stresses knowing that I was one of the greatest ones and have him start to see me the way he used to….

    I truly hope not. I hope he can forgive me those failings, I eventually hope to forgive myself.

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    It is my sincere hope and Prayer that we will look back on this time and see that we needed this trial to get to the happiness I hope we find. HOW do we get from here to there???? In 12 step programs, people acknowledge the damage they have done to themselves and others they love. They then make amends. You are doing just that and it is the bedrock of healing. Now you have to recognize that you did the best you could at the time, with who you were, what you knew, the blind-spots you had, and pain you were experiencing. Blame is punishing and blame keeps us from being the best we can be.

    Act from love, not from fear. Be good to yourself. I took things for granted. Like not pulling my weight with our son and not showing her the love she deserves. She told me these things, but I never acted upon them.

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    Now that she walked out I realize all this and feel so much love for her. I hurt beyond belief. I have tried to tell her if I could have the chance I would show her what I have realized and make it right. She needs to fall back in love with me. She has such grudge about our past. After 14 years it got stale.