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Jocko a Long Way from Home Down Under [Waymon Lefall] on *​FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. During the American Revolutionary War.
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Let me know so I think you should have a cop on and a mouthpiece and shorts and I really think that's it I mean and people that guy you're fucking idiot at your Barbarian to need to cover the glove don't. You're less of a barbarian you make yourself you make yourself more able to hit someone and you don't really help them at all like it's harder to hit someone bare-knuckle it's it's more realistic I wish they would make that change Canton bare-knuckle that's crazy fit your knuckles are way more vulnerable like it's way harder to get that off until you wrap it up and make it like a cast you wrap it up and you get some.

Don't never make that change I don't say I don't think ahead and all those times and it it's not good for you catch people at stuff like it'd be way easier to secure Guillotines and chokes is just you you wouldn't have all these restrictions of having something on your hands your hands need to be able to articulate to secure a certain grips and its you see a lot more submissions I think it's better for everyone.

Bandelier was wearing shoes from to how far are fighting has changed how much we know about it now I'll always say that fighting in with theoretical and what about this martial art or whatever know what you what do you think of this and like that uses no reason to fear is not only do we know from the UFC we also have been and now a country at War whatever 15 years so all of our guys been going overseas and doing the same stuff in combat so we know what works by the I know we know what happens we know what happens if you. I just got a blitter rated and the only way you can never actually know what would happen if someone punches you in the face is the train that way if you just have these ideas in your head you're going to stand in front of him this touches his nose is shattered wobbly I guess first time ever been punched maybe the MMA guy should have if you had a little bit more foresight and was going to happen he should have come out in like really done the whole you no respect in the back.

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True and they get into this thing and they get into this thing because they don't want to ever stop and pause and look at the way they're thinking versus the way other people thinking okay can I get myself in a fucking in a trap here that I get myself into an intellectual trap I'm supporting an idea that's not true and now I'm reinforcing that in my head and I'm fucking tightening up.

Too Faced this guy on the mat that's the only way you can end it when you do that you're going to lose where is with all these kind of intellectual arguments I say you say I say you say and if you tell me I'm telling you that every picture of the earth is whatever CGI and that's what I'm going to hold and I'm not going to let it go and how you going to prove to me otherwise and every single picture you show me I said no that CGI can you show me another picture at CGI we're never going to get anywhere I'm not arguing with you about it you never going to tell which was it's not like the it's not a good martial art for fighting it's got that by itself is going too many holes in it but it's a great martial art for throwing kicks and when I went from that to kickbox I realize how easy it was to get punched in the face and I was like Wow and so then I started really studying boxing and I was like man my my ideas of like how well I can fight or so overestimated.

I'm not nearly as if I'm a good at taekwondo I'm not good at fighting and then I started Jesus Christ shows like I'll fuck there's so much I can I'm so fucked because I got I got really good at something that kind of sucks on its own and then from there Jiu-Jitsu where I was just getting raped I was like at least it would kickboxing I could throw kicks I could move around I could try not to get my legs kicked I could try to like to be more mobile but when I was going to the Wipeout I was just getting fucking malls what happens and I had to accept it and it's literally stopped I've got to get better at this.

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I just get you know 12 five thousand bucks a month and that's enough for me to pay my food and pay my rent I'm just going to sit there and play video games I don't think that's the kind of existence I would want to live in my not even just be physical to I think it's just in overcoming an enduring and figuring things out like even writing a book I'm sure you're feeling like you just have you have a new book out the way of the warrior kid and I'm sure the.

I want people forget this being a kid is hard being a kid is hard and in this particular book there's a kid his name is Mark he's in fifth grade he's got kind of a typical issues at a 5th grader has he can't do any pull-ups showing gym class when they're doing pull-ups he's getting made fun of he's doesn't know his times tables which you should actually know in 5th grade but he doesn't know I'm so he thinks he's stupid now it is not a swim because he never learned and he's when they go on the field trip to the to the lake he does not us wearing so everyone's having a good time and he can't and eventually they call him out on it and find he's getting picked on by the big bully Kenny Williamson the group the fucking can I stay at school basically all these problems come to a head he's all bummed out crying behind the library goes home and he gets home his mom reminds him that his uncle uncle Jake is coming to stay with him.

Everything that you want to do in life you're going to have to work for you can have to come up with a plan on going to happen to have the discipline. I don't want to do that so I'm cool with 52 and now I'm going to start working on my deadlift I'm going to start change it to more I'm and I'm just constantly 52 pull-ups Yeah Yeah Yeahs pull-ups not not not just full of dead hang pull-ups full dead hang pull-ups the waist belt or do you use Avast window Wipeout and vests I'd like to take to get to Game Changer people live in cramped quarters but pull up bar and maybe a set of rings do so much yourself one kettlebell if you have a yard and you have a kettlebell you could do a lot for a pull-up bar.

I might go damn I don't know anyone that type of work out and I'm I need to not do it I'm going to do something else so I use my what my body's telling me some what that's not to say that I go and I don't feel like doing anything to do today so I'm not going to do it cuz that's a actually a rule that I have if I don't feel like doing something to actually like I need a rest I'll do something that day and put the rest off to the next make yourself do it today and if you still need it tomorrow you can take a rest you can take a rest today not allowed in the logbook you keep like that so you could go back and track progress if you look at yourself so like saved you going to work out tomorrow do you plan it out tonight I know kind of what I'm going to do tomorrow tomorrow I'm going to do a bunch of ring dips I'm going to do a bunch of dips I'm going to be doing a bunch of parallette push ups, do a ton of burpees and probably some.

I've been basically War guys right Ryan stand Tim Kennedy Jody mitic was Canadian sniper wounded real bad in Afghanistan I had a guy named Colonel William Reeder on there who is a pilot Vietnam got shot down and got shot down twice actually captured in Vietnam was in captivity for a year and he's talking about he's you know in a bamboo cage with his legs Shackled and he wakes up in the middle of night because the rats are eating his wounds I mean I'm bringing on guys that are just talking about 9 we talked about heavy subject but they're also talking about it from you know a very.

Thanks for having that guy on what a heart with a guy and it's good for me to know about that stuff and I screwed for to hear someone else. I think that my interaction with those kind of people when I was growing up which I certainly had you I was a young kid going to New York and Boston going hardcore shows in all that let me see part of the world that most people don't really see it so when I got in the military I got it was kind of used to dealing with people that people aren't used to dealing with I think it helped me out a lot so it's like 75 episodes up already that's crazy last time you hear yours because I'm going deep on some subject that I'm actually going to like I have to study and prepare for and and it's not interacting with another person most of the time most of time interacting with the history so it's harder for me to prepare now of course you've been preparing for this podcast for 50 years right I mean that's what you've been mentally preparing for getting your turn to your background but I have to like dive into stuffing and so.

I came across it in life and so it's very interesting to me when I hear him say look there's darkness in the world there's evil in the world and we have to face that and end it soon as I heard it podcast Michael that's that's what I think and I can't give you the philosophical basis for it like he can but I can tell you what I've lived through and I can tell you that if you don't understand the fact that there is darkness in the world than that people human beings are capable of evil things if you don't understand that you're not going to understand the first understand what you need to look out for in the world and what we need to beware of as a society and as a as a race of humans but also you're not going to appreciate things in the world that are beautiful and good and positive so with the podcast I'm not doing it to make people happy I'm not doing it to make people listen I'm not even doing it to make people listen I'm doing it.

Jordan certainly did that with me when I was listening to him talk but he was saying some things like you know like like to talk about dragons and dragons have a goal those like pool Jesus Christ like he was he was he was hitting some notes about human psychology and the reason why we behave in certain ways and the pitfalls of the certain types of behavior that I absolutely knew he was right but and maybe I'll even thought about them before but seeing them a reinforced so eloquently and seeing espresso.

I think the guys like Jordan Peterson I think that anybody that can tap into those truths that we know you know I just don't think we hear them enough I think we're inundated with so much stupid shit everyday it's so hard to get to any like real substantial truths that will positively affect you both your outcome and your your outlook on life and I think you guys like you guys like Tim Ferriss putting out all these amazing podcast Jordan Peterson all these people that can express things to someone like this podcast literally has changed my life I mean is changed my thinking it's you I'm a totally different person than I was when I first started this podcast is talking all these interesting and fast any people and wise people it's been like having some crazy crash course in a million different disciplines and a bunch of different conversation seeing the pitfalls of some people's thinking and.

But he knows exactly what I'm talking about and and so it's it's a very very powerful medium that I think that skipped over and you know where we went from Radio just completely absorbed in the TV and then absorbed into the internet and now all of a sudden we got to this other side where we're back to this thing that there's some reason why people used to sit around that radio and list.

That production meetings have a bunch of people that have people telling me what I couldn't couldn't say no telling me to stop advertisement right now and that's the beautiful thing about leaving money on the table because right now all these advertisers that come to us and they say he can you talk about this when can you talk about that can you and they want to pass money and I just like nope we're not doing it we have want we have on it cuz it's your boy is your company and you help me in the beginning so and good products but that's it that's all that's the only advertisement we have not doing anybody else and so there's no one that can tell me what ya smile on that beautiful face there's a lot to that is a lot to do and also not interrupting your podcast is giant not ever never breaking up that thought not just keeping that thing going.

Manly Pirates right and I just was so embarrassed by a fire truck that's what life is at this another thing that we Shield kids from these days life is hard don't get a trophy you don't get it is no such thing as a trophy for participation that's free. Roxy talking about like what we all had fucked-up childhoods and everybody we know I had fucked up childhood and they're all interesting but I don't want my kids to be boring but I also want them to be safe so it's like how do you how do you approach that mean I think he get it Mom that's what I've chosen do was get my kids involved in martial arts and and and and give them the opportunity to pursue difficult things and understanding that through pursuing these difficult things like in accomplishing stuff like you you learn something about yourself you learned that you have this ability inside of you to overcome I've got this statement that I made on my podcast about kids and I said if you're helping your kids you're hurting them.

Oracle a lot of this weirdness comes from a lack of true struggle like do you think these kids are growing up in Russia they're doing backflips off of the top of buildings are they dealing with the same like you know diversity lectures and classes that they have to handle. So hard your podcast podcast Jocko podcast is the name of the podcast it's available everywhere new book is called way of the warrior kid old book is called Extreme ownership you can get those everywhere they sell books the muster which is a leadership Event in Austin Texas then we got one in San Diego extreme ownership.

Com for those two I'll see you on the interwebs and I go on Instagram and check out his watch. He expects the story to be optioned for a movie soon. No matter how busy he gets though, no matter what sort of travel or work or publicity fills his schedule, there are no excuses to miss a workout. Your body and mind are connected. After 20 more minutes of weightlifting, sweat lines his thick brow and drops mark his path across the floor. And as he continues, he sweats even more. Before long, some of the moisture on his head and neck turns into an eerie, ghostly vapor.

Jocko Podcast Books From The Episodes

He was the middle child of three and his parents were both educators. His first name is John, but his parents nicknamed him Jocko before he was born, and it stuck. It seems to suit him. He says he was in a hardcore band with his friends and that he was a troublemaker who liked fighting, setting fires and breaking things.

#962 - Jocko Willink

As other kids smoked pot and played hacky sack, he rebelled in a different way— by joining the military. Jocko had always dreamed of being a commando of some sort, he says. He weighed pounds. He loved virtually every part of being a SEAL. In retrospect, the maniacal chaos of his youth had been leading up to something important. In the mids, he took up jiu-jitsu, sometimes attending several classes a day. He stresses that brains can overcome brawn. His first deployment to Iraq, not long after the war began, seemed relatively simple and when it ended he was excited to go back.

When he got to the city of Ramadi during his second deployment, mujahedeen forces occupied the vast majority of the city, launching 30 to 50 attacks a day. He was part of the on-the-ground leadership that slowly took Ramadi back. Here he learned the many paradoxes of leadership. He needed to be close to his men to understand them—but not so close that one member of the team became more important than the others. His men often eschewed standard-issue footwear and helmets, and they spraypainted skulls on their gear, but collectively the units under his command had more than confirmed kills.

And Jocko earned a reputation for being a cool-headed, open-minded leader. He also knew the throes of battle would deliver the best moments of his life. He was surrounded by death and devastation, but he loved it. Because as bad as it was—at some points he was attending memorials for fallen Americans on an almost daily basis—he was still commanding men in war.

And he knew that if he lived beyond that, nothing would ever matter the same way. This is one more paradox that has come to define his existence. The bleakness of war filled him with purpose. When Jocko retired from the Navy in , he expected to spend most of his time doing jiu-jitsu and surfing. But a friend, an executive at a big company, asked him to give his management team a leadership talk. Jocko gave an unclassified version of the briefing he used to deliver to SEALs before they deployed. The talk went so well that it led to another, and another, and eventually to the consulting firm he started with his former SEAL platoon commander Leif Babin, his co-author on Extreme Ownership.

Jocko started his own podcast in late To demonstrate different points, Jocko almost always sprinkles in anecdotes from his own life. Related: 5 Things Strong Leaders Do. This means he can have engaging, thoughtful conversations that go on for hours but reveal almost nothing about himself. He says he writes out most of his thoughts beforehand but always ends up changing the wording a little.

  1. Captain America & the Falcon #10;
  2. Winstrol (stanozolol).
  3. Fablings Fables!
  4. Jocko Podcast 17: Band of Brothers, Losing the Fight Going Down Swinging, Jocko/Echo Backstory!
  5. Charles, a soft-spoken friend of more than a decade, is mostly quiet, there to represent the listeners. He interjects if he needs an explanation, usually when Jocko is using military jargon. As the podcast worked its way into the top 10 most downloaded on iTunes, people started recognizing him on the street.

    See a Problem?

    His kids hate his popularity. And book sales have continued to rise. Last December, he released a spoken-word album called Psychological Warfare. It quickly became the top album in the spoken word category on iTunes. He also sells his own brand of tea. Tim Ferriss mentioned it on his podcast during the first mainstream interview Jocko gave and listeners asked about it enough times that a friend offered to mass-produce it. Jocko asks our photographer not to take pictures at the beach in front of his house. That was his biggest worry about going public. Not the potential risk to his family, but the risk of looking silly or fake in front of the men he fought alongside.

    As Jocko is talking to the photographer, his wife, Helen, is checking her email in the living room. She grew up in England, and they met in Bahrain, when she was a flight attendant and he was stationed overseas. She usually gets up around a. Victory MMA and Fitness is a spotless, all-purpose mixed martial arts gym a few minutes from the beach.

    Jocko A Long Way from Home Down Under by Waymon Lefall

    Jocko owns it with a few partners and trains there with world-famous fighters. They give discounts to veterans. Mostly, he says, he just wanted a place where everything was exactly the way he wanted it. There are letters from fans—often young men who credit him with saving their lives.