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What unique super power would you like to possess, not like flying, invisibility, speed, etc?​ If some humans received super powers at around age 15, what would be your super power?​ What super powers seem really cool, but are actually very impractical?
Table of contents

Failed marriages. Having children at an early age. Loss of my own business and independence. Lack of support, care, acceptance and protection. Low self-esteem. Low self confidence. Lack of self care. Overweight to obesity. Eating Disorder. Lack of truth and trust.

Joseph O’Neill on the Burdens of Superpowers | The New Yorker

Lack of love. Lack of protection. Some thing taken; some things given away. Not understanding. Not willing to see. Knowing why but not caring. Degenerative Disk Disorder. Sensitive system. Excluding the Source; our creator instead of including. Abandoning myself. Believing in the negative over the positive.

“The Flier”

Creating detours and distractions. Arguments with reality. Not believing I have abilities that can help others. The challenges I faced and face bring about qualities I see in all super heroes, and make me realize though I am human, I am able to use these human experiences and human actions to do super things to help others. In actuality, I identify with pieces of various supers. Wonder Woman with Truth, strength, compassion, forgiveness, female. The Hulk with always being angry and feeling anger is too big and uncontrollable.

He was the sign of hope for people from Krypton. Above all else, he was human. Iron Man- His heart all that entails with real life electromagnetic energy and his arc reactor. Imperfection and powerful. However, my closest to heart is Batman a. The Dark Knight. Loss of caregivers. Sometimes puts others first even when he should put himself first. Has imagination. Uses his money and intelligence for good. Amazing share, Jennifer. I am on an intense journey of self discovery and awakening. Suddenly glimmers of light have sequentially flickered on in my consciousness fully allowing me to view life through a completely different perspective.

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First came Eckhart Tolle. He taught me about my ego and being able to look at the world with no labels. To see things as they really are rather than what we have always known them to be.

One Piece – Opening Theme 21 – Super Powers

This freed me from the material things in my life that I realized I have no need for. Eckhart Tolle confirmed everything I always wondered about. Every single person I have met recently, you Shawn included, has carried an extremely important message for me. I have fully received each message and it has pumped me up and made me feel unstoppable. In voicing my thoughts and ideas I was told that I was silly and live in a world of imagination.

Read minds?

Smart Patients have superpowers!

Now I am realizing that all of the people who rejected my ideas and theories are in fact in denial of the amazing potential we have to offer and what we are capable of. I am not discouraged by this, in fact, I look at it as a challenge to spread the truth to the rest of the world as quickly as possible. She has faced many dark times and tragedy in her life and was able to overcome them all. My life has been one of extreme ups and downs. I have battled major depression and anxiety disorder since I was a child and had to deal with abuse and death more than anyone should have to.

I know that this is the case with many people. I am not alone in my suffering. Phoenix experienced a rebirth, which I feel I am experiencing now. She possesses the ability to read minds, fly through space, levitate, project energy onto others to boost them up, talk to animals among many other amazing things. In reading this masterpiece I now know for sure that I can do anything I put my mind to and that it is not silly to believe we are capable of possessing super powers!! I believe levitation will be possible with becoming lighter.

Through drinking Spring Water, eating Superfoods and letting go of all bad energy will ultimately enable me to levitate while in meditation and eventually be able to control it as a easily as I do walking or slicing vegetables with my hands. Same is true for reading minds and emotions. I have always known I can do this.

Being in tune to what others are thinking and feeling and knowing what to do and say in order to boost them up or help them in whatever way they need. I know now that I am not crazy! How glorious a sensation! Most importantly I know I am not alone in how I have been feeling all these years.

Thank you again Shawn for sharing your wisdom with us all. The messages you have shared are promoting my positive visions and aspirations of Peru and of saving the Amazon Rainforest and subsequently the world. I know now more than ever that I am on the right path. Namaste to you all.

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