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Editorial Reviews. Review. Enjoy an exclusive excerpt at Forbidden Night With The Highlander (Mills & Boon Historical) (Warriors of the Night, Book 2) - Kindle edition by Michelle Willingham. Romance Book 2 of 3 in Warriors of the Night.
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  • Kundrecensioner;
  • Forbidden Night With The Highlander (Warriors of the Night, Book 2).
  • Valley of Flowers.
  • Caragh O Brannon defended herself bravely when the enemy landed - only now she finds herself alone with one very angry Viking Styr Hardrata sailed to Ireland intending to trade, never expecting to find himself held captive in chains by a beautiful Irish maiden. The fiercely handsome warrior both terrifies and allures Caragh, but he is forbidden territory. He is the enemy Yet Styr harbours a secret that might just set them both free Forbidden Vikings Resist them if you can!

    And worse, that you'll enjoy it. But while her head says one thing, her body says quite another.

    ‎Forbidden Night With The Highlander on Apple Books

    Her attraction to the fierce and forbidding warrior cannot be ignored. Tharand has vowed not to conquer Aisling, saving her for the king instead. But the beautiful Irish noblewoman awakes a powerful desire in him. He can't stop himself from arousing her, bringing her to the peak of pleasure while trying to honor his promise.

    As they near Magnus's domain, Tharand's restraint is tested beyond endurance.

    Forbidden Night With The Highlander (Mills & Boon Historical) (Warriors of the Night, Book 2)

    But afterwards she discovers her sensual lover is none other than Rhys de Laurent-her betrothed-in disguise! They've already had their wedding night Currently, she lives in southeastern Virginia with her husband and children.

    When she's not writing, Michelle enjoys reading, baking, and avoiding exercise at all costs. Visit her website at: www. Convert currency. Add to Basket.