Flight of Shadows: A Novel (Caitlyn Brown Series)

Flight of Shadows has ratings and 49 reviews. Glen said: In a dystopian I gave this book stars. This is the second book in the Caitlyn Brown series.
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In this world of walled cities, where status matters most, Caitlyn Brown is desperate to remain invisible, wrongly believing that what shy needs to hide is the deformity on her back.

Caitlyn Brown Series - WaterBrook & Multnomah

However, the powers of the city want her for so much Her genetic secret could change humanity forever. However, the powers of the city want her for so much more. Caityln is forced to take flight again and ends up relying on the help of Razor, a street-smart illusionist she cannot seem to trust.

Her only hope is to reach friends who are already being tracked by government. It leads Caitlyn to a choice between the two men who love her, and whether to keep her freedom or sacrifice herself for human destiny. While Flight of Shadows would be fine as a standalone novel, the storyline is easier to follow if it is read after Broken Angel. It had been a couple of years since I had read Broken Angel, so it took a little while for me to pick up the storyline.

The plot line of Flight of Shadows moves quickly and is full of unexpected twists and turns. There are unseen enemies, surprising friends, and a very unexpected ending. While I liked the ending of the book, I felt it was kind of cop out. The way out, so to speak, left the problems of the world untouched and seemed to recommend escapism from one's problems.

However, I still enjoyed the flow of the story. The characters were well developed, and the reader learns even more about Caitlyn, Billy, Theo, Jordan, and Carson as the book progresses. New characters, such as Razor, add more dimension and mystery to the story and help keep the plot moving. I liked Razor a lot. He added humor and depth to the novel.

I did not like how the author resolved Caitlyn's decision between the two men who loved her. If anything, I think the revelation author made should have caused Caitlyn to choose the other man. I agreed with man she chose, I just did not like how she made the decision. The themes of Flight of Shadows are very intriguing. While Broken Angel explored the consequences of "if religious extremists in America managed total political control over society, Flight of a Shadows reveals even darker possibilities of a society that reverts to total loss of freedom for all except the wealthy.

The novel explores the idea of America becoming a place of extreme poverty with people broken up into the wealthy Influentials in walled cities, with Industrials living in shacks outside and basically enslaved to the Influentials. Below that there are the Illegals who have no status, no money, no work, and are ruled by gangs. Flight of Shadows clearly showed the frightening consequences of when a society is content to stand by while freedoms are denied to some people groups and taken away slowly from everyone.

Flight of Shadows also explores what happens when all moral constraints are removed from science, specifically genetic experimentation with humans. Overall, Flight of Shadows was a very interesting and intriguing novel, and I would highly recommend it. I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Press in exchange for an honest review. Nov 15, Vivian rated it liked it.

Caitlyn Brown is not a typical young woman. She thought that she was deformed but has learned that she has been genetically modified. This modification allows her to extend and retract wings.

Although she has made it "outside" she knows that she won't be safe as long as the government is still hunting her. Flight of Shadows by Sigmund Brouwer continues Caitlyn's quest for truth and help. Flight of Shadows begins with Caitlyn working the night shift at a hotel in what was formerly known as Washing Caitlyn Brown is not a typical young woman.

Flight of Shadows begins with Caitlyn working the night shift at a hotel in what was formerly known as Washington, D. This is now a walled city-state and only the "Industrials" workers with minimal human and society rights usually sporting facial barcodes and the "Influentials" extremely wealthy are found inside. What should have been a routine room cleaning becomes an attempt at subjugation and possible rape and results in proof of Caitlyn's physical modification. Caitlyn knows that they don't necessarily want her alive, they just want to harvest her eggs and possibly some blood.

Her genetic modification is much more than just having wings, but only a few people are aware of how different she is compared to other "experiments. There's no electricity in most "soovies" and running water is hard to find. If that wasn't bad enough, the sick are always at the mercy of "death doctors" that euthanize the ill and dying while hoards surround the occupied soovie to scavenge the dead's property.

  1. Flight of Shadows (Caitlyn Brown, #2) by Sigmund Brouwer;
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Although Caitlyn suffers greatly, she is fortunate to come across people always willing to help her. In Broken Angel she had Billy and Theo, and now she has Razer, a wealthy street-smart kid that helps her hide and escape detection by the NI. Flight of Shadows reveals more about Billy and Theo and spends a little more time discussing their trials while waiting to reconnect with Caitlyn. Mason Lee is still a bad guy on the hunt for Caitlyn, Billy and Theo. He also hopes to get revenge against Pierce for breaking his arm, forcing him to run and the suffering he incurred as a result of his run from Appalachia.

The caste-like society is more prevalent in Flight of Shadows, and the disparity between the have and have-nots is highly visible. Although the city-states don't govern as tightly as the religious leadership in Appalachia, the rules regarding the various castes are just as rigid and unjust. And like most societies, past and present, those with money are allowed to abuse the system at will.

This dystopian future is shocking and abhorrent but regrettably one is able to see the seeds of this future being sown by present actions. Caitlyn does escape in the end and is joyfully united with her father, Billy and Theo. The program that created her is destroyed but will its destruction be permanent or is the government just biding its time before they begin again? Although Flight of Shadows is filled with abject poverty and grave injustices, it ends with hope and a sense of purpose. Feb 24, Jenny Rose rated it did not like it Shelves: I chose this book because the description said Christian, young adult, speculative fiction.

This is the only Sigmund Brouwer book I have read, but I did not like his style of writing in this novel. He takes whole paragraphs for description and background instead of interweaving and sprinkling it in naturally. Perhaps the sentence structure and group titles Outsiders, Influentials, Enforcers, etc. While the action picked up about half-way through the book, really the only reason I made myself finish reading was hoping the story would get better and give a proper and thorough review. Maybe if I had read Broken Angel the prequel to Flight of Shadows the story would have been easier to follow.

As it was, I had a hard time keeping track of all the characters, their actions, and storylines. Caitlyn is the main character and the result of an experiment with genetic DNA codes. She tries to blend in and hide her deformity, trying to decide if it is a blessing or a curse.

Jordan and Charmaine are the scientists who originally worked on the Genesis project, the one that performed the DNA experiments. Jordan tried to rescue Caitlyn from being a science experiment, but the two ended up separated and left Caitlyn on her own. Theo and Billy rescued Caitlyn from drowning in one of her attempts to escape a bounty hunter named Mason. Theo and Billy seem to be the only ones who accept Caitlyn unconditionally. Now on the Outside, Caitlyn is running from Everett—someone who lives in a hotel where she cleaned rooms, from Mason the bounty hunter, Pierce Carson from the NI agency, the military, and Charmaine who wants to continue the DNA research and experiments now that she knows Caitlyn survived.

I read the story from beginning to end, but was never drawn in. When the same scene is written from different viewpoints, Brouwer spent too much time retelling descriptions and dialogue. There were some suggestive scenes that I did not expect and did not appreciate finding in what was supposed to be a Christian young adult book. In fact, the author describes everything Mason the bounty hunter did in such a disturbing and gruesome manner that I would not recommend this book to young adults and I would caution adults and Christians both.

I do not plan on reading anything else by Sigmund Brouwer. I received this book free from the publisher to give an honest review. Feb 02, Andrea Blythe rated it it was ok Shelves: Following the water wars of the future, the U. Influentials live the lives of the elite behind tall city walls, while Industrials, marked with facial tattoos, lived like indentured slaves with no rights and are allowed only into the cities only to serve during the day and excised to the shanty towns outside the walls at night.

Illegals are on the lowest rung, living outside the system entirely and subject to the whims of ragged, violent gangs. Cait Following the water wars of the future, the U. Caitlin Brown, having escaped from a strict religious community wishes to live as an Invisible, hiding the deformity on her back and blending in unseen into the background of this world. She doesn't know that she is being hunted, both by a black-ops government agency and a brutal bounty hunter with a grudge.

In order to escape, she may have to rely on the help of Razor, a "sharp, fast, and dangerous" Illegal, who she's not sure if she can even trust. The idea of this book sounds great, what with genetic manipulation and a dangerous dystopian society, but the construction is not that great. The scenes shift back and forth rapidly between multiple characters, I presume with the intention of heightening tension, but it doesn't leave enough time to get a feel for a character before the scene shifts.

It comes across as disjointed at times, and it was not until far into the book that I began to know enough about the characters to have at least the smallest inkling of compassion for them. The writing itself sometimes even gets in the way of the enjoyment, especially in the first several chapters, where sentences shift from being long and unweildy to being short and choppy.

Browsing Caitlyn Brown Series

At times the sentence structure was so jarring as to be distracting, though the writing smoothed out some later on. The book is not all bad, though. While the beginning is definitely a bot rough going, the story does pick up as the pieces begin to fall into place and we can see the whole picture. Also, Razor is definitely a boon, a character who has managed to carve a place for himself in this world and is clever enough to deny the layers of class.

He can move effortlessly between the classes, and while Caitlin can't be sure he's trustworthy nor can we , the mystery of who he is and how he can do what he does is certainly part of his attraction. It's not my favorite book of all time, and it's not the first I would think of recommending to someone, but it's not terrible either. It's not filled with deep resonating substance, but I came around to mildly enjoying it by the end.

So if the storyline appeals to you and your just interested in a little dystopian action, you might enjoy it. Jul 07, Rebecca rated it liked it. Although looking back it makes sense. In this book Caitlyn and some of the other characters have come from Appalachia, which is cut off from the rest of the world, and are now in a whole new world and things work differently then they are used to.

It makes for some interesting situations for the characters but it also makes for some lengthy explanations as well. There are spots where someone is explaining to one of the characters and to us as the reader how the social hierarchy works or what has happened in world history and at times it sounds a little like a lecture.

The story switches between Caitlyn, who has everyone chasing her, and her friends, who have troubles of their own, and all the various people who are chasing Caitlyn so there is a lot of action that keeps the novel moving at a very fast pace. The secondary characters are sort of a mixed bag. Razor and Pierce are interesting and complex but Mason, the bounty hunter chasing her, becomes over the top in his sadistic nature and pushes credulity.

I wonder if you got a better picture of them in the first book. Caitlyn herself is confused and hurt and dealing with hard issues of freedom, abandonment, love and forgiveness all while she tries to escape and figure out who she should trust and what she should do. It was a good, rather dark adventure and reading this one made me interested to go back and see how it all began.

Feb 20, Nancy rated it liked it. The powerful want her for so much mor From Goodreads: In this lightning-fast chase through an all-too-plausible future, best-selling author Sigmund Brouwer is at his best.

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  • Who can pass up a good dystopia? The story moves fast and the reader might find herself with a slight case of whiplash, although not in a bad way. This the second book in the series however, it is not necessary to read the first book in order to follow this one. As the story progressed, clues were dropped and both the reader and the characters pieced together the truth and solution.

    Character development is solid. Storyline is fast paced but relatively easy to follow. Plot is scary as crud. This one rises above the usual Science Fiction and provides a new take on the future. Content is a little on the edgy side, although not inappropriate for an older teenager. I would suggest the reader preview the book before handing it off to your 15 year old teenager, unlike me. Fortunately, I feel confident in her moral and ethical development. I don't want my younger kids to read it just yet.

    Jan 18, I used to read but now I don't It's bad I know rated it it was amazing. This book is actually sequel to Broken Angel. Yes I did read the first one, but I really didn't like it. The first time I read this book was about a year ago. I somewhat enjoyed it then, but I decided to read it again this year, having a hunch I'd appreciate it more.

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    People, this is the perfect love story at least from my point of view. Before you get put off by it, this book has almost no romance in it at all. Part of what makes it good. No, the co This book is actually sequel to Broken Angel. No, the cool guy and the cool girl don't kiss or get married or anything.

    Another part of what makes it good. Anyways, to expound on other areas of the story. The prose is chop-chop-chop in the style of many sci-fi ish stories by male authors. The wide array of characters is interesting. Pierce is the bit of sunshine, bad-guy-turns-good sort of person whom I extremely enjoy. Mason Lee as the antagonist is disgusting, appalling, and curiously interesting due to his ever-shifitng moral compass.

    The main character, Caitlyn, isn't overdone as the brave heroine, and isn't needy either. However, it is the aforementioned characters and Razor who attract the most attention. Razor throughout the book is a little selfish - sure, he sticks by Caitlyn, but there's always something in it for him. At the end, he's the one who says goodbye. And that's the other part of what makes it perfect, because at the end he finally grows up and realistically doesn't go off with Caitlyn. She gets the guy she deserves. You'll find yourself reading the last pages over and over again if you're anything like me.

    Theo is funny and naive as always, and the plot is interesting and doesn't overload the reader. Overall, it's a wonderful ride that did indeed inspire fan art from me. One more thing if you're still skeptical: Dec 21, Brenda rated it liked it Shelves: Why I read it: In a futuristic dystopian society, Caitlyn wants to remain unnoticed.

    Because of genetic experimentation, she has a deformity on her back. But she's being hunted. Not only by a sadistic bounty hunter, but by a government agency. With the help of a mysterious guy named Razor, she escapes capture, but not for long. This book is a sequel to Broken Angel, but I didn't read that, and although at times I wondered if there Why I read it: This book is a sequel to Broken Angel, but I didn't read that, and although at times I wondered if there was a previous book I looked it up later , I didn't feel lost or like I was missing anything.

    Caitlyn is a very strong character, but because she is so withdrawn and slow to trust anyone, it's hard to really get to know and love her. I was very curious about the secondary characters, especially Razor. I wanted to know exactly what had happened to him in the past, and what he was going to do next. A horrible dystopic United States that I hope never comes to pass. I don't think anything like that will, especially in my lifetime, but it didn't sound like a good place to live. Who Should Read This? Anyone looking for a fast-paced, interesting science fiction novel set in the future.

    It was published by a Christian publisher, but the religion is very minimal. I really liked this book. The chapters were really short, and moved from character to character, which really helped to move the story along and make sure it never got stagnant. I was worried when I first started reading that it was going to be a little heavy on the science, especially when there was one sentence with three words I didn't know, but it wasn't bad at all I am so not a science person. I'll definitely read more by this author.

    I like the cover, but I wish the writing was a little less prominent. It's hard to notice anything else.

    Caitlyn Brown Series

    May 05, Gillian Bronte Adams rated it really liked it Shelves: I discovered halfway into Flight of Shadows by Sigmund Brouwer that it was the second book in a series, a sequel to Broken Angel. Though I hadn't read the first book, I was able to pick up pretty quickly on what was happening. However, I would definitely recommend reading the first book before picking up Flight of Shadows. Flight of Shadows follows Caitlyn Brown's journey through an America divided by caste and plagued by poverty. The story is fast paced and alternates between nearly half a dozen I discovered halfway into Flight of Shadows by Sigmund Brouwer that it was the second book in a series, a sequel to Broken Angel.

    The story is fast paced and alternates between nearly half a dozen points of view. Between the death doctors, the psychotic bounty hunter, and an additional host of truly evil people, Flight of Shadows becomes a somewhat dark and depressing read. Not a feel-good-happy-go-lucky-sigh-and-close-the-book kind of story. Amidst the darkness, however, there shone little rays of light. Razor was one of them. Big, kind, large-hearted Billy - especially when accompanied by his sidekick Theo. I wish Billy had factored more into the story, though I'm guessing he played a larger role in Broken Angel.

    I found I didn't care as much for Caitlyn as I would have liked. As a protagonist, she was interesting and intriguing, but not especially lovable. Perhaps it was just me. I also found it odd that the romance between Caitlyn and at least one of the "two men who love her" was nigh non-existent, though perhaps it was better established in the first book. All in all, I found Flight of Shadows a fast paced read with plenty of action and intrigue to keep the pages turning!

    Recommended for an older reader, due to the violence and some more mature content. In accordance with the Blogging for Books program, I received a free copy of this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. Jan 23, Tracy Krauss rated it it was amazing. In this Sci-Fi series, scientists have learned to splice human genetic material together with other life forms to create new hybrids. Most of the experiments have failed, except for one — a girl named Caitlyn Brown.

    She has wings and can fly, as well as other genetic properties that make her very valuable — dead or alive. As she is pursued by the government, the scientific community, money hungry criminals, and a psychopathic predator out for revenge, she comes across an unlikely ally in the person of a street kid named Razor. Will Razor be able to protect her and ultimately help her find her true freedom? This novel is a must read for the Sci-fi lover. When scientists take creation into their own hands, bad things can happen.

    There are some gruesome scenes in the book, although well written and certainly not graphic — just enough detail to let you know that the bad guys in this case, a rogue bounty hunter named Mason are really BAD. I loved this book. Nov 16, Amanda rated it it was amazing Shelves: Flight of Shadows is the fast-paced sequel to Broken Angel: So fast-paced, in fact, that the whole book only covers a few days. In Flight of Shadows, we learn more about the history that has brought society to this point.

    The Water Wars, the return to a near-feudal caste system, and why thousands of people are living in soovie parks - large communities of disabled SUVs that are now good for nothing except keeping the rain off. Caitlyn has escaped to the Outside and safety and made contac Flight of Shadows is the fast-paced sequel to Broken Angel: Caitlyn has escaped to the Outside and safety and made contact with Billy and Theo, but when threatened, they all quickly flee to another city and live in poverty while trying to stay "under the radar".

    They soon learn that that's not possible. When Caitlyn is forced to defend herself from a brutal attacker, she sets in motion a chain of events that leaves all of them running for their lives again. She is befriended by Razor, a young man who is a master of disguise and can be found hacking a computer system one moment and braving the horrifying subterrainian community the next.

    One of the things that makes a good thriller for me is never being sure who is one which side. Who can the good guys trust? Flight of Shadows is definitely a good thriller. And it's not just Caitlyn who has to watch her back. Most of the main characters in the book are betrayed at some point.

    Not a good way to live, but it makes for a great story. I suppose you could read Flight of Shadows as a stand-alone book. The author does give a lot of background. I would recommend reading Broken Angel first, though. I received this book free from the publisher as part of the Blogging for Books program. See more reviews at http: Jan 17, Sela rated it really liked it Shelves: I love science fiction.

    When Christ found me over 10 years ago, I had a really hard time letting go of some of my old favorite books because they no longer fit with my world view. This book, Flight of Shadows, lived up to my expectations, mostly. I did not know going into it that it was the second in a series. I have the first one now checked out from the library and plan on starting in on it this week.

    Lucky for me, I love science fiction. I think that the character development in the first part of the book would have been a lot easier to follow had I read Broken Angel first, but I was still able to get the plot and the characters without it. The near-future world that Brouwer has created is fascinating. It makes you think about the state of the nation without being obnoxious about it. The characters in the book are well developed and consistent. The overall writing style is tight, staying within the correct perspective of each character and providing just enough detail.

    Thank you to WaterBrook Press for sending me this book for review. Dec 02, Christy Lockstein rated it it was amazing. Caitlyn has escaped Appalachia and started a new life working as a maid in a hotel. Billy and Theo are still waiting to meet her so they can seek freedom in the West together.

    Mason has emerged from his on personal hell with one less eye and even deeper madness and darkness in his soul. Pierce hasn't given up the search for Caitlyn, especially after his failure in Appalachia.

    Flight of Shadows

    If you haven't read Broken Angel, go do it now! You must read it in order to fully enjoy this book and understand the characters' history together. When Caitlyn is threatened on the job, she is forced to expose her secret, which brings her a new ally, Razor, who she's not sure if she can trust, but feels strongly drawn toward. Brouwer has set the players on a chessboard in this book. Caitlyn is the king, who everyone wants to own or protect. Mason is a rook, smashing anything in his path to revenge, Pierce is the bishop moving smoothly through each step of the game, and Razor is the knight whose moves are never expected or in a straight line.

    Brouwer ratchets up the tension even more in this book, with Caitlyn constantly in danger, and the reader has no idea who to trust. There were many pages I read with my hand over my mouth and forgetting to breathe. I have to admit that I am a bit disappointed that Brouwer has ended the series here, but he did an excellent joy tying up loose ends.

    With this amount of talent and the ability to create such breathtaking surprises, Brouwer is definitely an author to watch. Nov 07, April Erwin rated it liked it. I'd read Broken Angel and enjoyed it, but had no idea that a sequel had been written. Reading Flight of Shadows was like stumbling across a group of long lost friends.

    Finding Caitlyn, Billy, and Theo again, and joining them on this new journey was perfect. Brouwer's depiction of our near future is indeed dismal, with the worst in humanity on display from politics to religion. Her genetic secret could change humanity forever. Her DNA grants her the ultimate power. But all she wants is to disappear. Looming buildings rise into the sky of a near-future America, shadowing the desperate poverty of the soovie parks, death doctors, and fear bombs. In this world of walled cities, where status matters most, Caitlyn Brown is desperate to remain invisible, wrongly believing what she needs to hide is the deformity on her back.

    The powerful want her for so much more. Her only hope is to reach friends already tracked by government. With a twisted bounty hunter in full pursuit, she and Razor begin to learn the unthinkable about her past and the unique gifts of her DNA. It leads Caitlyn to a choice between the two men who love her, and whether to keep her freedom or sacrifice herself to change human destiny. Flight of Shadows is a terrifying ride into the heart of compelling moral questions about science and society. In this engrossing, lightning-paced story with a post-apocalyptic edge, best-selling author Sigmund Brouwer weaves a heroic, harrowing journey through the path of a treacherous nation carved from the United States.

    In the rough, shadowy hills of Appalachia, in what is left of the United States following years of government infighting, Caitlyn Brown and her companions are prey in a terrifying hunt. Her birth was shrouded in mystery and tragedy. Her destiny is beyond comprehension. Her pursuers long to see her broken.