Swinging for Beginners: An Introduction to the Lifestyle

Swinging for Beginners: An Introduction to the Lifestyle [Kaye Bellemeade] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. It's been said that the couple .
Table of contents

We try to pick apart and investigate jealousy, how we define it, how it affects us in the lifestyle and how we are working through it. You will find that we keep it fresh: Then to lighten things up we go through some funny and cringeworthy sex injur. S gets J to open up and we get deep into relationships and what the lifestyle has done for us.

Sexual innuendos aside this is a very deep dive into our relationship and how this all works for us. Then we finish up with some fun stuff about a recent ev. Our sexy friends joined us for the best ever Monday to chat about the lifestyle and have some fun with us. Some good advice for lifestylers in this episode. We cant get enough of these two. After the seriousness of the last episode we get a lot more sexy and talk about another catch up with a familiar couple. Plenty more firsts and sexy times recounted in this one, and J is a lot more cheeky ; We seem to be diving head first into the.

Alliteration aside, this podcast is a bit of fun, introducing our friend Special K, before getting into some more serious stuff that we have gone through on our journey. We want to be open and honest about everything in the hopes people might learn fr. We end up tangled up in a mini orgy with hot bodies everywhere.

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The Slow Regard of Silent Things. A House in the Sky. The 5 Love Languages. All My Puny Sorrows. The Couple Next Door. Participants Respondents were recruited from a number of different sources. One source was from students who were in both introductory and advanced sociology and social psychology classes during the fall and spring semesters of - Students also had the option of recruiting up to five respondents from outside the university.

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Two extra credit points for each completed questionnaire was awarded to the student. Secondly, various local churches were asked if they would place the questionnaire on their websites. A third source was from BeliefNet. All religious faiths are covered and individuals have the opportunity to go to sites and discuss anything from traditional Judeo-Christianity to paganism. A fourth source consisted of gaining the assistance of a person who is very active both locally and nationally in the polyamory movement.

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She placed the survey link on various polyamory sites. A total of swingers and 34 polyamorists completed the questionnaire. A total of who were neither a swinger nor a poly also completed the survey for a total of total respondents. Demographic Variables Table 1 presents the findings relevant to those demographic variables which have been studied for swingers. Mean age for both groups was in the forties with the polys having a slightly higher average age.

The social class indicators of education and income put both groups solidly in the middle and upper-middle class. Democrats now predominate among both swingers and polys with the polyamory group having a slightly higher percentage of Democrats. The differences between the two groups are not statistically significant.

  • Swinging for Beginners : An Introduction to the Lifestyle by Kaye Bellemeade (2003, Paperback).
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However, we see larger differences when we look at the ideology responses. Here, the swingers had two times the rate of conservatives and very conservatives than the polys. Fully two-thirds of polys placed themselves into the liberal or very liberal categories in contrast to approximately forty-six percent of swingers. And, the plurality I also asked questions relating to some issues of current interest. Respondents were asked to indicate if they found four different behaviors: And, for comparison purposes, the sample of non-swingers and non-polys were included.

Alternative lifestyle

Half the general sample gave this response. A significant chi square was found on this variable: A marginal significance existed between the polys and the swingers: A second question asked their opinion on divorce. The general sample was much less likely to see divorce as acceptable. A significant difference appeared here: There was no significant difference between the swingers and the polys. A large gap was found on both the abortion and gay marriage issues. A vast majority of polys thought abortion was acceptable while only about a third of the general sample gave this response.

Approximately forty-six percent of the general sample said it was unacceptable whereas A significant difference on this issue was also found: A significant difference also existed between the polys and the swingers: The final issue explored was that of gay marriage. As can be seen, there was a wide spread among all three groups. Significant differences existed here: The polys and swingers were significantly different: These results are presented in Table 4. General Sample, Swingers, Polys. Results show that both polys and the swingers are far less likely to be a church member than those who are neither a poly nor a swinger.

A significant chi square was found: No significant difference was found between the polys and the swingers. When asked how many times they attended services in a typical month, swingers and polys were almost identical and were significantly less likely to attend church services than the general sample: I also looked at those respondents who did say that they attended some kind of service.


The general sample averaged 4. For those swingers who did attend, they averaged 3. There was no significant difference between the polys and swingers. There was also a significant difference between the swingers and the polys: The final major category I looked at dealt with issues surrounding happiness and life satisfaction. A standard question here is to have the respondent place themselves on a 1 to 10 scale with the higher number indicating a higher level of happiness.

The general sample mean was 7. I also asked some questions relating to their emotional and psychological well-being. However, the polys were much more likely to seek help. When all three categories are considered a significant difference was found: A higher percentage of both polys The general sample had the lowest number - The poly sample had the smallest percentage 6.

Significant differences were found when comparing all three groups: No significant difference was found between our two relevant groups: Two questions relevant to how they see their lives were asked. The majority of each of the three groups responded that they would like to change some aspect of their lives.

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There was no significant difference among the three groups. Also, the polys, although having a higher percentage than the swingers, did not significantly differ from the swingers. However, no significant difference occurred between the swingers and the polys. In fact, their numbers were virtually identical. One of the purposes of the present paper was to update the literature relevant to swinging.

Although some things have remained since the early research, it seems that other things have changed. Age appears to be one of those traits remaining constant. In this study the mean age for the swingers was While the mean age was slightly higher than previous studies it is similar and, like the Fernandes sample, the majority was between 36 and Swinging still is a middle to upper-middle class phenomena. The mean educational level for the swingers was Income also places swingers squarely in the upper-middle class.

On the other hand, political identification and ideology have changed over the years.