Book Review: Important Safety Instructions

A review was conducted of the literature on the management of rules and procedures that affect safety . additional to safety, or even more important than safety. These may be In addition, a chapter was prepared for publication in a book.
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Safety Statement and Risk Assessment

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Safety | Instructions for Authors

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Employers need to consider if the hazard can be eliminated altogether or if the job can be changed in any way so as to make it safer and, if not, what safety precautions are necessary to control this risk? The Safety Statement is the place to record the significant findings of the Risk Assessments. This means writing down the more significant hazards and recording the most important conclusions.

Employers should inform employees about their findings. The employer should also state in the Safety Statement where other relevant documentation is retained. The Safety Statement needs to be relevant at all times. Implementing the Safety Statement should be an integral part of everyday operations. A copy of the Statement or relevant extracts of it must be kept available for inspection at or near every workplace to which it relates.

Hence, it may be necessary to revise it whenever there are changes, or when Risk Assessments are carried out and improvements made that have an impact on safety and health. Such changes may include changes in work processes, organisational structure, equipment or substances used, technical knowledge, and legislation or standards.

Changes in the workforce may also have an impact, e. However, it is not necessary to amend the Safety Statement for every trivial change, or for each new job, but if a new job introduces significant new hazards, you need to assess the Risks Assessments and implement the necessary prevention measures. Planning is the key to ensuring that the safety and health efforts really work. It involves setting objectives, assessing the risks, implementing standards of performance and developing a safety culture. The employer should record the safety and health plans in the Safety Statement.

Such planning should provide for:. Where the in-house expertise is not available, employ the services of an external competent person to help. Check that they are familiar with your work activities, have worked with this sector before and have the ability to assess specific work activities. Involve as many employees as possible in order to encourage them to share ownership of the finished Assessments.

Many of the Authority prepared Codes of Practice, Guidance and Information Sheets contain Risk Assessment templates for specific sectors and can also be used for this purpose. See also the Publications section of this website for further details. Employers are required to do all that is reasonably practicable to minimise the risk of injury or damage to the safety and health of their employees. Employers will have done all that is reasonably practicable if they have:. The Safety Statement must specify the arrangements to be used for consultation with and participation by employees on safety and health matters.

These would include the procedures to facilitate effective co-operation and communication on safety and health matters between the employer and employees. Consultation and participation arrangements and the extent of their usage will depend on the size and complexity of the organisation. This may range from informal one to one discussions to a more formal safety committee.

For more information relating to safety representation and safety consultation, see the FAQs on Safety Representation and Safety Consultation. Employers must also consult safety representatives and others who may be affected by the review. Implementing the Safety Statement should be an integral part of everyday operations and so it must be relevant at all times. Therefore, it should be revised periodically, at least annually, and whenever significant changes take place, or when Risk Assessments are carried out and improvements are made that have an impact on safety and health.

Such changes may include changes in the way work is being carried out, the introduction of new work activities, changes in the organisational structure due to redundancies and to available man power etc. Employers should bring any changes made to the attention of the safety representatives, employees and any other persons who may be affected by the new measures set out in the Safety Statement. They must be informed about the new findings and of any changes in the required safety and health precautions.

Make sure all modifications or improvements required by the new Risk Assessments and Safety Statement review are implemented as soon as possible. A Risk Assessment must always be prepared for that place of work. However, if 3 or fewer people are employed and a Code of Practice relating to Safety Statements, prepared by the Authority, exists for a sector or work activity, then compliance with that code is sufficient. See section 20 8 of the Act.

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  • Codes of Practice have been prepared for several sectors including Construction, Agriculture and Fishing. Please see the Publications section of this website for details. A Safety Statement is your specific programme, in writing, for safeguarding the health and safety of your employees. The Authority does not supply Safety Statements. The guidelines and tools prepared by the Authority on preparing Safety Statements and carrying out Risk Assessments can be used for this purpose.

    These guidelines are designed to help employers or the self-employed to manage safety and health in the workplace. Please see the Codes of Practice part of the Publications section of this website for details. Different workplace settings will identify differing hazards, dependent on the work activities being carried out.

    Therefore, assorted control measures shall be considered for the various risks in such workplaces, e. Slips, trips and falls are the second most common type of accident in most places of work. The risk depends on: The extent of injury may vary from relatively minor to severe, depending on a variety of factors including the nature of the fall, whether at the level or from a height. Vehicles in the workplace are a risk to other employees on foot. The risk is a combination of the chance that someone will be struck, together with the likely severity of the injury. This will depend on:. Paints containing isocyanates are a hazard to health.

    Breathing in isocyanate fumes can cause asthma. The extent of the likely damage is severe. An employee could develop asthma, which might make him or her unemployable in that industry. The Authority has produced extensive Guidance on preventing exposure to all sorts of chemicals including an Information Sheet on Isocyanate use. Please see also the Chemicals and Hazardous Substances part of the Publications section of this website for details.

    A permit-to-work system is a written system of the procedures which must be taken to safeguard workers doing work such as repair, maintenance or cleaning work in potentially dangerous areas or with dangerous operations. It involves mechanical, electrical or process isolation procedures or monitoring the atmosphere for the presence of dangerous fumes. It sets out in a systematic way the work is to be done, the hazards involved and the precautions to be taken.

    Situations where this is necessary include when machinery could be restarted with the worker still inside it, or working in confined spaces where there is a danger of chemical or physical contamination. The employer should write down in the Safety Statement what work activities require a permit-to-work system. Please see the Working in Confined Spaces part of our website. Employers may also need to consider other sector specific Guidance from the Authority as detailed in our Publications area.

    The Safety Statement should contain an organisation chart showing the safety and health management structure and the names and responsibilities of key personnel. As a minimum, it must include the name of the person at senior management or director level with delegated responsibility for safety and health in the company. It must also be ensured that the board of Directors or other management body in charge know they have safety and health responsibilities as well.

    Section 18 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act states that, where a competent employee in matters relating to health and safety , is available to an employer, that person should be utilised to address issues relating to safety, health and welfare. Prior to engaging the services of a consultant, the employer should make reasonable enquiries that the person or company being employed has an adequate level of competence to address the work activities under consideration.

    Generally a person specialising in safety consultancy will have, in addition to relevant experience, a certificate, diploma, degree or other qualification in the field of occupational health and safety. Depending on the work activities and the workplace under consideration, the consultant might need to have additional qualifications and experience in the type of activity being assessed. You are responsible for the safety of yourself, your employees, and any other person that may be affected by your work activities.

    Healthy, Safe and Productive Lives. Managing Safety and Health in Schools. Teacher Support and Classroom Resources. Safety and Health Initiatives in Education. Health and Safety Courses Online. Taking Care of Business. Workplace Transport Safety Load Securing. Accidents and Behaviour Bullying at Work.

    Strategy in Workplace Health Workplace Stress. What is a Safety Statement? What is the difference between a hazard and a risk? Why is it important to carry out a Risk Assessment and prepare a Safety Statement? What does the law require regarding Risk Assessments and Safety Statements? What should be covered in a Safety Statement? Who needs to read the Risk Assessments and Safety Statement? How often do staff need to read the Risk Assessment and Safety Statement?

    I only have one employee; do I need a Safety Statement? Do I need to give a copy of the Safety Statement to every employee? What is a competent person? Am I qualified enough to prepare a Safety Statement correctly? Who approves a Safety Statement? How do I prepare a Safety Statement?

    What considerations should be taken into account when planning and setting objectives for safety and health in the Safety Statement? Who is responsible for preparing the Risk Assessment and Safety Statement? Who should carry out the Risk Assessment? How can an employer control risk? What should be contained in the Safety Statement regarding representation, consultation and participation of employees?

    What are the two key components of measuring safety and health performance? How should the Safety Statement be reviewed? How often should the Safety Statement be reviewed? What should the employer do after the Safety Statement has been reviewed? My insurance company is requesting a Safety Statement; can the Authority send me one? Are there any factors to be considered in specific Risk Assessments?

    Risk of being struck by a fork-lift truck, e. Risk of exposure to isocyanate paint, e. What should the organisation chart of a business show with regard to managing safety and health? I am considering seeking the advice and services of a safety consultant. Can you offer me any advice? Publications What is a Risk Assessment? The results of any Risk Assessments should be written into the Safety Statement.

    Section 20 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act requires that an organisation produce a written programme to safeguard: The Safety Statement should influence all work activities, including the selection of competent people, equipment and materials the way work is done how goods and services are designed and provided It is essential to write down the Safety Statement and put in place the arrangements needed to implement and monitor it. Hence, it is important to carry out a Risk Assessment and prepare a Safety Statement for: These documents might include: See the Publications section of this website.

    These people could include: A campaign to discharge this responsibility could include a combination of written and verbal communication, including: Back to top Do I need to give a copy of the Safety Statement to every employee? Back to top What is a competent person? Draw up a health and safety policy: Identify the hazards The first step in safeguarding safety and health is to identify hazards from materials, equipment, chemicals and work activities.

    But to identify the main hazards and put risks in their true perspective, employers can also check: Decide what precautions are needed Employers may already have in place some safety measures. Record the findings The Safety Statement is the place to record the significant findings of the Risk Assessments.

    Review the programme and update as necessary The Safety Statement needs to be relevant at all times. Such planning should provide for: Those required to prepare a Risk Assessment and Safety Statement are: Employers will have done all that is reasonably practicable if they have: The two key components of measuring safety and health performance are: Active monitoring before things go wrong.