Islam For Dummies

Inform yourself about islam, what it is, the dangers, the background, the goal, and why islam is DIFFERENT than any other religion out there today. Read this.
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Religion does, of course, play a role: But to pretend that the danger comes only from the devout could cost lives. Whatever the Daily Mail or Michael Gove might have you believe, long beards and flowing robes aren't indicators of radicalisation; ultra-conservative or reactionary views don't automatically lead to violent acts. Muslims aren't all Islamists, Islamists aren't all jihadists and jihadists aren't all devout. To claim otherwise isn't only factually inaccurate; it could be fatal.

Omar is the nice, clean-shaven, thoroughly modern ringleader of a gang of wannabe suicide bombers; he reads Disney stories to his son, sings Toploader's "Dancing in the Moonlight" with his mates and is pretty uninterested in Muslim beliefs or practices. Meanwhile, his brother Ahmed is a religious fundamentalist, a big-bearded Salafist who can't bear to make eye contact with women and thinks laughter is un-Islamic but who, crucially, has no time for violence or jihad.

The police raid the home of peaceful Ahmed, rather than Omar, allowing Omar to escape and launch an attack on. Back in the real world, as would-be jihadists buy books such as Islam for Dummies , ministers and security chiefs should venture online and order DVDs of Four Lions. It comes from the verse in the koran that says: Examples include any lying to protect islam, or to protect a muslim.

The practical application of this deception:. When muslims are few in numbers: When muslims are numerous: When muslims outnumber you: Kitman is characterized by someone telling only PART of the truth, and not the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Often kitman results in a gross distortion of the truth. For example, when a muslim says that jihad really refers to an internal, spiritual struggle. He is not telling that the koran uses jihad and its derivatives 59 times. Another example of kitman is to quote ONLY the few peaceful passages from the koran, knowing full-well that that passage was later abrogated cancelled by a more militant, contradictory verse.

Reliance of the Traveler, sections o A muslim might respond: In actuality, he has expressed his wish for you to convert to islam; he wishes the best for you which, in his view, is becoming a muslim. This is a subtle doctrine that essentially means that if a muslim is unable to fulfil some aspect of his religious practice, then he is not obligated to attempt to do so not having to observe all the tenets of sharia.

In one sense the name says it all: If a muslim is forced by necessity to go to a secular Western Court, rather than a Sharia Court to obtain his rights, that is Darura. Eventhough a muslim is not allowed to believe in man-made laws. Muruna means using flexibility to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings in order that muslim immigrants appear moderate, so the community gets the false sense that the early immigrants are not a threat, at least until the muslim community has gained strenght.

Thus, muslims may forget some of the commands in the koran, as long as they are pursuing a better command. Muslims striving to advance islam, therefore, can deviate from their islamic laws in order to cause non-muslims to lower their guard and place their trust in their muslim counterpart. As an example, Mohammed asked: Bin Maslama rose and responded: Would it please you if I killed him? Bin Maslama then said: This generation of Western leaders seeks the affirmation of their secular liberalism in a moderate islam.

Because the alternative is the end of everything that they believe in and have invested in. And even when they do find out they are wrong, it is very hard to come back from a position taken after you once so fiercely defended it in public. Assuming that muslims believe in multiculturalism because they do. Instead of fighting a war against the reality of islam, our leaders have chosen to fight a war against reality.

Most Western leaders claim to be fighting narratives, but they have no interest in actually challenging the islamic narrative of superiority that is the root cause of all conflicts. Instead they take great pains not to offend muslims. The so called intellectuals who refuse to criticise islam are allowing the ideology to take over Western values and are helping islam to islamise the West.

Liberals in muslim countries fight against islam. But liberals in the West fiercely defend it… until reality catches up with them and it is too late. There is only ONE islam and it is written in the koran and sunna. Democracy is just the train we board to reach our destination [a repressive sharia society], once we reach our destination, we get off. Just a little friendly reminder: Hitler was once elected to power by democracy too. After he came to power he abolished democracy at the first opportunity he got, became a dictator and declared himself supreme leader, Fuhrer of Germany.

It is frequently said that moderate muslims can solve the problem of jihad and terror. Everyone has met nice muslims, some of whom are even willing to admit that islam has problems. But we have to understand that what we call: The jihad cannot be removed, it can only be denied by ignoring it. A moderate muslim has the same koran, sunna, Allah and Mohammed as a jihadist has. Here is the problem: It is already written down, and the writer — who said that nothing may ever be changed — is dead.

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So there is the end of the story. It really is that simple. Nobody can change the sunna and the koran. Their words are eternal, perfect and universal.

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Nobody can change islam, it is fixed, eternal, unchangeable, forever and frozen by its unalterable doctrine. Jihad and Hijrah are the core and can never be separated. Muslims can only choose not to practice the dark side of islam, that is if they live in a FREE country and have that choice. They cannot change it or get rid of it. Every country which islam has entered has become a muslim country within a couple of hundred years. Egypt was once Christian. Iraq was once Christian. Turkey was once Christian.

Syria was once Christian. Afghanistan was once Buddhist. Pakistan was once Hindu. Almost every country now occupied by islam used to be a blooming Christian nation once, much like the West is today. It is simply because islam seeks world domination. Let this sink in for a minute.

Islamic politics are outlined in the life of Mohammed and his traditions. The koran declares that Mohammed is the perfect pattern of life. Political Islam is mostly determined by the example of Mohammed as found in 3 books — the koran, the sira his biography and hadith traditions. Until you know Mohammed, you cannot know islam. This means the non-muslim has a unique point of view, that is quite different from the muslim who is to subjugate the kafir. As you can see, these are two different views. Apologists might say that others have done worse.

The Islamic religion itself is of no consequence to non-muslims. Islam is built on a house of cards and crumbles as soon as any intelligent person takes a critical look at it. The koran has NO logical path to truth, love, and life. Muslims must engage in taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance islam. So far over 40 islamic countries have anti-women laws.

Unequal testimony between man and woman in legal proceedings. Imprisonment for being raped. Marriages not requiring the consent of the bride. No freedom of religion. What is the sharia? Sharia dictates a complete way of life for both the muslim and the non-muslim. Its goal is to rule all. The sharia is the most important part of islamic doctrine.

Sharia is islam and islam is Sharia. Sharia includes law, but it also includes how to raise a family, theology, philosophy and every aspect of daily living. The Sharia includes pronouncements for both muslims and non-muslims kafirs. The Sharia is a complete manual for a civilization. The Sharia does not allow free speech. It is for instance forbidden to make a joke about Mohammed. Blasphemy, offcourse, is also forbidden. The Sharia says that constitutions and democratic laws are manmade and a product of ignorance.

Beheadings Stonings Hangings Crucifixions Honor killings Genocide Burning infidels alive Supremacy and global domination Warfare and conquest Beatings Torture Limb amputations Genital mutilation Death to apostates Forced conversion Slavery Sex slavery and rape Misogyny and sexism Women enslavement Wife beating Child marriage and rape Brutality against homosexuals Censorship Dictatorship Bigotry and hatred Robbery and pillage Extortion of nonbelievers Persecution and death for blasphemy and atheism Animal cruelty Prohibition of music and singing Destruction of all pre-islamic antiquities And so on….

Jihad may be waged against injustice or an unjust nation, as islam defines the terms. Classical texts say islam is justice, and no islam is injustice. Jihad may be waged to spread islam and force conversions — a holy war. A captive in jihad may be executed, enslaved, ransomed for money, exchanged for other prisoners, or released freely. A woman captive of jihad may be forced to have to sex with her captors — now owners. A second-class submission tax, called the jizyah, must be imposed on Jews and Christians — and other religious minorities — living in islamic countries.

This word appears in koran 9: A male owner may have sex with his slave-women, even prepubescent slave-girls. Apostasy laws, including execution, may be imposed on anyone who leaves islam — an apostate. Blasphemy laws, including imprisonment or execution, may be imposed on critics of islam or Mohammed. An injured plaintiff — a private citizen — has the options of forgiving or exacting legal and literal revenge — physical eye for physical eye qisas. False accusers of sexual crimes may be flogged eighty times. A wife may re-marry her ex-husband if, and only if, she marries another man, has sex with him, and then this second man divorces her.

A mature man can marry a prepubescent girl — Mohammed himself was 53 years old when he married the 6 year old Aisha. Sharia police are the authorities that people report information to. These are also the men who implement the punishments such as floggings and stoning of women. Many times women are even arrested for doing things like making their husbands angry.

Many can not understand islam. We, in the West, are so accustomed to the Western way of thinking based on the Judeo-Christian culture, the 10 commandments, equality for all, the golden rule the principle of treating others as one would wish to be treated , tolerance and forgiveness we assume that these mandates are automatically common to ALL religions.

Unfortunately, they are not. The doctrine of islam clearly goes against almost everything we in the West believe in and stand for. No freedom of speech. Extreme cruelty in punishments and for animals, and much, much more. Blocking it from their minds. This is why we see that so many people in the West including ignorant westernized muslims!

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Politicians, media, liberals and educators… Much like an ostrich with its head in the sand. Luckily, there is hope… People all over the world are slowly but surely starting to wake up. And eventhough, for most people it takes some time before the penny has dropped. The process of indoctrination that poisons minds is called: Almost all muslims are brainwashed, most of them since birth generation after generation after generation. You know nothing about islam. What you are saying is taken out of context. Others have done bad things as well Christians, Jews, America, Crusades….

Look at the Bible. It almost never goes any further than this, no facts, no arguments. That is what happens when people want to defend something that is indefensible. There are good things in the koran. But, the koran is dualistic — otherwise islam could never have survived.

Islam for Dummies

It has everything to do with following the prophets actions. Third, the reason for killing: We must not forget that the jihadists who kill in the name of islam justify their actions ONLY by the existence of non-muslims. This means, just because a person is not a muslim he must be killed. That is different than fighting for peace or for example fighting to liberate Europe from Hitler. Because of islamic terrorists were trying to take over the Christian world. The crusades did not start the muslim belief that everyone who is not a muslim must die, they were a reaction to muslims acting on that belief.

A racist is someone who excludes a race, islam is NOT a race , it is an ideology. An ideology, with a little bit of religion. The Sharia even is a complete handbook for a civilization. A phobia is an unjust fear of something, the fear of islam is absolutely justifiable. The islamic doctrine is full of hate speech, appointing the hate speech of islam may be uncomfortable but is not hate speech, it is telling the truth. There is a huge difference between the violence in the Bible OT and the violence in the trilogy of islam, being: The Bible OT is a history book, there are no eternal laws in the Bible other than the 10 commandments.

The Bible does not call for eternal violence and the koran very clearly does. The koran however is a book of laws and commands, and because the words of Allah spoken by Mohammed, of course are the highest, are perpetual, are to be taken literally and can never be doubted, there is no other interpretation possible. Not years ago, not now, never.

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Therefore, the fundamental difference is: However, if a muslim kills in the name of Allah, he has full justification to do so from the life and teachings of Mohammed, and from the koran. That is exactly why nowhere in the world Christians are murdering muslims in the name of the Bible. We see Christians around the world building hospitals, orphanages, universities, etc.

Actually, the world would be quite a peaceful place without islam. Well, the answer kan be found in the islamic sripture, Koran Tafsir Ibn Kathir:. They also abandon what Allah made obligatory and doubt His religion. So it is actually ok to kill a person in retaliation of murder, all unbelievers non-muslims , and all muslims who disobey Allah, all muslims who doubt islam, or all muslims who have disbelievers as friends note: That is their disgrace in this world, and a great torment is theirs in the Hereafter.

Muslims who are islamists themselves. Muslims or non-muslims that are scared of islamists. Muslims or non-muslims that know nothing about islam. Muslims or non-muslims that have not lived in muslim dominated areas. You may still think islam is just like any other religion and therefore it is wrong to be against islam.

It is only in the last 20 years or so that all the major islamic sources have been translated and not so long ago islam was mainly something from the Middle East far away. Now it is coming closer rapidly to the west and people are starting to slowly wake up. The fact is, most Western people have had very little personal interaction with muslims so far. Most Westerners are completely blind to the fact that islam does not share the Western values or basic worldview.

For many it is far easier to act as if critics of islam have a problem with muslims, than it is to accept the uncomfortable truth that islam is different. Emanated from schools, universities, news rooms, vips, politicians and so on…. So when your muslim friends tell you islam is peaceful, they may actually truly believe it.

Unfortunately, islam is NOT defined by your neighbour, your co-worker or any other peaceful Westernized muslim, islam is defined by Allah and Mohammed. If violence and mayhem seem to follow muslims wherever they go not to mention plague the entire islamic world! It is only in the last 20 years or so that all the major islamic sources have been translated, people muslims and non-muslims are starting to wake up.

So education and information is the key: Did you know this? The koran is just one book a trilogy , it is full of hate speech and it is written by just one man: Islam has not so much to do with religion and cannot be compared with the Bible Bible means library: The koran contains at least verses that call muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of islamic rule.

Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, the verses of violence in the koran are mostly open-ended, meaning that they are not restrained by the historical context of the surrounding text. They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subjective as anything else in the koran.

Islam is based upon two principles: Duality is a major principle of islam since islam would never have survived without it. First comes the part of the koran written in Mecca, where Mohammed is still just a religious preacher, Mohammed says: Then comes the part of the koran written in Medina, where Mohammed became a jihadi warrior, Mohammed says: The two positions clearly contradict each other, so which one is true?

And still you see that much of the violence in the world is perpetrated by muslims…. One part was written in Mecca and one part was written in Medina: The abrogation principle of the koran says: Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to abrogate or even balance out the many that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to islam, or are killed. Mohammed was once a refugee taken in by the Jewish city of Medina.

Within 5 years he had driven out, executed, or enslaved every Jew there… In Mecca, before jihad, islam only grew at the rate of 10 new muslims per year, the religion of islam was clearly a total failure. But when Mohammed went to Medina and turned to jihad, islam grew at an average rate of This is stated in the koran no less than 91 times! Mohammed is pure islam: Is sex slavery islamic? He said that women could be beaten, had to always obey their husbands and could be part of a harem.

See a Problem?

According to islam Mohammed is the perfect human being, the divine prototype. In islam, muslims are intended to emulate the behavior and example of Mohammed directly and literally, and every muslim needs to speak as Mohammed and act like Mohammed. So, to understand islam, you must first know the life of Mohammed.

Also he was a child molester, a narcissist, a pedophile, a mass murderer, a terrorist, a misogynist, a polygamist, a lecher, a cult leader, a rapist, a torturer, an assassin and a looter. The reward has gone unclaimed. Mohammed beheaded a whole tribe Banu Qurayza , even children were killed. He killed people himself with his hands and sword, and many many more were butchered in his name. Have sex with a 9-year-old girl? Require women to cover their faces?

Befriend Christians and Jews? Hit his own wife? Kill prisoners of war? Tell sick persons to heal them-selves by drinking camel urine? Have boys as young as years-old beheaded? Approve of Sex with Minors? Enslave women and children? Stone adulterers to death? Torture a man out of greed? Consider men and women equal partners? The findings address one of the most troubling questions about IS recruitment in the United States and Europe: Are disaffected people who understand Shariah more prone to radicalisation?

The group preys on this religious ignorance, allowing extremists to impose a brand of Islam constructed to suit its goal of maximum territorial expansion and carnage as soon as recruits come under its sway. Mohamed Lahouaiyej Bouhlel , who killed 85 people by ploughing a truck into a Bastille Day crowd in Nice, France, was described by family and neighbours as indifferent to religion, volatile and prone to drinking sprees, with a bent for salsa dancing and a reported male lover. Unlike Omar Mateen , the Orlando attacker, Bouhlel did not make a public declaration of allegiance to Islamic State, much less prove he had direct ties to extremists in the war zone.

Still, the group was quick to claim both as foot soldiers. The AP analysed the IS entry form documents of around foreign recruits who crossed into Syria when the group was rapidly expanding and seizing territory in Iraq and Syria in and At that time, the CIA estimated the extremist group had between 20, and 31, fighters across Iraq and Syria. Among the documents were forms for nine of 10 young men from the eastern French city of Strasbourg, all recruited by a man named Mourad Fares.

Two died in Syria, and within a few months, seven returned to France and were arrested. AP analysis of thousands of leaked Islamic State documents reveals most of its recruits from its earliest days came with only the most basic knowledge of Islam. When pressed by the judge on his knowledge of Shariah and how the IS group implements it, Mohammad-Aggad, a former gas station attendant, appeared dumbfounded, saying repeatedly: One of his co-defendants, Radouane Taher, was also pressed by the judge on whether beheadings carried out by the IS group conformed to Islamic law.