Paranoid Pip

When a wildly eccentric family living in Greenwich Village circa 70s and 80s adopt a paranoid dog, all hell breaks loose in the neighborhood. A cute.
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Damned if you do, damned if you don’t…DWP paranoia – Recovery in the Bin

The fear of DWP is without doubt now worse than what took me into services in the first place. It has taken my hope, my potential, my future. That way we are more compliant workers willing to put up with worse and worse conditions. And those who can afford it will get private insurance.

See a Problem?

I am in work too and I worry about what will happen should I lose it — whether because of my health or because of losing funding for my post. Insecurity and precarity are the tactics.


I even avoid seeing and talking to friends more than illness dictates because I get paranoid one of them might mention me to someone else who might shop me to the DWP. The assessment process was so traumatic and made me more ill than my usual baseline Ill so I would never do anything that would invite being reassessed again and risk losing yet another year to the daily terror it invoked. It was a huge contributory factor in my letter to the assisted suicide clinics. Continuing to live like this is intolerable. It is the complete antithesis to being supported in being able to make the best of what you can and of contributing what you can.

Every contact from them makes life that much more precarious. For those on here subjected to repeat assessments it is nothing more than sadistic.

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This vital contribution is being lost because of the fear it will go against claims. Then services require positivity and recovery the complete opposite of the dwp which skews all healthcare relationships. It seems so easy to some people, to escape all of that by being employed.

It stops me from pushing forward my art even though it is the one true constant I have. Independent living means living your life and getting the support you need to live it, including financial help. I am however very worried about Scottish Government proposals for claimants for new disability benefits to be asked for informed consent for DWP to have direct access to our medical records.

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How can it be informed consent if the choice is let us see your medical records or we will take all your money that you need to survive and you can just go away and curl up and die. Also feel the involvement of people with experience of claiming benefits has been really tokenistic and we have not really been listened to. Their whole approach seems to be driven by the need to protect the public purse rather than the rights of disabled people. My claim was genuine and still is but no matter how much my doctor reminded me I have nothing to feel guilty or worry about it totally took me over.

I think I am now back to sensibly cautious. I have a brilliant GP who absolutely refuses to let the DWP compromise how he supports his patients but know when he retires and the next generation of doctors are less likely to question colluding with the DWP that it will be like being thrown to the lions.

It is awful how all this is affecting our trust in consulting about our health and could result in dangerous consequences for many of us.

Paranoid Pip

I am in England and I had to agree to full access to my medical records for my PIP claim which I absolutely hated doing and added to how traumatic it was. However much I understand where the guilt comes from outside ideology it never goes away. Failure to do so can mean rapid suspension whilst investigated.

Permitted Work and whether this goes for or against a Work Capability Assessment is unclear. A critical theorist and activist collective.

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View all posts by recoveryinthebin. Skip to content Home Contact. A discussion initiated in RITB about the psychosocial impact of living in fear of DWP processes which have the power to cause; debt, poverty necessitating the use of foodbanks, deterioration or long term harm to physical and mental health, eviction, homelessness, attempted and completed suicide: SonicParanoid is a stand-alone software tool for the identification of orthologous relationships among multiple species.

SonicParanoid, executed in the fast mode, predicted orthologous relationships for 40 eukaryotic proteomes in about 70 minutes, or in less than 5 minutes for 26 prokaryotes, using only 8 CPUs. Moreover it processed the InParanoid8 input dataset, composed of proteomes eukaryotes , in about one and a half days 38 hours.


SonicParanoid was tested using a benchmark proteome dataset from the Quest for Orthologs consortium, and the correctness of its predictions was evaluated using a public Orthology Benchmarking service. When compared to other 13 orthology prediction tools , SonicParanoid showed a balanced trade-off between precision and recall, with an accuracy comparable to those of well-established inference methods. The low hardware requirements make it possible to run SonicParanoid on modern laptop computers, while the "update" feature allows users to easily maintain collections of orthologs that can be updated by adding or removing species.

Get it from PyPI using Python pip: Get help on Gitter. Before installing SonicParanoid make sure that the following software is installed in your system: Linux using a Python3 virtual environment No root previleges required Before proceeding further make sure that GCC ver. Ubuntu users might need to separately install the venv package. If not installed use the command sudo yum install python3-venv --assumeyes Create and activate the virtual environment.

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For details on how to install the software required by MMseqs2 please refer to the detailed guide in this page. Create and activate the virtual environment. Install required software Skip this step if you already have pip3, GGC 8 or above , cmake 3. This is probably a problem related to permissions. Follow the instruction below to update the GCC compiler. If the program is called just cmake make sure the version is higher than 3.

SonicParanoid can be executed through the command line by running the program sonicparanoid. The file names must not contain dash - symbols nor extensions. In order to further speed-up the computation of all-vs-all alignments MMseqs2 generates index files of the input proteome files. These index files are relatively big about 1. Nevertheless when running SonicParanoid on a laptop computer the avaliable storage might be an issue. SonicParanoid solves this problem by adding an optional parameter called '--no-indexing' SonicParanoid automatically avoids the creation of the index files if the available storage is lower than that required to store the index files.

SonicParanoid comes with a test input set composed of 4 bacterial proteomes. To test if SonicParanoid has been successfully installed type the following commands: