Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies (Critical Realism: Intervention

Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies (Critical Realism: Interventions (Hardcover)) eBook: Stephen Ackroyd, Steve Fleetwood.
Table of contents

However the applications of this theory in social science are different from the natural. Culture and society are generated by human activities; so society is continuously changing due to the dynamic nature of human actions. As such, there is a mutually influential relationship where humans shape the society, which in its turn affects human activities. Unlike natural laws, rules of culture and society are not universal but applicable only in a certain location and time. Furthermore, social structures are open and cannot be artificially controlled in a laboratory type setting.

Therefore the critical realism theory does not have any predictive power, and the theory is used for its explanatory benefits only. Critical theory requires a deep understanding of any social situation, going beyond the observable and investigating the mechanisms behind any event. The focus of the theory is on ex-post explanations, as opposed to ex-ante predictions. As such the major application of this theory in research is explaining the complex social events and ruling out any other potential explanations. In information systems, critical realist theory primarily can be used to study how information is used by organizations and measure the perceived net benefits from using an information system.

Critical realism — interventions. Making the case for critical realism: Examining the implementation of automated performance management systems. Information Resources Management Journal, 20 2 , Applying critical realism to information and communication technologies: Construction Management and Economics, 27 5 , Deciding to upgrade packaged software: A comparative case study of motives, contingencies and dependencies.

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European Journal of Information Systems, 16 5 , Combining IS research methods: For example; if the visiting researchers were predominantly of a different class or gender to particular pupil perhaps the pupil will not have felt the same degree of identification with the visitors and therefore have been less affected by the interaction than another. Realist evaluation therefore invites the evaluator to examine intersecting contextual factors and encourages a degree of criticality and granularity to the analysis of any outcome.

And, ultimately, the theory of change is adapted in the light of such findings. Tissue Culture Bananas [https: It was expected that the farmers would resist this new cash crop but through a process of exposure visits, in which some farmers were taken to see other farmers who were growing the crop, they found that they experienced more uptake and less resistance than expected. The programme team had to ask themselves: They saw this as a challenge in community engagement.

Critical Realist Applications in Organisation and Management Studies Critical Realism Interventions

A research team led by Jim Lavery and Sunita Bandewar conducted a retrospective qualitative case study informed by grounded theory to explore:. The team found six specific features of community engagement in this project that were critical to its effectiveness:. Jim and his team tried to reflect on these factors and the mechanisms which might have been at work behind the intervention-outcome relationship. What the example above demonstrates is a Context-Mechanism-Outcome Chain. That in the context where mistrust can be expected, lowering risk perceptions can lead to the outcome of farmer buy in to the new cash crop.

This minimises the risk of becoming overly focused on a single context-mechanism-outcome chain at the expense of others.

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  3. Principles for conducting critical realist case study research in information systems;
  4. Critical Realist Evaluation.
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It is important to involve as broad a range of perspectives in the process as possible. There is no doubt value in critically thinking through and re-examining ones assumptions, but there is also a challenge of time, and the danger of falling down the rabbit hole. There is a need to be proportionate to the investment in the engagement project itself. Realist evaluation, like other evaluation methods has to be pragmatic and the principles and approach can be used to help focus an evaluation.

It is important to focus on what matters — what would you be able to change in practice and respond to? There is a particular value in realist approaches for drawing lessons from across programme contexts realist synthesis. Pawson et al An illustrative example of realist synthesis is if you are designing a policy to introduce seat belt use in cars. In realist synthesis you will then look to see if that mechanism the fear of the fine works in other areas such as smoking in a public place.

Critical realism theory

Realist analysis does suffer from being reliant on some jargon, and key terms are still disputed, even in the field: For example, in our work it pertains to the conditions connected to the development of research partnerships. As these conditions change over time, the context may reflect aspects of those changes while the programme is implemented.

Examples of context include cultural norms and history of the community in which a programme is implemented, the nature and scope of existing social networks, or built programme infrastructure. They can also be trust-building processes, geographic location effects, funding sources, opportunities, or constraints. A mechanism is the generative force that leads to outcomes. It often but not always denotes the reasoning cognitive or emotional of the various actors in relation to the work, challenges, and successes of the partnership. Outcomes are either intended or unintended and can be proximal, intermediate, or final.

Examples of PR [participatory research] outcomes are greater empowerment, participation, enrolment, education, knowledge, development of programme infrastructure, and enhanced research processes. Examples of intervention outcomes are improved health status, more use of health services, and enhanced research results. Epistemologically, CR provides principles that can be applied by researchers developing theoretical explanations about phenomena in the world. It therefore functions at a level similar to that occupied by such philosophies as Positivism and Interpretivism. Because CR principles are usually used to underpin the development of theoretical explanations it is more accurately considered a "metatheory", rather than a "theory".

CR does not have "Dependent" or "Independent" constructs, per se. The ontological model of CR is described below.

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  • Critical realism holds that the theory of knowledge, or epistemology, is different form a theory of being, or ontology. There is a reality which exists independent of its human conception. Critical realists believe that there are unobservable events which cause the observable ones; as such, the social world can be understood only if people understand the structures that generate such unobservable events.

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    This is important in the experimental context, because it allows the scientist to distinguish between the event and what causes it. According to this theory, an individual conducting an experiment creates the conditions necessary for the experiment observable event , but the results are caused by the underlying laws and mechanisms unobservable events.

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    4. Critical realism theory - IS Theory?

    The critical side of this theory arises from the identification of epistemic fallacy — the idea of analyzing ontological statements in terms of epistemological statements. Epistemic fallacy is caused by a failure to recognize a difference between ontology and epistemology.

    Critical realism theory - IS Theory

    The realism side of the theory focuses on the existence of real mechanisms which shape events. There are three strata, according to the theory: Domains of empirical include observable experiences. Domain of actual includes actual events which have been generated by mechanisms. Finally, the domain of real includes the mechanisms that have generated the actual events. The critical realism theory can be applied to social science as well as natural science. However the applications of this theory in social science are different from the natural.

    Culture and society are generated by human activities; so society is continuously changing due to the dynamic nature of human actions.