Verdant Agenda

Verdant Agenda, available for Kindle and ePub: The eruption of the Yellowstone Caldera threatens the global ecosystem, and Earth's population tries to try to.
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They don't want any thing to do with us any more. So I reminded him that Philip had agreed to write a sequel to his first book. While I was talking to the Verdant representative, I prayed on his behalf that All that Is "open the hearts of the Verdant and fill them with your Unconditional Love. I could feel some definite reaction. I have had trouble before with the reptilian race receiving this gift if I did not first ask that their hearts be opened. They are apparently a very unemotional bunch. I asked the Verdant to visit Philip again and give him the gift of Unconditional Love.

I believe he will.

Verdant Agenda: Preview

His whole demeanor changed after this prayer. Apparently his race didn't actually receive fully this gift the first time. So this means that Philip may change his mind and go ahead and write the sequel. At present I believe that he is so mortified about him and the other people being taken in by the Verdant that he wants to wash his hands of the whole affair.

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Dear Jack, I received a reply from Philip today but he doesn't admit a thing about the Verdants. I'm going to write again and ask him if he can confirm that they have changed. Jack Writes to Ms A: I had a letter all composed to send to Mr. Philip, the author of the book on the subject, about an update on the Verdant ET civilization's abandoning their planned takeover of earth, when Freckles announced a visitor. It was a representative of the Verdant ET race. He said that it would do no good to write to Philip, since he feels that he was taken in, as were the other key personnel of their worldwide indoctrination program, and he doesn't want to be reminded of it again.

But the Verdant representative said that their whole society had been transformed into a peaceful cooperative one by the UL gift, and they had freed the control they had on all 57 planetary societies they had taken over, allowing them to take advantage of the scientific breakthroughs the Verdant had made, and giving them the UL gift. But when I asked, they said that they had not solved the almost instantaneous translation drive the Andromedans have on their ships. In fact, the Andromedans are "around" helping supervise the ET crowds viewing the MEMORIAL in the field behind my house, and when they picked up my writing a letter about the Verdant, they went to the Verdant's home planet and zipped a representative back here so he could explain the present situation.

It's handy to have them around. I was told I could have a ride in one of these ships in my Astral body some time. I said any time they are ready, I am ready. Roger has already had such a ride in his astral body, clear to the other side of the Galaxy, almost instantaneously. The Verdant representative did explain that all the key people around the world who were a part of their indoctrination program had been beamed up to their ship stationed on the back side of the moon, in small groups and "debriefed".

So they all know the plan has been scrapped. Philip apparently was not in on this debriefing, based upon the subsequent story written below. It described the continued attempt by Mr. I downloaded a copy of this book, and with great difficulty finally gained access to it and read about half way through the pages. However when I tried to access it again, I couldn't.

I downloaded two additional copies of the book with equally disappointing results. Then I downloaded another book and it worked fine. So after several phone calls, I was instructed to delete the original access file and re-install it. This allowed access, but I had to repeat this procedure the next two times I tried to access the book before the correction "took". I asked my guides and was told that the Verdants had picked up my thoughts about them and had scrambled the access code, not wanting me to know what their plans were. While I was reading the remainder of the book, I felt a "funnel" forming around me and my skin starting to crawl.

I sensed Verdant energy. I knew I was in the process of being beamed up to their ship. Their first attempt was thwarted by Gaia, the group spirit of the earth, with whom I was working along with others in preparing for the earth changes. The reason for this was clear when a representative of the Verdants later visited me and apologized for attempting to beam me aboard and dissect my brain in order to find where my awareness of God was located. This time I lost my cool. I sensed the presence of a group of seven of their 4th dimension star ships and on an impulse I directed all to be disabled and the crew terminated.

My Guidance stopped the termination order thankfully, but six of the ships were disabled. I told them I wanted them to leave the earth alone and return to their home planet. They said they had no way to return their six crippled ships to their home dock with their space bridging drives disabled. I had experience in moving star ships over considerable distance simply by means of a strong creative thought with the help of some higher level beings. So they were apparently on hand to help in this instance, while one at a time, I "thought" each starship back to their home planet.

I told them that there were six billion humans most of whom were in the process of becoming fully awake as I was, and ONE of us could destroy all their ships in the event of a conflict, just by thinking it so. This may have had an influence in their subsequent decision to back off from their second attempt to take control of the earth. I apologized to the Verdant leadership for my rash behavior. Then I remembered the story they told to Philip, of a malignant virus on a planet they were considering taking over, that didn't kill but which created mental cripples.

They had found a cure, but no preventive vaccine. My last contact with them indicated the preliminary investigation of the planet affected indicated no new infections so the eradication of the virus seemed to be working. My last effort in making up for my attempt at termination of their ship's crews, was to offer those who were willing the gift of Unconditional Love from All that Is.

I had given this gift to the first group of Verdants, but this was apparently another group who did not receive it. What follows is a channeling from Jaya Alarah Andrews on this subject in response to my asking for confirmation on my latest contact with the Verdants. OK, let's see what we can say about your experience with the Verdant group. Yes, the Verdants did wish to contact you again. They did not realize their attempt to bring you to their ship would create such a fear response in you. Since their intent, at this time, was not harmful, your Guides did prevent you from destroying them.

Fortunately without doing too much damage to their ships. You did make amends by helping them to return to a safe area to make repairs. In the case of the Verdants, they are a more what you would call neutral race of beings, in that they have no concept of "dark-light", "evil", "right-wrong" as humans do. They act out of neutrality They do have their own "laws" or "rules" which they live by, and do have a concept of a Higher consciousness, although not as a personal god. The Verdants have decided against converting humans to their way at this time. They have come to realize that, even with the free will concept which they were unfamiliar with, the human race is on its own path to a higher evolution and need not be interfered with, especially at this time.

In the past they have dealt mostly with younger civilizations which were in such chaos they could not evolve. So while the "take-over" may have seemed to be improper in the viewpoint of others, it was beneficial to those who did accept the take-over.

The architecture of a Verdant satellite

They see that with humans, this not only would not work, it is not needed. Humans are preparing to evolve into a higher level of being. Those who chose not to will continue their lessons on the duplicate earth as we have said before. That time period was more similar to their own planet. When they left this time they returned to their own planet which is similar in appearance to the part of the world that Egypt is in.

They also have pyramids. Suffice it to say, all of your experience with the Verdants happened, they did leave to return to their planet. They will not proceed with their plan to "take over" earth, and they will most likely not communicate with Mr. Krapf anytime in the future. It won't be necessary for you to notify Mr. Krapf but you may if you like.

This is all for now. Love and Light, Alarah. They said they were not, but instead were going to use them as bargaining chips for purchasing valuable minerals and other supplies they do not normally produce. They would be then used by the traders for manual labor gangs. Killing them would be less useful to their society. I wrote to Philip informing him of this latest contact, which included the following: Your floppy disk containing the names of the Ambassadors for revealing the Verdant agenda is in a safe deposit box in a branch of the xxxxxx Bank located across town from where you live..

The address is xxx. The box number is yyy. The box face is very ornate. The building is on the corner with entrance in the corner. There is an ATM on the right as you face the entrance. This information is supplied to grab your attention and to let you know that I am able to supply very accurate information received intuitively, to substantiate the following information on the Verdants.

The Verdants had several conversations with me about this, and finally decided to re-think this plan for the only free-will race they had ever encountered, and would be back in a couple of years. They apparently have contacted you indirectly since that date and were once again planning to try again if we start behaving ourselves soon enough to prevent our nuclear annihilation. But in the intervening time period they did not know of an increasing percentage of humanity that is becoming more spiritually aware and possibly before the year is out, this increasing percentage will have ascended into the 5th vibrational octave of Reality dimension if you prefer , on their way back to reuniting with God , at which time they will simply disappear from the 3rd dimensional world in which we live.

I have been in communication with a representative of the Verdant race and have a message to you from him. He said to tell you that they are once again pulling out and going home, this time for good, and to so advise the Ambassadors. You may log onto my website and click onto the file on "The Problem With The Verdants" to get a history of my first contact with them, with a late addition describing my most recent contact.

Before I close, I must comment on one large discrepancy in their story. They told you that when we die we go to Heaven , and that they had discovered heaven somewhere in this Universe. This came as such a shock to you that you needed counseling. With your present disbelief in such a reality, you would flee in shocked terror into any place that shielded you from such radiance, since to you this would be Hell, not Heaven.

Yet to those who held at least a small belief in such a possibility, and expressed this kind of love during their life, they would happily accept such a welcome and engulfed by this love, it would indeed be pure Heaven. To say that when we die we go to heaven is an extreme simplification of the truth at best. The Verdants have absolutely no concept of the Hereafter.

I would refer you to the file titled "Belief, Intent, and Freewill" on my website which is a summation from many reliable and authoritative intuitive sources on this subject. You can also peruse other titles on this website which may attract your attention concerning the many ET races who have had contact with us over many years, mostly having their own personal agendas for taking over and "owning" the earth, just as the Verdants had in mind behind their benevolent front.

Two days after this letter was sent, the following reply was received: You didn't hit it quite right on the nose, but you came closer than just mere guessing would take you regarding the safe deposit box. As for your other observations on the Verdants, I guess we'll just have to wait and see what develops before we know how accurate your predictions are. So this may be the last we shall hear from the Verdants. They have apparently done some good to many ET civilizations they have encountered who were immersed in stagnation and injected their version of benevolent aid.

But the uniqueness of our gift of free will , combined with our apparently being on the way to ascending into higher spiritual dimensions, was beyond their ability to successfully handle. So they gracefully bowed out. The Verdants are back again for the third time. A warning was received two evenings ago from my guides that a mortal enemy was planning my demise during a conversation I thought with some benevolent ETs making arrangements for my being beamed up to their Star Ship for a short ride. I had been promised this treat for some time by the Andromedans , with different bottlenecks being uncovered, like Gaia requesting some more work be done on her behalf in helping removing darkness and evil from earth, and my two grown children not wanting me to leave earth.

But now everything seemed in readiness. So I asked Mother Earth Gaia for permission to leave earth. I sensed the Verdant energy. A vindictive female, whose husband I had terminated during their second unrequested attempt to beam me up and terminate me, was in charge of another ship. She had enlisted help in placing veils over my contacts with these high level beings. It was she that was going to beam me not just "up" but "out" into outer space and allow my body's molecules to scatter into the void. So I used the "invalidate" edict which removes the entity from the "game board" of this reality, eliminating their having any further effect on earth's affairs.

But all such edicts have the built in proviso that the Holy Spirit can reverse the edict and use a more appropriate method of eliminating their interfering with our affairs.

In this case I found out later, she had turned the vindictive widow over to the Verdant authorities, who promptly terminated her. This is typical of what I have learned of their behavior in previous dealings with them. They display little emotion. They do what is most expedient and efficient for the survival of their specie.

If the Verdant race took control of the earth, they would find an increasing number of its population coming and going as those who had been transferred to the pseudo 3rd density world appearing as they qualified for 4th density awareness, with others disappearing as they increase in divine awareness, thus qualifying for ascension into the 5th dimension. The only way they could stop this would be to stop our ascension into the 5th dimension, which is contrary to the Divine Ascension Plan , and thus could not be done.

An update" be contacted and request that he write me confirming that the takeover attempt by the Verdant race has been permanently abandoned. If this is not forthcoming, the Commander and I will have another talk, after which each subsequent day of delay in this letter being received after our talk will result in another one of their Star Ships being destroyed. This letter will be posted here as soon as it is received. I just received an answer to several questions about the Verdants I had sent to Jaya Andrews who is a gifted intuitive.

Her brief answer dictated by her Guides was,. They will not interfere further with the ascension. I believe that it was Archangel Michael who did the confining, and the confinement area is inside their solar system. So I contacted the Verdant Commander and he told me he was unable to contact the author of the Verdant books to advise him about their backing out, and he confirmed that they are confined.

Preview: Chapter 1

Here is some recent correspondence relating to Dr. Boylan and Phillip Krapf: I forwarded the letter I wanted to send to Philip, to Boylan about the latest Verdant contact with Phillip since he apparently does not have a published E-mail address. Note also the update at the end of this Email Dr. I wouldn't think of forwarding your fear and hate-based message to Mr. I'm sorry you are trying to shield Phillip from useful information.

The Problem With The Verdant ET Takeover Plans

I have corresponded with him in the past regarding the Verdants's decision not to interrelate with humans, and their reasons. What I wrote to you to forward contained similar information on their fourth attempt and the reasons they backed out again. I believe he is perfectly capable of evaluating this information without your biased help. In one of his replies Phillip wrote concerning my successful intuiting where he kept the list of Ambassadors: Here is a confirmation that the Verdants were stopped at least temporarily from further contact with earth after their third thwarted attempt: I just received an answer to several questions about the Verdants which I had sent to Jaya Andrews who is a gifted intuitive.

Her brief answer dictated by her Guides was " The Verdants are confined. This was almost a year ago. It is my understanding that the Verdants were released from their confinement in order to see how they would use this freedom. They chose to once again try to establish contact with us. The holy spirit has jurisdiction over what I do in releasing blockages to our ascension into the 4th dimension, which is about to start. The fact that my actions were not blocked in stopping their fourth attempt at taking over the control of earth means that they must have met with her approval.

On another subject, after getting approval from your Dr. Boylan's Higher Self , my remote healing partner and I gave you some healing this morning. She detected and removed bottled up anger and rage which was causing some lower back pain.

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There should be a considerable improvement in this area within the next day or two. We removed some dark energies and evil entities who had been blocking your clear vision for more than one lifetime. When this blockage was removed, she picked up your being furious with yourself for allowing your subconscious to be programmed in this manner, and at them for doing this to you. This is the first time you had any inkling of what was going on.

She also picked up your having a chronic heart problem which mild exercise would help correct, and you have some liver damage from parasites which were removed. In case you trashed the first letter, here is a copy which I hope you will now allow to go through to Philip. Well, the Verdants have been trying to gain a foothold on earth for the fourth time.

The thirty two space ships they had positioned around the moon have now been returned back to their home planets. Thirty one were returned intact. The twentieth one had been cloaked and was once again trying to beam me aboard and with intentions of termination. That ship was moved close to the sun and rotated like a wiener on a spit before being returned to them, a burnt out cinder.

This was actually sent into an alternate reality by Arch Angel Michael , rather than being cooked. My retaliatory action was considered extreme by the Holy Spirit and was thus thwarted. I located it and returned it to its home planet. But they are not aware that the earth will be made uninhabitable from major earth changes and essentially abandoned within the next three years, for a period of several years.

There they will be given more time to change their nature, or else their bodies will be terminated and their spirits prepared for additional incarnations. So the Verdants would soon find themselves with a virtually empty planet on their hands. I have had a conference with their leaders in regard to the demonstration of what would happen to their ships if they attempted another approach to earth. Despite their friendly gestures to you and your ambassadors, they are essentially emotionless beings who do not feel love, hate, or even pain.

But they are changelings and can imitate any life form they so choose. How would the Verdants, using their cold logic, ever successfully govern humans who are emotional independent-thinking creatures, and not the uniform thinking, hive-minded creatures to which they are accustomed? Before you make your lecture tour, please check out the revised plans of the Verdants if they do not contact you first. They should tell you that upon further consideration, they have discovered irreconcilable differences between the two races.

The latest on the Verdants. I just phoned the local psychic with whom I have been communicating over the last couple of months, in regard to the status of the Verdants. Here is what he has to say: The Verdant command is in a state of flux, or limbo. There is no activity toward another attempt at contact Earth. Their chanting had steadily died down, with no one nearby to inspire or impress, until it had become a background grumbling among the rioters. After a moment, Humboldt joined her, and surveyed the crowd with her.

Humboldt just grinned back at her without responding… then, a moment later, looked past her. Martha caught the motion, and turned to see what had caught his attention. It was the EO, Reya Luis, coming up the corridor and staring about in dismay at the waterlogged scene. Reya saw her then, and approached her directly. And she was dry. After she regarded Martha, she looked around at the rioters. Martha and Reya actually knew each other on and off-duty, well enough to go by first names Verdant was a big place, but most upper-level staff were at least acquainted with each other, especially due to the rigors of the last year , but in an official situation, they accepted formality and acted appropriately.

Martha pointed to the rioter cuffed to the gate entrance. Reya reacted to that with a mixed expression, part incredulity, part disgust, part concern. Martha shook her head. After a moment, Martha smiled wryly and shook her head at her executive officer. So far, the Gopher movement had managed several protests, acts of civil disobedience, and now attempted vandalism, and not once had anyone been caught who could be considered the leader of the movement.

Whoever they were, they were good at keeping a low profile. After a moment, Reya finally nodded in indication that she had everything she needed to know. Reya turned and walked away, taking her time so as not to splash herself overmuch. Martha turned about and, along the way to help her fellow officers, deliberately kicked water at as many rioters as she passed. Her yelling drew attention from many of the peacekeepers in the station… followed by additional attention directed at her and her partner, who still showed the effects of their being drenched at the riot site.

Numerous shouts and laughter followed, and good-natured comments along the lines of: The comments barely registered on Martha, and Humboldt likewise shrugged and grinned past them, as they proceeded on to the locker room. Along the way, Martha saw an officer come around the corner, and before he could join in on the laughter at her expense, she unlimbered her baton, switched on the taser, and quickly tossed it at his head.

The officer caught the baton inches from his face, then recoiled at the sound of sizzling and popping. The officer looked at the baton, then back to Martha. Inside, she loudly slapped her hand on the lock sensor of her locker, creating a clang-a-lang-a-lang! This served to cow Martha a bit, and she more calmly opened her locker and withdrew a fresh uniform. She started to take off her soaked uniform, and used a towel to dry off her skin and underwear.

A good job, serving my community.

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  7. The tools to do the job. And yes, an occasional head to crack when it needs cracking. Is that really too much to ask? It was a rhetorical question that Martha had asked herself, and others, far too often in the last few months. In return, she heard Humboldt give the same reply that had become an overused mantra in that time—in fact, as he spoke, she silently mouthed the words she knew he would say:. Martha narrowed her almond eyes and sighed deeply, but she did not respond. What was there to say? No more could they depend on the gear and consumables that they used to ship up from Earth, whenever they needed it… now they had to find ways of fabricating things themselves, finding replacements, or doing without.

    The rest of the satellite was dealing with the same shortages as the peacekeepers, of course, which made her job doubly frustrating. Yet, when stored items ran out, when there was not enough to go around, people tended to defer to the traditions of their ancestry, and started fighting over the scraps. Even she was doing it… picking on Dudley, their equipment repairman, when she knew very well that he had no way to fabricate the optronic components needed to fix her baton, and had already torn apart every piece of optronics he could get his hands on to do what he could for the department.

    She was buttoning up when Humboldt came around the corner, himself still a few buttons short of finishing. It was funny how much the simple appearance of a uniform could do. Despite there being only herself, Humboldt and two other peacekeepers, walking on each corner of a slow-moving freight pallet on its way to the markets, the residents they passed made no attempt to come near, no matter how much they clearly wanted to. In a way, Martha felt even more aggravated by this assignment than by the riot. At least the riot represented people with intense feeling, willing to put themselves at risk in order to further their agenda.

    Here, there were only people who eyed the passing pallet like starving rats, wishing for an opening that would allow them to sneak up, grab a few boxes of goods, and slink off into the shadows. The aeroponics, hydroponics and traditional farms provided plenty of fruits, vegetables, legumes and tubers for the population; and the grown meat, while not Argentinean beef, was fine with a bit of creative preparation and seasoning. But since Verdant had moved, the residents had reacted to the lack of imported food as if it represented a serious shortage, and had taken to stealing and hoarding food whenever opportunities arose.

    She glanced at some residents, her eyes connecting with a few of them directly. They stared back, their eyes reflecting a calculating docility. So she turned and directed her eyes straight ahead, concentrating on the slow march down the corridors to the transport line. As they approached the entrance to the transport system, a man stepped out of the terminal and nodded in their direction. Martha stepped aside and waved him over to her, as she removed an ID verifier from her belt. It matched the ID she had been given at the stationhouse, their assigned escort to the market, so Martha nodded.

    Are you ready to load? After a moment, he looked down at her appraisingly, and smiled slightly. In return, she grinned back and shrugged. Martha actually found herself using the words she had grown to dislike so much, though she tried to put a brave face on it: Afterward, she wished she had said anything but that. The pallet automatically loaded itself onto the waiting transport, leaving enough room for Fix and the peacekeepers to step inside behind it.

    Fix entered the destination, and the transport closed and started along the track. They rode in silence at first, the peacekeepers mindful that they were hardly needed during this leg of the trip. But none of them seemed to indicate they preferred silence, and their open expressions prompted Fix to turn back to Martha, the only female of the peacekeepers on the transport. Martha caught a knowing glance from Humboldt, before she looked up at Fix. Fix cocked one eyebrow at her, in a way that looked to Martha to be forced and superficial… trying to impress her, and doing a bad job of it.

    Humboldt saw it, too, and knowing his partner, stifled a groan. Ongoing crisis… forced exile… head in the sand… those are the phrases I more often hear about our… situation. Fix returned her look, but did not respond. Verdant had left the confines of Earth mere days after the eruption, and no one had been back since… consequently, no one had an idea what state Tranquil was in… or Earth, for that matter.

    But it was assumed that their state was not good. This seemed to take the flirtatiousness out of Fix, and he remained silent through the rest of the trip. A group of offloaders were waiting at the market when they arrived, and as the peacekeepers stood watch, they made short work of transferring the food products to their closed containers and trundling off to their respective kiosks and eateries. Their finishing with the transport signaled the end of shift for Martha, Humboldt and the other two peacekeepers, who wasted no time bidding good-night and heading off on their own.

    They were relatively close to a vendor that Martha preferred, so she headed in that direction. The market was on Floor 16, which afforded a comprehensive view of the interior of Verdant from the market. It was easy for a resident to forget they were inside a giant space-borne satellite… except at the times when they could look out and see the vast curving cylinder, more than a kilometer in length, and the twenty terraced levels of residential, business, service and commercial suites and accessways, each cylindrical level rotating at differing rates to simulate a standard Earth gravity at most levels, increments of an Earth-Gee at a few, and zero-Gee at Floor Zero, the central column.

    Below, the open expanse of Floor 20 extended all the way to the southern end of the satellite, and was covered with an attractive mosaic of small and medium-sized buildings, greenspaces, farms and parks… like a picturesque rural town that had been somehow rolled up to meet itself, becoming its own sky. The terraces extended outward from the northern hub, at different lengths, so as to afford an unencumbered view from almost every terrace at some point of its rotation. Along her way, Martha examined much of the produce and merchandise of the other kiosks, and took careful note that most of the kiosks had smaller amounts of product, but very little empty shelf-space; despite the shortages inherent in their situation, they still had stock to sell.

    As she approached her vendor, she noticed a thin boy standing about near one of the shelves by the entrance. The proprietor was there, and was apparently aware of the boy, but was also busy with his own work. The boy had been showing interest in buying something, but not sure what to buy, so the proprietor had turned his back on the boy until he was ready. Martha could tell the boy was planning to use that moment to grab something and run. Martha altered her approach, sidling up beside the boy quietly.

    When the boy noticed that someone was close by, his eyes came around while the rest of him tried to keep still and remain unnoticed. But he instantly realized he was staring at a peacekeeper, at which point his head followed his eyes around, and his entire body jerked as if plucked. Without making a further sound, he backed away from the produce he had been eyeing, stepped around Martha, and walked with a forced non-chalance out of the kiosk. The proprietor finally looked up, saw the boy leaving, Martha watching him, and took in the situation in a glance.

    He smiled as Martha turned to him. Do you have my usual order this week? Orders were necessarily smaller nowadays, with the lesser availability of many products, so she often supplemented her usual order with something extra, mostly for Alix. He sometimes delighted in trying to think up inventive ways to prepare the miscellaneous items she would bring… almost as much as she delighted in pleasing him. If she picked well, it often meant a delightful evening all around. He seemed to be quietly absorbed in his eating, and paying no attention to his surroundings… at first.

    Then Martha noticed his eyes jump up to take in a woman who happened to pass his line of sight, hover for just a moment, then turn back to his food. Martha knew how to read that particularly male form of body language: Hardy was alone, and unhappy about it, but hoping no one else would notice. Martha, being female, had heard the talk about Hardy, poor man: Thanks to his subordinate, Dr. And there seemed to be fewer and fewer of them lately, as well. Of the residents on Verdant, Martha imagined Aaron Hardy, one of the most powerful men on the satellite, was probably having less satisfaction with their present situation than most….

    He tossed it in the bag, and smiled. She waited until the cashier made its recorded ca-ching! A moment later, a man sidestepped out of the kitchen and looked out at her. Alix was a nice guy, with an attitude to life and a sense of humor that matched hers, average in looks, with a sexy body and hands that could get her screaming with ecstasy in minutes.

    He could even cook. I wanted to put these beets to good use, and this recipe is slow. Then she pulled back, reluctantly, and took her bag into the kitchen to put things away. They scatter pretty easily. And how was your day? They kissed again, held it, and after a moment, Alix started making amorous motions and putting his talented hands to work on her. Sex was sex , but foreplay was fun.