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Young Tom Bowling: The Boys of the British Navy [John Conroy Hutcheson] on leondumoulin.nl *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This work has been selected.
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Not a bit of it, Tom, he replied, as he and I bent our backs and made the boat spin along towards the old flagship, fetching the gangway at the foot of the accommodation ladder on the starboard side in half a dozen strokes.

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Those landsharks be as hungry arter their vittles as they is for their fees, Tom; they be rare hands, them lawyers, for keeping their weather eyes open, and is all on the look-out for whatsomedever they can pick up. Really, father?

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I said innocently, as I stood up in the bows of the wherry and hung on by a boathook to one of the ringbolts in the side of the old three-decker that towered up above our heads, waiting to help in a couple of gentlemen who came hurrying down the accommodation ladder to take passage with us. Ship my rullocks, you young rascal!

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  • Young Tom Bowling The Boys of the British Navy by J.C. Hutcheson, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®;
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The rudder of the wherry being shipped, one of the gentlemen took the yoke lines as he sat down in the sternsheets facing father, handling them in a manner that showed he was no novice. So am I to see you, sir, rejoined father, resting on his oar, while the two exchanged a good grip of their fists; I also stopping pulling, of course, and grinning in sympathy. Oh yes, I recollect Murphy well enough. He was a mad Irishman, always full of fun and mischief, rejoined the other, smiling at the remembrance of some joke in which the chap of whom they spoke had part. What are you going to make of him?

He ought to be a sailor and serving the Queen by now, like his father before him!

Now, Bowling, my old friend, said this new ally of mine, who, it struck me, would turn out to be a very important factor in this decision anent my future destiny, the matter rests entirely with you. Is your son, young Tom here, to go to sea or not? See about it?

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I tell you what it is, young Tom must go to sea, my man—aye, and to-morrow too! Thank you kindly, sir, said father, raising his hand to his cap again in salute as the captain turned to leave us. You just go and tell that to the marines!

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She was a bright, fairy-like little creature, with beautiful hazel eyes, and a wealth of brown hair on her tiny head that was a veritable crown of glory, reaching below her waist, and looking like a tangle of gold when the sun played upon it; and, somehow or other, she was the life and light of our home, always having a kind word for everybody, and ever acting as the peacemaker when any little difference arose between father and mother, as sometimes happens in most family circles.

We lived in a queer little double-fronted, old-fashioned cottage near Bonfire Corner. This is close up against the dockyard wall, and not far from the. Upload Sign In Join. Home Books.

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Save For Later. Create a List. John Conroy Hutcheson and John B. Read on the Scribd mobile app Download the free Scribd mobile app to read anytime, anywhere. John Conroy Hutcheson. Hutcheson This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.

Young Tom Bowling The Boys of the British Navy

You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www. Hutcheson Illustrator: John B. Our hero, Tom, is trained for a little over a year in "Saint Vincent", after which he moves on to various postings in the Fleet. There is an interesting period during which he is serving in a vessel that is taking part in the British efforts to capture and punish slave traders on the African east coast.

It all rings true to me, because your reviewer has been in the Royal Navy himself, and knows the way the Navy works. But touching that there signallin', I'm surprised, sonny, you don't know by this time that when the commander in chief up at Admiralty House, in the dockyard, wishes for to communicate to some ship out at Spithead, he telegraphs from his office to the semaphore, which h'ists his orders, and then every ship in port's bound to repeat the signal till the craft he means it for runs up her answering pennant, for to show us how she's took the signal in and underconstubled it.

I can't make it out at all