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Vacation Guru: Become a Savvy Traveler While Saving Thousands of Dollars [J.B Rosenberg] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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Oh and of course summer, winter and spring break. And if you have a terrific nanny who has been working 40hrs a week for you and you suddenly chop her hours to she starts looking for another job to fill in the gap. In my opinion they are living a great life. If they were really struggling they would be living in NJ or Staten Island where housing costs less than Brooklyn. Adding all that together, and they have a fairly reasonable savings rate for their income.

Good observation. I hope nothing is misleading because the chart shows exactly how much they are saving in the retirement accounts each year. Within 30 years, they will have a fully paid off multi million dollar property. If they had rented, they would have nothing to live in for free or pass on to their children. This is why I strongly believe everybody should get neutral information by at least owning their primary residence. Save like mad and get neutral! I cannot feel any sympathy for these people.

I live in Maine. Have a beautiful house on 2 acres. My daughter just graduated high school and will be attending Northeastern University in the fall. I could of chosen a high pressure, try to be big wheel career. I chose not to. Life is not about things. Let me correct my initial statement I do feel sorry for these people. While obviously school smart, they are stupid on another level. Money will not buy you happiness. Your response to the push-back regarding vacations ignores how unreasonably expensive those vacations are. But if I had a family of four, and took several vacations, I can easily see how it adds up.

How big is your family? There is almost always a cheap place to eat near work. Koreatown, Chinatown, your local pizzeria- they are all cheap! Charity expenses should be brought down to a max of 5k annually. Gas — 5k pa? Kidding me? Should be much less or just get a Tesla, and you clearly do not need 2 cars. On the other hand, 18k for three vacations is far from enough — you should easily double this.

I cannot argue against the neutrality of their real estate postion as much as it cannot be argued that 2xk pieces of real estate — one personal and one investment, represent an effectively equivalent non-neutral position.

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Real estate is a builder of wealth, family wealth, whether it be bequethed or just simply an asset cornerstone. Their wealth accumulation, leveraged and tax subsidized, continues regardless the number of parcels. It is all like saying they are k neutral because ,well, they just have to have and fund one. There are a number of holes here. Not accusing anyone of making stuff up but some of this does not add up and suggests this was some sort of chimera of a number of different lives rolled into one.

First, plans provide discipline in saving for college and give a nice tax break, which they apparently need. This is a no-brainer that any educated person should do. Children ages 3 and 5 do not need nor necessarily appreciate elaborate vacations. In fact, they may find flying, going through security, seemingly endless walking through airports stressful.

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Taking kids to faraway places and then having to watch them like hawks is not so relaxing for the parents either. There are plenty of fun day trips to LI or NJ that could include an overnight stay someplace just to get out of the house. The AMNH in particular has a very robust commitment to science education.

I find the part about extracurricular enrichment expenses relative to a 3 and 5 year-old absurd. In the first place, subjecting a 3 year-old to so many structured activities is counter-productive.

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Young children need time to just play, not spend the whole day developing specific skills. Second, Mandarin study does not need to be expensive. My daughter is half Chinese so I know. Spending large sums on tennis lessons for a 3 and even a 5 year-old sounds bogus at best and a waste of money at worse. It is far smarter to send them to an intensive summer program when they are ready for first exposure.

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More cost effective and a better chance to retain something useful. If one of the kids is a prodigy that is different, but that was not the description provided above. Other observations from readers about cars have merit. If the parents have flexible working schedules, having a car is a great time-saver for running errands, but it is still a luxury. With alternatives like car services, Uber, and when convenient public transportation—and assuming the parents work long hours—there is no way car ownership is as economical as using the above services and renting a car on the weekend.

With their schedules it is unlikely they have time to fool with parking two cars on the street. Regarding the cost of education, NYC has a number of very strong elementary schools. There are also strong public middle and high schools that require testing to get into.

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I would argue that at 3 and 5 years old sending kids to expensive private schools is a waste of money and more likely motivated by racial, religious, or social biases than anything else caveat: unless one or both parents went to a given private school themselves, loved it, and strongly believes it is worth the expense for their kids. This expense is why so many New Yorkers with kids end up moving to NJ. Even with high property taxes, if the schools are good the savings vs two kids in NYC private schools is huge, even with commuting expense, plus you usually get more home for your money.

In the parents defense, the calculation of what they spend a month currently and extrapolating that to their old age is a straw man. Children are the most expensive luxury they have by far. Eventually the kids grow up and take on their own responsibilities. With kids gone the parents can downsize their apartment and potentially make a lot off the sale if they can move or retire to a less expensive locale.

They will not need to carry 2 cars. Vacations, food, clothing and all the rest will decline in cost. And if they have continued to fully fund their Ks and invested them conservatively, they should not be eating cat food at retirement time. I purposely worked less hours when my daughter was age to spend more time with her education outside of the schoolhouse.

My wife did the same. What emerged was a kid who did well academically, is going to a famous college with a nice merit scholarship, and we maintain a close relationship. As I am now looking back a bit from the descending curve of life I realize even more than I did in the process that this was fulfilling time incredibly well spent. Wonderful feedback about spending time with your daughter especially. That must be so gratifying to see her do so well. Wife and I were lucky enough to have flexibility and we were not driven to have an extravagant life style.

We were far more interested in helping daughter develop her potential. Not because we were such awesome people but because we truly found it fun! And still do. I think any parent that finds their children interesting and can summon up all the patience they can muster from time to time will do a great job in parenting. And then the daycare. And then what really gets me is the Mercedes and Land Rover.

I mean come in, in NY. Trains go everywhere. Okay, if you need a car — buy used. That will take away the car payment and all you need is insurance period. Also, you children are babies.

There is no reason to take 3 vacations a year. They will not remember anyway.

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Wait till they get older and take trips. Where are you buying your food. No 3 or 5 year old needs piano and violin lessons. Also, you should only be given to charity if you can afford too. We enjoy and yes it would be nice to have more money, but I am grateful for the life we have. I think once you start making that amount of money you enter into another lifestyle and things start to just get away from you. What would they do if god forbid one of them was disabled and they now are down to one income?