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Editorial Reviews. About the Author. Teeny Burns lives in a small town in Kentucky. Loves UnSpeakable Love: Silent Love - Kindle edition by Teeny Burns.
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And so begins the unspeakable journey towards love. Sign in. Get started. The Unspeakable Journey To Love. Beau Cleveland-Copeman Follow. The Creative Cafe Unlocking creativity through community. Dedicated to supporting and fostering the creative writing community. This is a place for compulsive creators, their work, and their stories. Prompts twice a month and stories published every day ish. Brought to you by Likewise. Life Love Journey Poet Dating. Articulated Lifestyle II Instagram: beauccopeman.

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Unlocking creativity through community. Write the first response. Luffy is watching this, after all. So this is death , he thinks as he falls into the sea, you keep nothing and leave everything. Everything is black. When Zoro offers his life to Kuma on a silver platter, head down, he thinks he was right as he sank at the Baratie. Their smiles, their laughs, their presence. They no longer occupy an afterthought at the end of the laundry list.

Just another swordsman aiming for the top. Luffy, who means everything to the crew and will easily mean as much to a thousand others in the future, means all the world to Zoro and all the weight of it too. Luffy, who will live on from this moment, who will sail a million miles and then some, who will take the grand line and the new world by storm, who will become an emperor and a king and a legend. Zoro knows this as well as he knows his own conviction, knows it like its been tattooed on his bones. Because even if he goes down here and now, Luffy will go on, and he will continue to carry the dreams and smiles and lives of the people on his ship.

His ascension and theirs will be possible because of this, and as Zoro reflects one last time before Kuma delivers his verdict, he thinks maybe he was wrong.

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Could never hold down or immobilize any Straw Hat, really. But he lived, and it mattered, and they can keep his memory. They can keep Zoro , and he can let them live in his heart and his spirit, at least for a few minutes longer. The feeling is foreign to him, these seconds unlike his last moments in East Blue with a sword aimed at his chest. But his resolve is unbreakable — for them, for him? Sanji finds himself pacing. And pacing. And pacing some more, for good measure. That idiot. He can feel the weight of what he knows yanking him down, threatening to pull him through the boards of the Sunny and down to the sea floor.

He wonders if this is what Devil Fruit users feel like the second they touch the ocean — a complete loss of control, a suffocating weight, a heavy heart. Feeling like a boulder, sinking down and down with nothing but the inevitable bottom to stop them. Watching as the light fades with the depths, a cocoon of darkness. The reality of what he tried to do puts pressure on the weight. It was foolish, really, and a bit fleeting, all that shit he said. He knows this only now, looking back and wincing. To speak of glory, of an honorable death — it stings.

It feels like lipservice as he looks back, clenching his fists.

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This, he thinks, is the simple difference between them in that moment. Sanji knows he was acting out in desperation, in self-sacrifice and dramatics. Zoro had accepted his death before he had even spoken the words. Again, a simple welcoming of death, just like at the Baratie. And Sanji had said the same thing — what happens to ambition when you die?

His mind swirls, twitches in a swarm of conflict.

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It makes him shake with irritation, makes him reach for another cigarette. To speak or to stay silent - it torments him. The thousand potentials for how Luffy could react are all a bit monumentous and heavy, all playing out a bit too darkly in his head. Sanji finds himself at the rail of the ship, shaking out of his reverie and looking down at his hands and then out at the vast expanse of the sea. That he knows in his soul anyone in this crew would go to great lengths to help their captain, to save their captain, to live for their captain.

We have all been prepared to make this sacrifice. He has saved each and every one of them in every way possible. Someone who promises you your dream and then some, who boldly claims to be the next pirate king. Luffy is…the man who will become the Pirate King! They all love him and have proven it time and time again.

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This, though, Sanji thinks, is different. He wonders if he could have ever truly gone through with his idiotic spiel, to do…whatever it was Zoro did that got him covered in blood and on the brink of death. Give me a glorious death! Sanji puffs smoke out onto the water. Unspeakable love. When he tells the swordsman the news from Marineford, he sees the fiery everpresent spark in his eyes dim for the first time.

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He sees the crushing of a soul, the breaking down of a granite wall. When he gives him a boat and tells him to go, he feels nothing. When he sees the boat destroyed, a distraught Zoro threatening to swim across a thousand oceans to see his captain, he feels something. When he invites him back to the castle, he feels gracious. When Zoro rejects his offer, he feels indifference. When he finds out he defeated all of them in his barely living state, he feels surprised. To beg, with his head on the ground.

To beg, with his hands on the ground. This is not the Roronoa Zoro he remembers from the floating restaurant in East Blue. To beg, with his knees on the ground. Whatever brought him to them must be heavier than the weight of his three swords, the weight of the dream imbued in his soul. Mihawk suddenly remembers a boy in a straw hat, flying at him in a rage.

He remembers a sword raised in the air and a promise.

The Things We Cannot Say

When he says It seems you have found an ambition greater than your own, it shocks he and Zoro both, it seems. When he thinks men like Zoro will only choose for the sake of another, abandon their pride for the sake of another, the surprise is gone. He knows exactly what kind of man Roronoa Zoro is, and it makes his chest twinge a bit. Too many blurred lines. He feels himself desperate to grasp what exactly it is that Zoro exudes, the quality that brought him to his knees, to ask a man to train his murderer. Undying devotion, complete and utter faith, unspeakable love, thinks Mihawk.