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Other articles where Inheritance of acquired characteristics is discussed: to have produced experimental evidence that acquired traits could be inherited.
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All too often there are bad or foolish choices made before children are born, and even if lessons are learned later the children may still. I forgot about the flatworms [straightdope. Came out about the time I started a psych major and I remember it being reported seriously. Lamarck's theory didn't work, but it was a legit scientific theory nonetheless, in that it actually took the risk of telling us something about nature: right or wrong, nothing reduces the scientific rigor and dedication of Lamarck's work and his contribution to biology.

This is a legit revision of mainstream evolution theory, and has nothing to do with non-falsifiable.

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Were the second generation of mice raised with their environmentally enriched parents? Mice learn, that's obvious, that's how the first generation benefitted from their richer environment. Well, they learn from other mice, too. Like, their parents. I have seen so many people screaming "Lamarckism!

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Lamarck was right! While this stuff is interesting, it's not Lamarck. It's an interesting genetically controlled chemical phenomenon. It should have been expected. You evolve to deal with issues. You have chemical controls on DNA replication and interpretation. In shorter life span animals than humans, this can be a great advantage. It ain't Lamarck. Lamarck says that if you cut off a tail of an animal, in generation after generation, after a while, the animal won't have a tail.

Lamarck says that if a giraffe needs a longer neck to reach leaves, it will stretch upward and that act of stretching will make its children taller. And that change will go forth, generation after generation. This stuff is vaguely like Lamarck, but it ain't Lamarck. People bring him into the conversation to get the uneducated excited. And at base, what they really want to say is "Darwin was wrong" because that gets dumb people really excited, which in turn sells newspapers -- now Darwin didn't say anything about mechanisms, so he's not wrong.

And this new stuff doesn't tell us that anything about how we generally understand mechanisms is wrong. It's just that there's more. Well, that's fine. Go study that. Yes, we'll fund you. Shut up with the Lamarck crap. From my internet knowledge I know that cancerous memes are passed from newfags to oldfags e.

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This would appear to be the opposite direction to parents passing useful knowledge to their children. There may be more comments in this discussion. Without JavaScript enabled, you might want to turn on Classic Discussion System in your preferences instead. Migrate from GitHub to SourceForge quickly and easily with this tool. A story from a week or so back in Technology Review describes research coming to the surprising conclusion that Jean-Baptiste Lamarck may have been right — that acquired characteristics can be passed on to offspring , at least in rodents.

Lamarck's ideas have been controversial for years, and dismissed in mainstream scientific thinking for nearly that long. The animals' memory improved The mice were then returned to normal conditions, where they grew up and had offspring. This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. More Login.

Score: 2 , Funny. Score: 5 , Funny. Interesting eh? So how did it explained religion? Well I could understand that if the scenario was giving dozens of virgins to one guy, the rest would only dream about it. In that case it would be a supply and demand problem, not an inherited one. Parent Share twitter facebook linkedin. Re: Score: 3 , Insightful. Re: Score: 2 , Interesting. Re: Score: 2.

Re: Score: 3 , Interesting.

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How about books? I know that parents barely try that anymore, but reading does that. Re: Score: 3 , Funny. Re: Score: 2 , Funny. If only Score: 2. Brain plasticity Score: 2. Comment removed based on user account deletion. Score: 5 , Informative. Share twitter facebook linkedin. Lysenko is the perfect example of why mixing politics and science can be a bad thing. Ridiculed is probably more accurate than villified. So does he work for the discovery institute? Score: 5 , Insightful. Does it mean that now we can raise a Posleen Army? But are the control rats normal rats, gene-effected stupid rats, or gene-effected stupid rats with trained-better-memory probably not the latter?

If they're normal rats, then they could teach things well too. Here's my personal suggested mechanism. And exposing a mother to alcohol has effects on the baby as well. Did you test this on mice or on humans. How many died? Someone think of the children!! Re: Score: 3 , Informative. Individuals don't adapt, populations do.

How is that a shortcoming of science? Score: 3 , Insightful. Contrary to the GP's claim there is no requirement in science for a "suggested mechanisim", the results of the experiment are far more important than the explaination. For example, nobody has yet explained gravity but few doubt it exists and that we can acurately predict it's behaviour via models. However it is common practice for papers to offer clearly labelled speculation in the hope that "someone else" will look for evidence and cite your paper if they find it. A failure to understand the difference between clearly labeled speculation and repeatable experimental results is definitely a "shortcoming" but it is not a "shortcoming of science".

Worse still the "shortcoming" of which you speak is often indistingushable from willfull ignorance [abc. IMHO the "unfortunate shortcoming of science" is the apparent inability of it's philosophy to rate a mention in high school science classes. This is not due to a lack of trying, see: Sagan [wikipedia.

Sorry I was unclear.

I don't deny that these things happen, just that the philosophy of science does not condone it and it's method does not require it. OTOH industry confrences often blur the lines between science, technology and business. Maybe the CHI selection commitee is simply not interested in anything that does not have "Implications for Design" and considers Paul's paper "out of scope".

Lamarck - his now proven hypothesiis

If that is the case then Paul is banging his head against a brick wall, his time would be better spent submitti. Score: 4 , Informative. Does it need one? Does it really need one? You're confusing a model with a mechanism. Lamarck may not have.

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There was already a short segment on Nova about a year ago about epigenetics. First, no one "deifies Darwin". Actual article Score: 5 , Informative. Histone modifications Score: 5 , Informative. If these modifications are made during an organism's life, they can be inherited by offspring.