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Dr Cao was the principal author of many but not all of them, but he is clearly a man of many roles and responsibilities competing for his time and attention. In addition, email addresses for Dr Cao were only recently uploaded to the PubPeer database to ensure that he received invitations to take part in the discussions. Much of the time, alas, any error was unlikely to be innocent, given the levels of shenanigans and jiggery-pokery.

Non artifact, sed artifice. In Wang et al. Figure 4C below at right is a Transwell migration assay of some kind, but it has kaleidoscope problems of its own. Moving along to Han et al. One of the squares from the patchwork, having appeared three times in 4A, makes a fourth reappearance in Figure 7B of Li et al. Now [11] is a kettle of red herrings of another colour.

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It is hard to know where to start. Reused FACS confections form a delicate web that binds all the illustrations together. Two more examples because why not? Figure 6C from Yang et al [1]…. Here is one that was Withdrawn not retracted in , Wang et al [9]:. The Withdrawal notice is terse and cryptic, but it sounds as if someone on the authorship list belatedly paid more attention than the editors and reviewers had, and decided not to enrich the scientific literature with legacies like these:. Yes, I know… this is a case where a Western Blot was caught in the matter-transporter malfunction, rather than a FACSimile, for this diagrammatic corpus is versatile and not exclusively flow-cytometric.

The Professor's Naughty Outlier by Anonymous

Here are some more Western Blot examples. Figure 2 from [5], which we just encountered:. At right, tying together Sun et al. Of course readers are really here for the flyspeck thunderclouds. Fortunately those last two examples provide a segue back to the main theme. Even more than usual, I should credit Dr Elisabeth Bik and other less-nonymous contributors to PubPeer for providing all the images I am curating here. Interested readers should visit the source material to see how much I left out!

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Your generous patronage of my journalism, however small it appears to you, will greatly help me with my legal costs. Like Like. Damn these […, edited -LS ]. Thank you for having grit. I read this knowing this data could be used to get medicines licensed. Funding secure they then move onto human research having never actually proved the lab work. Then they pick and choose who they follow up. Dangerous shit. Lots of money and totally makes my paranoia very necessary. Well, there are plenty of people in prison to do experiments on in China, or so I hear.

So there is room for failure here. In fact, it could be some of the first authors of the papers now mentioned in pubpeer maybe heading for that fate. Maybe we can get Richard Marias to be their jailer. Like Liked by 1 person. Pingback: Concerns about a top immunology lab — Science Integrity Digest. The only thing they get by indexing more and more journals without any quality control is disrespect. PubMed has become a library of junk. Very sad and extremely negative for the progress of science, development of medicine and for society in general.

It seems that many of us have now reached the same conclusion, that science is dead. I just look where the paper is coming from, and adjust my skepticism accordingly. And realize there are going to be a lot of cheaters in the field, because it gives you such a great advantage.

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It seems photoshop is also a favorite in this paper, not clear what dand disconfirmation even means. By pointing out the problematic data the quality of science in China will likely be improved. Given that China is a one-party state which brooks no dissent, and uses imprisonment force against its opponents, is that a good thing?

PS to fake your images when submitting a correction to a journal? You can steal ideas and data from others, and then cheat and be right. You can cheat and be lucky and be right.

But if you cheat, you are a cheat no matter what. And cheats should be shunned and silenced whenever they are caught. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam.

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Learn how your comment data is processed. From Wang et al More on Science Integrity Digest. Peppas NPeppas October 20, Xu et al Cell Share this: Tweet. Like this: Like Loading November 19, Great work, Smut.

Reports: Michigan an outlier when it comes to charter school enrollment, accountability standards

Thank you too Leonid for getting these shenanigans exposed. November 20, Well done Smut. You get me feel more and more depressed. Hidden category: Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls. Navigation menu Personal tools Create account Log in. Namespaces Main page Discussion. Views Read View source View history. This page was last modified on 2 April , at Game modes.

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