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The Princess and the Goblin (Childrens' Illustrated Classics Series) [George MacDonald, F.D. Bedford] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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Scene after scene is just bursting with magic. The story itself has an excellent plotline about good vs. There are some genuinely suspenseful moments. McDonald knows how to build atmosphere, too. The scenes in the mines, the goblin court and the forest are all hauntingly memorable.

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The dark quality of the old fairytales is present here, and the danger of childhood make-believe is just about perfect. The symbolism of the story is also lovely. Like Narnia or The Lord of the Rings, Christian elements as well as bits of mythology are woven seamlessly together into a beautiful story. View all 6 comments. Feb 16, Cindy Rollins rated it it was amazing Shelves: morningtime , The Lord in his mercy has given me another chance to teach Charlotte Mason style and I am getting to visit so many old friends.

I tried to start with a couple excellent books to whet my student's appetite and delightfully he has responded with joy. I will always give George MacDonald 4 or 5 stars. I love him- his voice and his goodness. Sep 18, Barnabas Piper rated it it was amazing. One of the best children's stories ever, and of course by that I mean one of the best stories for anyone. May 26, E.

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If I had heard of George MacDonald's stories before becoming a writer circa I don't remember it. The first time I remember hearing about them was when I was talking to a nice older lady at my church who asked me what I like to do. When I told her I like writing, especially fantasy and fairytale retellings, she immediately said I should check out MacDonald.

I was happily surprised because, while I've told many people that I'm a writer and what I like to write, and they've acted supportive If I had heard of George MacDonald's stories before becoming a writer circa I don't remember it. I was happily surprised because, while I've told many people that I'm a writer and what I like to write, and they've acted supportive of my interests, few, if any of those same people, have recommended books to me.

It's been a solid year, if not two since that lady recommended George MacDonald to me, but I promised myself I would check it out, and I finally got around to it. While I feel I probably would have enjoyed The Princess and the Goblin more when I was a child, I still found it highly charming as an adult. Lewis and Tolkien among other writers and I felt while I was reading that the writing style of this story reminded me a lot of the style of "The Hobbit" and "Roverrandom" insofar as the flow of it and the way the narrator comments on things.

I generally enjoy that style, so it was a nice thing to be reminded of. The characters were silly and fun, and I also like the way little morals were slipped in, especially the views on believe vs. While this is not a new favorite of mine, I did find it likable enough that I am interested in reading more of MacDonald's works, and will try not to take two more years to do so. XD Content Advisory: No language. There's a brief kiss between a young boy and young girl that is not described. There's a mention of bleeding and feeling faint due to blood loss when a human who was mistaken for a goblin gets shot in the leg with a crossbow.

This person's wound gets treated and they are ultimately okay. There's mention of goblins being known to do bad things to humans like kidnapping and eating them. The eating never actually happens. There's a fight between armed guards and goblins during which there is some peril for both humans and goblins. It's mentioned that goblins get slashed and stabbed and have their feet stomped on.

There is also some peril for the humans involved. Blood is briefly mentioned during this fight, but all of this violence is only very lightly described. The imagery is vivid and inviting.

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Like many of his stories, I felt as though I stepped into the quintessential faerie tale. This sweet and curious story is one that I will revisit many times in the same way that a perfectly made cup of tea is always a little bit magical and a whole lot comforting. May 04, Vanessa rated it really liked it Recommends it for: Everyone!

Shelves: book-club-books. This was a really charming children's novel. Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. This would be a great book to read aloud as a family. I am excited to read more of George MacDonald's books and learn more about him. Apparently, many writers have been influenced by MacDonald, including C.

Lewis, J. Thank you, Stefanie, for introducing me to such a great author! Mar 12, Daniel Ionson rated it really liked it Shelves: fantasy. I would give this book a 3. I really liked the writing style of Mr. It was lyrical but not silly or too dark like most fairy tales. My enjoyment the story of this book was hindered by the little slow pace at times. If I were rewriting this story, I think I might speed up the pace and make it a little more packed with action if I was writing this book in the current time. I have mixed feelings about whether I would read a follow-up of this book. Truthfully, I want to see I would give this book a 3.

Truthfully, I want to see Curdie and Princess Irene as a couple when they are older but it isn't absolutely necessary to have another book just for this sole purpose.

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Neither book in this duology is long so I might go ahead and read the second one. As for changes I would make for this audiobook, I would probably choose a different narrator or make it a multi-narration audiobook. The reason for this is that some of Ms. Heldman's narrated voices were too similar and squeaky to listen to. This is a reason it took me much longer to finish this audiobook. Maybe if she used her normal voice I would give her another shot but I'm not sure.

The best voice she narrated in this book Great Great Grandmother Irene when she wasn't using there normal voice. If someone asked if they should just buy this audiobook, I would say to get a print or digital copy to read along with this audio copy. I did and it helps with the enjoyment. Don't be afraid to speed the book up either.

The Princess and Curdie by George MacDonald – Audiobook

It greatly helped me. Sep 26, Sara Saif rated it it was amazing Shelves: seriously-so-good-i-can-t-even , Well, whaddaya know! It was wonderful! Short, beautifully written and fantastical. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

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BUT, it didn't wrap up properly! I mean, the story concluded and everything but a lot of things are still a mystery. The white-haired, centuries old grandmother for one. Why and how is she so old?

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Is Curdie really a prince? It was suggested but never elaborated. Why did the King and Queen not keep Irene with them? She was like, what, 9 years old? If the Queen was too weak to take Well, whaddaya know!