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The Experiment is a American drama thriller film directed by Paul T. Scheuring and starring Adrien Brody, Forest Whitaker, Cam Gigandet, Clifton Collins.
Table of contents

The participants had been surveyed on the policy proposals in advance, and they took the same opinion survey again upon completing the four days of deliberation.

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The experiment produced notable changes of opinion. In randomly assigned groups of about a dozen, they spoke face to face across their divisions with neutral moderators. The most polarizing proposals, whether from the left or the right, generally lost support, and a number of more centrist proposals moved to the foreground.

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Crucially, proposals further to the right typically lost support from Republicans and proposals further to the left typically lost support from Democrats. Immigration elicited the most emotional discussion. It also saw the most striking changes. Many people came in with flawed preconceptions — for example, that immigrants were coming to this country so they could draw Social Security or other benefits.

Engaged in debates over specific policy proposals, often with immigrants or their relatives in the room, Republicans became more welcoming of immigration and less punitive in their attitudes even to illegal immigration. Democrats moved considerably on some of the economic issues. Concern about the rapidly rising federal deficit appears to have sobered many Democratic participants about the costs of ambitious new spending proposals like a guarantee of universal basic income or support for a government-sponsored bond for each new child.


For the latter, support among Democrats fell 40 points. Somewhat to our surprise, there were big changes on foreign policy.

How Republicans Softened Their Views on Immigration

A number of internationalist proposals drew increased support with deliberation, primarily based on movements among Republicans. As people learned more about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, it sharply increased support to about three-quarters of the participants, up from about half. If you have web-based experiments to contribute, please reach out!

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Your contributions and feedback are greatly appreciated! If the Experiment Factory is useful to you, please cite the paper to support the software and open source development. If you are using the Legacy software please cite this paper. If you click this, you can open an issue relevant to the section, grab a permalink, or suggest a change. By way of a partially randomized scheme 66 grants have been selected: 29 out of in and 37 out of applications in Before the introduction of the lottery 67 projects have been funded: 13 out of in , 19 out of in , 17 out of in , and 18 out of applications in Deadline: September 15, Take the first step: The funding initiative "Experiment!

Experiment! – In search of bold research ideas | VolkswagenStiftung

Aim The exploration of exceptionally daring new ideas is not yet really a focal point of the research agenda in Germany, as far as facing challenges and radically transforming common wisdom are concerned. Scope of Funding The initiative addresses researchers in science and engineering as well as in the life sciences including immediately neighboring disciplines in the behavioral sciences , who want to put a potentially transformative and risky research idea to the test.

Background The funding initiative 'Experiment!