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ATTENTION: Looking to achieve success in life and business? "Discover How To Push Outside Your Comfort Zone So You Can Achieve The Success You Deserve " If You've Tried Everything And Still Haven't Experienced Success, Be Sure To Read This.
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From a personal standpoint, your comfort zone is the place in which very little personal development occurs. Related: How to stop wasting time and start living your life.

How to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone (7 Simple Steps)

I understand there are a lot of theories out there. The trick is to try and stay in the stretch zone. It can be tricky to remain in the optimum stretch zone. Too little challenge, and nothing happens.

50 Comfort Zone Quotes about Success, Fear and No Limits

Why do we struggle outside of our comfort zone? A lot of this is down to fear, and most fears are irrational and unreasonable. These fears replace the unknown and lull us into inaction. They trick us into forming an idea of reality which may not reflect actual reality, and these irrational fears are usually the result of past experiences you did X once and Y was the outcome, therefore Y is always the outcome for X.

A lot of the time these experiences can be linked back to your childhood. Lack of exposure, knowledge, and lack of belief in your own ability can also hinder progress. Fear and anxiety thrive when you let them take hold and imagine the worst. Mentors can help you overcome fear, but avoid becoming dependent. The importance of mastering your reactions.

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That said, a healthy respect for fear is good: it can help you concentrate, heighten your senses and ultimately help you avoid danger. Allowing the fear to get the better of you can lead to out-of-character behavior, including and not limited to nerves, anxiety, sweating, crying, shaking, anger, frustration, confusion — even, in extreme cases, soiling yourself — all of which can feel very real and very uncomfortable at the time.

But the more challenging situations you put yourself in, the more comfortable you will start to become, and the bigger your mental reference library will get. This library is incredibly important.

If you master discomfort, you can master just about anything!

The more you push yourself, the more you start to become aware of what's actually possible and how to use this feeling of fear to your advantage. Get it right, and you start to get comfortable being a little uncomfortable. Your reactions to fear are definitely something you can learn to manage. It all boils down to exposure, experience and your coping strategies. The further you push your limits, the more you learn about yourself, and the more you can begin to put your coping strategies into practice. These strategies are unique to each individual.

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  • 50 Best Comfort Zone Quotes about Success and Fear ().
  • Related: How to harness fear and live a more fulfilling life. Take deep, controlled breaths or in some cases just hold your breath all together. Close your eyes and visualise your preferred outcome, or something else altogether. Isolate yourself and or simply sit in silence and gather your composure. Listen to motivational music or feed on energy from your peers. Watch someone else do it before you. Block out all thoughts and just get on with the task at hand. Easier said than done. Let yourself succumb to your emotions — cry, get angry, whatever it is — before hitting the reset button.

    Letting it all out can be cathartic. Lean on a mentor or someone you trust to guide you through it but be careful with this, you don't want to become dependent. Surround yourself with people who are constantly pushing themselves. I really like this excerpt by Kirsten Ulmer in Tim Ferriss' latest book, 'Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice from the Best in the World': "If you push the fear away, the only version of fear available to you will be its crazy, irrational, or contorted version.

    If you're willing to feel it, and merge with it, its energy and wisdom will appear. Think of it like this: would you rather be a river or a swamp? It is easy. Plus it feels good. If you want to reach your limits, you are going to have to learn how to break out of your comfort zone to the scary, uncertain, un-understood sector of life. Why do our body and mind hold us back from doing things that will make us successful? Are we sub consciously self-sabotaging?

    Let me jump back to my story.

    Or do we just not have what it takes? What we are feeling is completely normal and is an evolutionary response that we can overcome. You see, you are inherently equipped with a vast amount of necessary survival instincts. And thankfully they are there to do so. But the problem is that they also manifest themselves in these non-life threatening situations that you only perceive as dangerous. The limbic brain, which we share with the animals, is responsible for your instinctive reactions and uncontrolled body responses.

    This includes fear.

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    Since the dawn of time men were survivalists. Not being able to outrun their prey, this freezing saved the early man. It can also be seen in animals which play dead in order to survive. This freeze response is still embedded in our limbic brains today and although we are not running away from lions and tigers, we see the freeze response in small, unnecessary situations, such as seeing a hot girl.

    But lucky for you , you are not just run by instincts and your limbic brain. You just have to consciously use it. The more good news is that you can train your limbic brain to lose this fear response to certain situations. The limbic brain has an incredible memory, which is why when you see a dog that bit you, you will have an immediate fear reaction. It seems like a simple and obvious response, but it is the limbic brain at work. This memory can work in your favor though.

    As you put yourself in uncomfortable situations outside your comfort zone and realize that there is really nothing to fear, your limbic brain will remember this. The more you do it, the less fear you will have when you face that situation next time. This is why the best way to beat approach anxiety is to just keep approaching girls.

    No one gets these fears going to the post office or doing something insignificant. They get them when faced with a possibly life changing situation.

    Here's how to escape the clutches of your comfort zone this year

    Next time, when you feel this hesitance, remember this and it will allow you to act on it and push through it. The fear is only there because your mind is trying to protect you from leaving your comfort zone out of the instinct of survival. You want to thrive. Going forth when faced with uncomfortable situations is not the last stop on the comfort zone train. Everyone currently has a set comfort zone that they live in. Think about yours.

    5 Comfort Zone KILLERS - How to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone

    My definition of your comfort zone is what you can do and accomplish on autopilot, without trying or stressing.