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Carlisle not Kitty. In the olden days, the priest used to say the name of the city while you were sticking your tongue out at him! DAD: The word formed by the first alternating image is a homophone of a greeting Limerick 2 is very tricky, but I got the other two. Ripoffs 3 and 4 are very tricky, but I got the other five. Further Hints: HEAHO: The four consecutive letters in the three different words are four of the five consecutive letters in the one word.

A key word in the description of the four letters is the singular form of a key word in the description of the five letters.

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Those key words are homophones of something you can but at a bakery. Who "is aware that" This good worker with a homophone of a word in the following line Would have wished for a cowl?

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It's name means "beautiful view. FOUR: The one-word name of the poet is his first name. The subject depicted in his poetry is "a three-squared-ring circus. DAD: Time. The first alternating image is a not-real-common word meaning "hurry. Lego, I just solved 4 RIp Off at long last. The definitive clue was the 'three-ringed circus. It's interesting how varied 'solving troubles' can be amongst us different puzzle aficionados. I guess we are both stuck on 4, so that's my vote for the week's most difficult puzzle.

I ID'd three of the four poets, got a "category" from them, but still, no luck. But I haven't yet read the most recent hints, immediately above VT, When I wrote in my first set of hints, which stated: "Infer no hint about the subject from the accompanying illustration of the four poets, although they may hint at the poet himself," the ending clause was misleading, I think.

I meant to imply only that the poet was not of recent vintage. But, from your previous comment, it sounds like you have already solved this one. SOrry to be so late with this, although I see nobody else has posted answers yet either. Where has everyone gone??? Very nice solving, ViolinTeddy. You pretty much aced everything.

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  • I like your limerick rhymes, even if a few of them don't match my letter count. Don Shula is the coach who rhymes with Chula Vista. Thanks for the Spanish help. As I am no Spanish scholar, I relied on the probity of Wikipedia. Sorry about the Zorba goof. I thought that was his first name. Thanks for setting the record straight. Thanks for the various congrats I can't find any sign of it in his Wikipedia bio or anywhere else.

    Bad week for me! Let's hope Don SHula doesn't google his own name, and find your typo about him!!! He gets a job driving a taxi; she stays at home as the housekeeper. He makes no sales, gets canned and cannot find other work. Their house becomes a pigsty; the food is inedible. They bicker and battle. They go to a marriage counselor who suggests he be the housekeeper and she begin bringing home the bacon and bread.

    They heed the advice.

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    She gets hired driving a bakery delivery truck. It turns out that he is a neat freak, one who goes online and learns to become a gourmet cook. They live happily ever after. The moral to this fable — which is also the key to its happy fairytale ending — can be summed up in two or three words — or actually, in a two-word phrase or a three-word phrase, both which express the same idea with very similar wording. To discover the two-word phrase, find four consecutive letters that appear in each of three different words in the fable, then give a description of those four letters.

    To discover the three-word phrase, find five consecutive letters that appear in one word in the fable, then give a description of those five letters. What is the moral of the fable? Foster father of Jesus, St. Fill in the blanks in the limericks above to complete the rhymes. The numbers in parentheses at the end of the lines indicate how many letters the words contain. Answer: See capital letters above Lego ONE: Name a well-known city in the southern U. Two words. What city is it? What is the caption?

    Just the last name, two syllables. What artist is it?


    Two 2-syllable words. The first word and the first syllable of the second word rhyme with dances, both which highlight hip movement.

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    What dances are these? Two words, each which rhymes with the first name of a fictional character. The second word rhymes with the name of a poet, one word — and the first word rhymes with a subject depicted in his poetry. Who is the poet and the subject? Who are these characters? Each word rhymes with a collective term for creatures — the first used with quail, doves, swans and otters; the second used with ducks or bucks. What small town is it?

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    What are the collective terms? Name a 6-letter Amazon tech product that is a collective term for a young feline mammal that appears in the lyrics of a Johnny Mathis hit song. Now name a well-known city in the southern U. The first word rhymes with the marine mammal — and the second word rhymes with the title of the hit song. What are the hit song title, the two mammals and the Apple and Amazon products? What developed immediately after he did this? If Ted Williams — or anyone with similar superior eyesight — were in the bedroom at that moment, he or she would be able to read two alternating LED images on the clock display as it hurtles spinningly wallward.

    The first alternating image if you ignore the colon between the hours and minutes on the display is a word describing what this particular digital clock at this instant — as well as what it measures proverbially — both do.