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It's that time of year when we celebrate the unique gift of fatherhood and all its frustrations and joys. At a.
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Studies of same-sex couples and stay-at-home dads have shown that regardless of gender, it is the parent who works during the day, and comes home in the evening, who tends to play wilder games, like picking up their baby and swinging them around. The parent who looks after the baby all day is likely to interact with them more calmly. In heterosexual couples, the parent who takes on most of the care during the day is often still the mother for a range of social and economic reasons.

One is to do with parental leave. While all OECD countries except the US provide nationwide, publicly-funded, paid maternity leave, only half provide paid paternity leave that lasts for at least two months. Meanwhile, given the persisting gender wage gap, it often simply makes economic sense for new mothers rather than fathers to stay at home.

Across the OECD, women earn This helps to explain why parental leave alone is not the answer. In fact, even among the much-praised Aka, the women do the majority of the childcare. They hunt and forage with their babies snuggled against them in a sling.

Father Presence | National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse

But involving dads more from the start can have many benefits, research has shown. They found that early father-baby interactions are much more important than previously assumed. Babies whose dads were more active and engaged during play had fewer behavioural difficulties at age one compared to those with more distant or detached dads. They also did better in cognitive tests at two, for example in their ability to recognise shapes. Ramchandani cautions that the results should not be interpreted as a clear causal link.

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But Ramchandani says it can be as simple as sitting the baby on your lap, making eye contact, and observing what they enjoy. In many ways, fathers are more involved than ever. Visit a typical weekday baby group in even a relatively progressive neighbourhood in London, however, and the picture quickly changes. Yes, there are usually one or two dads around, and they are just as competent as the mums. But the bulk of parenting still seems to fall to women.

Around the world, women spend up to 10 times more time on unpaid care work — including childcare — than men. Machin argues that while most dads want to be more active at home, the workplace has not really adapted to this. Takeshi Masuma works hour weeks as an accountant in Tokyo. A more equal division can have many long-term benefits. Extra hours of professional work are systematically built into the evenings, after the child has been fetched from school and helped with school work, and the family has had its evening meal.

Short periods of more intense professional work are squeezed into daily routines organized around childcare and family activities. They are proud, in particular, of being fathers who control and are actively involved in the day-to-day lives and education of their children.

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Strongly involved in fatherhood, he tries to be there for her as much as possible, even if this implies finishing work earlier and then working at home after dinner. As for education, he thinks he does this better than M. To compensate, he takes advantage of his flexible working hours to work at home and also invests more strongly in his work when research obliges him to spend a few weeks in another country.

In spite of P. On the other hand, partnership for P. At the outset, both partners were investing in professional life and building up a career. Equality, individual autonomy and openness to the outside world were ideal principles of conjugal functioning. Over the years and with the arrival of children, however, family life changed considerably. At present, male investment in a career is linked to strong female involvement in caring and housework, even if mothers are holding down a full-time job and consider it important, in terms of personal autonomy, to continue to do so.

Both partners work full-time and both value professional life. However, for different reasons, usually associated with life course events such as female unemployment, or two or three births very close together , the man builds up his career and his independence more successfully, and parity within the couple disappears. Men in this pattern see themselves as successful career-oriented partners, less actively involved in parenthood than their wives, and with little time for family life in general.

They also feel that their partner agreed to support them in their strategy of investing in professional life and keeping the individual freedom that goes along with this. He works long hours and nearly always works well into the night. At the beginning of their marriage I. Some years later, when their first child was 6 months old, and already in day care, I.

From no wish of her own, she thus ended up staying at home for nearly three years an experience which F. In the meantime F. Given his various activities, F. Some, such as F.

The Science of Dad and the ‘Father Effect’

Here, it is the woman who takes on the leading role in professional achievement and breadwinning, while the man takes on the caring tasks and household responsibilities. By becoming a stay-at-home father, he challenges the traditional conjugal division of labour, an option which is seen to be rooted in modern beliefs concerning the importance of equality and the right to self-fulfilment for both partners. This is obviously a minority pattern but it is linked to the undermining, both in normative terms and at the level of employment regimes, of the male provider role.

Professional life today is frequently subject to instability, unemployment or under-employment. Men taking on full-time domestic and childcare tasks have to rethink their identity in order to lend a positive meaning to male domestic dependence. Over the years F. In spite of cherishing his autonomy, F. Since they decided not to put the baby in day care before the age of three, his wife went back to work three months after childbirth, while he assumed the role of a full-time daddy. During the past three years, F. From the point of view of routines F. Although he is the main carer, the mother remains a central figure, a situation which often leads to some ambiguity in F.

On the one hand, he emphasizes his primary role in the family by pointing to his indispensability and his underlying power as manager of the home. For example, in the case of divorce, F. They have a domestic who comes three mornings a week, but F. He describes his experience as rewarding and self-fulfilling, but finds it difficult to cope with the demands of being a man within a female domain. At present, he is trying to get back to painting. As stay-at-home fathers, they feel they have built up an emotionally close relationship with the child and they also regard themselves as the main carer.

We have focused on men as fathers, breadwinners and partners, thereby emphasizing the analytical linkages between fatherhood and family functioning in order to capture the plurality of fatherhood dynamics. Our evidence can only be tentative, as our qualitative research is based on twenty-four in-depth interviews and therefore cannot provide a comprehensive overview of men in families. However, our findings do suggest that the social norms and practices of fatherhood must be placed in the context of family dynamics. However, rather than one main type of fatherhood, interviews revealed diverse patterns of conjugal and parental dynamics which this article has tried to explore.

A pattern of equal fatherhood was identified in settings where dual commitment to a career is combined with a dual carer model relying on strong delegation of caring and housework. On the one hand, family dynamics helped us to understand the diversity and the multiple dimensions of fathering. For example, it was only through an approach focusing on differential family interactions that we were able to build up a picture of the individualized father-child bond.

By convention, men are still expected to carry out the larger part of breadwinning, although the extent of gender differentials varies considerably between families.

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In summary, all fathers in families with young children were found to be juggling old and new practices, old and new masculinities. Aboim S. Beck U. Bjornberg U. Castelain-Meunier C. Connell R. Doucet A. Dulac G.

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Giddens A. Kellerhals J. Marsiglio W. Modak M. Nock S. Singly F. Townsend N. Wall K. Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques.