Guide Karma: two parts to one story (Karma... what goes around comes around Book 2)

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Karma: what goes around comes around [J.C. Edward] on *FREE* shipping Read this book and over 1 million others with a Kindle Unlimited membership. . PEOPLE True Crime Stories: 35 Real Cases That Inspired the Show Law & Order . Short read that will make you wonder what will happen in part 2.
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All because she felt she deserved it, maybe one day she will understand what she did wrong, and maybe then she will be remorseful, yet I doubt it. Amen my friend. I hope she learns from what she did but I seriously doubt it. She callously told my husband there are millions of kids in this country in divorced homes and they are just fine. Kids adapt and do great. What does she know about kids?? She just felt she deserved him and should get what she wanted.

I pray that she never does this to another family. This has been very damaging to my kids and our family. My h ow, wanted my kids to be without me, should would raise my kids for him and with him. How noble of hermto save my h and to save my kids from a shit wife and mother. Now she believes she is a saint indeed. Ahhh yes. We are not only bad wives, we are bad mothers. The pack of lies these whores tell themselves to justify stealing a husband and father and destroying a family? They actually believe they are doing something right! I said with anger what is that doing here?

Alicia Keys - Karma (Official Music Video)

I should have just kissed him in front of her, ohh well. I think She thought she was saving me too from my apparently loveless marriage, she was actually shocked at what I had said. She was lucky that was alll I did. They were outside in her car waiting for her. She was just sitting there at the dining table with him for god knows how long while they waited for her to finish woeing my h. I would just like her to feel my pain.

She was a stay-at-home mom with two kids. My h never wanted kids. If they live happily ever after it will kill me. I will be left with nothing.

  1. What Goes Around, Comes Around - How Karma Works - Sharon Greenthal!
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I pray that in the long term he tires of her emptiness. I am a better person than the ow. If there is karma, I should be due for something good after 2 years in hell. What a joke. Your a good woman, you deserve a good man that will treat you wonderful. You are deserving of a great man who only has eyes for you and no one else for the rest ofmboth your lives.

You deserve happiness and a wonderful true love. I would also like to respond to many of your comments and thoughts. Tomorrow my H is going to post some of his own thoughts as well and is open to answering questions to the BS from a CS perspective. His screen name is Mayas hubby. We both sincerely appreciate your input and guidance and are honored to be a part of such a wonderful and caring group of people even if we are sadly all here because of a marital transgression.

Strength: Thank you for your kind words of support in that we had nothing whatsoever to do with Karma handing down her fury on the OW.

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Every child born into this world is innocent and will model themselves after their parent s. He was also a lifelong alcoholic and died at 50 from alcoholism. No wonder they never had any money because he was having his wages garnished to support at least 4 children and he was only 32 yrs old. Chiffchaff: Unfortunately this was not a chance meeting in this case since the OW was my H ex gf from hs and she dumped him! We have always believed that everything happens for a reason and that and other philosophies have helped us immensely during our healing process.

She was just a much more experienced criminal so it just took longer for her to trip herself up. Yes, my H and I will leave that courtroom feeling at peace that someone who has destroyed everything and anyone she has touched in her 51 years but who will NEVER suffer like I, my H and our 2 children have suffered all due to her obnoxious sense of self entitlement.

The most heartbreaking thing about all of this is that she took her ONLY child down with her as well. Thank you kindly for your words of wisdom as you truly deserve all the love that life has to offer. She kept asking when he was going to leave me and she even said that I would probably have to pay him alimony since I made twice as much as him! Maya, thank you too. My h roadwhore lol, well she believed she was the one my h wanted ever since he was young. She thought she had the right to him, and even used her family to help her, with her twisted plan of ridding me from his life.

She was planning on taking over my life, she expected me to up and leave my h when I found out about them.

Karma Quotes About What Goes Around & Comes Around In Our Life

She used her children too, she even told my h that she would raise my 6 children with him, along with her 3 children plus any children they have together, which she had already planned on having. She would badmouth me about me having so many children, yet all she thought of was ridding me from my family. She felt her chance of happiness was with my h, the only thing in the way was me. She manipulated a good man, my h into believing the worse of his wife, she would blame him for not rescuing her from her marriage, so what did he do, blamed himself too. Like it was his responsibility, so he promised her that he would help her.

So she kept using his promise as a way of keeping him in her life. It becomes like a game. I would often say to the ow by text message, please do the right thing and leave my h alone, show your daughter the right way of getting a man, show her that attached men are off limits.

Let me just say, this ow had no morals, no care at all. Not for her children either. She only wanted to have someone help her with her children, her designer clothing, cigarettes and of course my children because if they had my children there would be no money being given out to me from my h if we divorced, because it would all be in her hot little hand.

Why, thank you Maya, for your nice comments.

Karma Quotes On What Goes Around ()

I believe that the more honest you can be with yourself the better it is for you. The Road Whore thing has always cracked me up, but I didnt come up with it. My husband has a friend who is a Perpetual Teenager and dates the crack head, sleazy types who are always getting arrested, fighting, etc. I just picture then as a chick like you would see on Cops or Intervention.


Always in the road…. There is nothing superior about her, at all. All cause my husband is a dumass. It sucks to be her. Unfortunately it is gloating. To me….. They are the ones that inflicted the pain and suffering on us. They made the choice to involve themselves with these sick and needy women. Responsibility for the affair remains solely on the shoulders of your husband no matter how nuts or sick or manipulative the OW is or was. He did it. Let me ask you this? After the two of you sit in that courtroom holding hands and making sure she sees you together, will you really leave there a happy, healthy couple???

I think not and I think whatever it is that makes you think gloating will help your relationship is sick. We all have horrible stories of devastation of our very souls caused by our spouses.