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INSANITY is one of the best workouts you've ever seen. No weights, no gym, just results. Keep pushing your limits and your body has to adapt. That's how you.
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Remove all objects from your pockets. Support yourself in an upright position, face forward and keep your head and back against the seat padding. Firmly hold the safety restraint with both hands and keep your arms and legs tucked in against the restraint. For those passengers who are under the age of 13, a legal parent or guardian shall be present and shall be deemed to have knowledge of and assume the inherent risks of an amusement ride.

Your photograph will be taken while you are on the amusement ride. S, Las Vegas, NV. Please, no more violence. It's time to stop this insanity. Send us feedback. See more words from the same year Dictionary Entries near insanity insane asylum insanitariness insanitary insanity insanity plea insatiable insatiate. Accessed 10 January Keep scrolling for more More Definitions for insanity insanity.

Attention all writers! You're all writing the same thing over and over again. Now that's insanity

Please tell us where you read or heard it including the quote, if possible. Test Your Vocabulary Liar, Liar Quiz Someone who pretends to be sick in order to avoid work is a: port-hound malingerer Duke-of-the-nether-willies fabricationist Can you spell these 10 commonly misspelled words?

Test Your Knowledge - and learn some interesting things along the way. Subscribe to America's largest dictionary and get thousands more definitions and advanced search—ad free! How to remember which is which Literally How to use a word that literally drives some people nuts. Is Singular 'They' a Better Choice? The awkward case of 'his or her' Word Games Liar, Liar Quiz Test your knowledge of words for lies, liars, and those being lied to. In other words, everyone.

Winter has returned along with cold weather. I took the quote quite literally when I heard it. I am guilty of avoidance on occasion, but I keep trying.

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But there's no sense trying the same thing over again. For example, the job hunt. Let's say you repeatedly get rejected. Dogged determination might not yield results, because the methods are wrong.

You should definitely have something to do, just as you should definitely have someone to love in life. But if you show up every time at a employment bureau, and they are ineffective, it is senseless to keep using them. Use phone, or email to get in touch with potential job leads. If you are bad with dealing with people, try different approaches, or simply say "screw the employer, I'm gonna work for myself. This is perservence, trying different things to see what out of those actually has value. And it's different for every person.

What he suggested is unnatural for many people, plowing ahead despite failures. Resistance can be overcome, but outright failure usually is a cue that something is wrong about the approach.

"The definition of insanity" is the most overused cliché of all time

This should not be used to excuse sitting in one's room alone rather than going out and finding a job. But if you suck at being hired improper decorum, weird manners, or something people just don't like about you , setting yourself up for a cycle of abuse is not a healthy solution. Figure out what you are doing wrong, and do it right. At the end of the day, I still believe this "quaint expression" has merit. It just shouldn't be used to excuse running away from problems.

Try another path, see what works, this is sanity. Insanity is trying to change people through means that have been shown NOT to work. The Webster definition is Noun: the state of being seriously mentally ill; madness. Or extreme foolishness or irrationality. Plural noun: inanities- " it might be pure insanity to take out this loan". So now you know what the actual definition is, this shouldn't be too hard for you to figure out what is insanity.

The legal definition as for in court- is whether you know right from wrong. Only 1 percent of the population is legally insane. Example is: if you killed someone and kept the body in your house like they were alive and you truly believed that it was ok, you didn't try to hide the person and you didn't think you did anything wrong.

That would be insane. You cannot claim insanity plea if you know what you did was wrong but you still did it even if you are clinically considered insane, for there is a difference between clinical insanity and legal insanity definition. Now for the people who wrote the 12 steps program, the definition of true insanity is repeating the same thing and expecting a different results.

While if you were an addict and believe me, that definition makes clear sense. For if Every time I use I think things will be different and every time they aren't but yet I keep using drugs and or alcohol, then that is insane.

Insanity Quotes

Please don't knock that definition when it comes to the 12 step program for it makes great sense and has a powerful message and meaning. I mean repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result may well be insane putting aside the argument as to what the definition of 'insane' is There are many 'insane' things in this world you could do and even then we have the problem of "one mans "insane" is another mans, umm Its also contextual, no doubt attempting to fly was 'insane' in its time?

Everyone's personal and mankind's global insistence in attempting to alter an unalterable or always altering physical environment may be another Furthermore how do we even delineate it? Commentators here have used Edison's experiments as example, things that by their very nature require accuracy in their miniature. To do these over and over again is an extremely detailed and precisely measured small event and its definition fits this.

Is this the only way to describe how to repeat a result? NO of course it isn't It is quantifiable, measurable and singular in its focus. However why can we not use the argument of humans flying as above? This is not as minutely measurable but it is still a singular concept Of course we know that by trying different machines of flight, failing or succeeding and learning these lessons we advanced, so we can argue that as we delve down levels we can then find a level where the same processes weren't repeated over and over and therefore this doesn't qualify?

Yet the essence is that we tried over and over again to fly - something we couldn't and can't naturally do yet despite hundreds of years of failure and all the evidence that provides we still expected a different result! Clearly not. Can we not do this anywhere though? How precise exactly were the measurements, did the same person do it every time, in the exact same way, in the exact same health or condition? When we get down far enough almost everything is immensely variable and therefore 'technically' you are not doing the same thing. For example, if I only date blonde hairdressers with big boobs and all my relationships end in disaster and I keep doing it then to you I am an almost textbook definition of this quote.

However perhaps I so enjoy the company of these people whilst I'm with them that I have decided it outweighs the inevitable break up Without inside understanding the outsider labels the behaviour insane when it quite clearly isn't. The truth is that we draw that line and it is a line that is subjective.

With the right broad enough brush we can easily interpret it as "insane" yet get a result that's patently not insane.

Urban Dictionary: Insanity

In reality it comes back to the first point, to do something already termed "insane" by most will almost certainly result in that outcome. Yet with different events and criteria we find that by doing the exact opposite of this quote have we advanced. In almost every case we only know it is "insane" already because it has been tested repeatedly and found to be so. Its not "insanity" to expect a different result in that case, its a lack of knowledge Thank you for your response to this article.

There isn't a need to delve into this any further. Well said John, I totally agree with everything you said in your comment. I am not in your shoes and I could not even begin to imagine what thoughts are going through your head or any one elses head for that matter. I don't even know how I came across this article today, or why I read it or your comment, other than to possibly give you some engouragement and insight as to what I have come to discover in the last year.

Please feel free to take it as you will for I am not trying to push anything on you or anyone else, as I know everyone is different and different things work for different people.