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Four Color is a series of various comic strips published between and over 25 issues. Every issue is a standalone and only with 19 did the series.
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Rubio Perfecto ( Color Melt ) - Tutorial 4 k- Curso de Colorimetría, video 08 de 10

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So we can investigate further. This extreme strategy works best on Challenge events, were you can rerun the same board over and over until you get a battle with lots of shields matching the single color of your hero team. Still, I would recommend at least 3 colors on a hero team so any power shard result of a match five has a 3 in 5 chance of generating mana and damage.

Hero teams that work well against a one color Boss, also work well when farming a stage that is a single color.

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For an even match 3 board, every time a shield is removed from the board, it would be replaced by the next color in sequence. So removing 5 shields from the board would replace them with 5 shields of five different colors. For a random match 3 board, every time a shield is removed from the board, it can be replaced by any of the other colors.

So removing 5 shield from the board has a 1 in chance of replacing them with 5 purple shields. If your team does not contain a purple hero, you have 5 shields that do almost zero damage to the boss and generate zero mana for your hero. Check the math. A good way to understand 4, 3, 2 and 1 color teams is to farm Try farming it with 2 green heroes, then 3 green heroes, then 4 green heroes and finally 5 green heroes.

This demonstrates the improved damage strong versus blue monsters and neutral versus green bosses but also shows some Power shards doing zero mana and almost no damage. In addition to changing your battle items against different Bosses, you also have to shuffle your hero team which means having more than one hero of each color. Pirate is actually easiest because Pirates is purple reflect and purple is weak versus purple so take out your purple heroes.

Yellow is strong against purple, so you can use yellow heroes against Purple Bosses. There are no Yellow Bosses yellow is weak against yellow. Missing Yellow Bosses and Blue bosses mean less shuffling of your hero team.

Four Color #8 Tillie the Toiler (Dell, 1942) CGC NM- 9.2 Off-white pages....

Guardians is slightly harder. Yellow reflect makes it hard for your yellow heroes, but if you switch to purple heroes all the time purple is strong against yellow , you run into problems with the Purple Boss since purple is weak versus purple. Missing Green and Blue Bosses means less shuffling of your hero team.

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  8. Knights is hardest. Since Knights includes rainbow Bosses, you must shuffle your hero team the most of the three current events.

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    I have been testing Defense stat with double weak, double neutral plus one neutral trainer versus the blue 2x Bosses in provinces , attempting to do the LEAST damage Note 1. While I am trying to do minimum damage, most of the time you want to do maximum damage, so what causes minimum damage should be avoided. I would charge up all five heroes before the final boss wave, and it would leave lots of board colors I could not use. Which was perfect for charging up the Boss and testing his special skill.

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    So you should consider almost charging all five not fully charged , but trying to remove any huge sets of orphan colors. So before the final Boss wave, you want to try to form Orphan dragon shields instead of Orphan power shards the opposite of my research tactics. With my ish team I can often swipe out up to ish team. However, if they have more trophies than me. Otherwise I still have impression that board is somewhat harder, no matter the opponents strength. For I put it on autoplay and it has no problem… so if AI can do it, you definitely can.