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Now all is changed. Day by day the cries of agony wrenched from the lips of the drunkard's wife and children go up to heaven. the morals of the young are imperiled, the property and even the life of every member of society is endangered.
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Fables of Almost Famous Drunkards Fiction. Adventures with Alcohol.

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Konyagi: Tears of the Lion Booze. Bar Culture. Inebriated In Iran True Adventure. All the Pretty Pictures. You Want a What? Modern Drunk Art 62 Graphica. Martini Madness! How To Articles. Getting Out of the House How-To. Drunkards of the Issue. Drunkard of the Issue Kevin Carpenter No. Inebriate Interviews. King Con Interviews. Clash of the Tightest. Bout 3: Jack Kerouac Vs.

The Day My Life Was Changed

Richard Nixon Icons. The Finals: Gleason Vs. Bukowski Icons. Bout Hemingway Vs. Faulkner Icons. The Great Drunks. Prankster of the Gods History. Historical Hooching. Ladies Thirst, Part 1 History. Privacy Policy Newsletter. From a position of total helplessness, I came to realize the importance of a sound physical body.

My father was a nature lover, and he had schooled us in the beauties and appreciation of the out-of-doors. My mother enriched our lives with her wit and her songs. And I grew up in the Church. I loved the gospel stories, and I looked forward to becoming a deacon. I remember my baptism day and the feeling that accompanied this ordinance. From this time on, I never really appreciated the gospel or made the effort to study the scriptures and gain a testimony, and any person without the gospel and spiritual motivation in his life will naturally turn to worldly things.

It took a terrible accident and three years to do it, but I finally was able to see through the fads and falsities that had become a part of my life in the early years of high school and to realize just how plastic and superficial many of those values really are. My thoughts return again to a beautiful summer day in August The sun rose early on a day assured to be very hot but ideal for farm work.

It was the time of year we harvested the straw and the hay, and I was working for a local farmer on the bench in Mapleton, Utah. We had put in a very productive day, and since the afternoon was so hot, we decided to go to our favorite swimming hole up in the dry lands on the bench. An irrigation canal brought life to this part of the country, and in a clay embankment the water had washed away a small swimming hole, where, for generations, boys had found pleasure cooling off during the hot days of July and August.

On the east side of the hole was an embankment perhaps ten feet high. As I stood atop it that afternoon in , a summer thunderhead was rolling slowly toward the bench, creating a rather ominous atmosphere. I looked down into the water and a strange shiver came over me. Not pausing to wonder about it, I set my position and lunged forward in what was supposed to be a shallow dive, but for some uncanny reason, I turned in midair and arched straight down toward the small shelf of clay that lay underneath the water.

At the time I could not see this shelf because the water was kind of muddy; but suddenly, with all the force of my body, I rammed into the bottom. The impact, I later learned, was sufficient to fracture my neck and sever my spinal cord. I was filled with panic, shock, and confusion of a kind that cannot be described. Only those who have experienced such a moment of dreadful finality can really understand. As the strong currents dragged me toward the bottom I suddenly realized that every sensation I had ever known now existed only in my memory.

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From the neck down, my body was totally paralyzed. It was as if a giant circuit breaker had been pulled, rendering my body helpless. I had a growing awareness of the seriousness of my position.


I was paralyzed, forced to the bottom, and unable to move a muscle to get to the surface. But I encountered thoughts down there that awakened me from the impression that my life was indestructible at the early age of sixteen. I knew I was within seconds of drowning.

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As I tumbled helplessly with the current, my mind became clouded. Suddenly I began to float to the surface! Vaguely I could see daylight and could feel a lifting sensation, as my friend who had been working with me that day pulled me from the water. The urge to take a breath while still underwater had been intense, and the feeling of relief as my bursting lungs drank in the air was overwhelming.

Seven of my friends came down into the water, carried me up the bank carefully, and laid me down in the middle of the nearby dirt road. I looked down at my body. Though it was still a part of me, I could not feel it. It was unreal. My body and soul had been stunned beyond belief, and through my excruciating emotions I hoped that this would all be over soon.

Little did I know that in some respects, an endless nightmare had just begun. The Mapleton ambulance, a blue Edsel, was not the best in the world. This siren announced my own tragedy and ushered me unwillingly into an experience that few ever encounter.

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  4. There Are Places I Remember.
  5. The corridors became darker as I was rolled to the older section of the hospital. I saw a sign over a doorway. The doctors took X rays and discovered that my spinal cord had been almost severed and my neck had been fractured between the fifth and sixth cervical vertebrae.

    Their immediate concern was keeping me alive through the night. They transferred me to a specially designed frame for spinal injuries, applied some local anesthetic to two tiny areas on my skull, made two small indentations with a drill into the first layer of bone, and applied traction to the skull and neck area. This was to be my position for the next thirteen weeks. I was unable to make any movement other than to blink my eyes, and I could feel the pulling against my neck constantly.

    Never in my life have I felt more helpless or bewildered. My father and grandfather laid their hands upon my head at this time and gave me a blessing, and for the first time in my life I really felt the power of the priesthood. A comforting, warm feeling came into my heart, and a value, the quality of hope, entered my life.

    I can truly say that hope is a real force that can lift the spirit. With hope and the Spirit of God, one may overcome any barrier that may get in the way.

    As time passed, I went into surgery for fusions of the broken vertebrae. The incisions finally healed, and I began therapy each day to see how much of a return of the nerve function we could hope to accomplish. At first there was no response, and I was shocked to see how shrunken my arms had become.