The Secret Lives Of A Secret Agent: The Mysterious Life and Times of Alexander Wilson

The Secret Lives of a Secret Agent: The Mysterious Life and Times of Alexander Wilson [Tim Crook] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers.
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The remarkable private memoir she gave to her children suggests that she had her own individual writing style and ability. She survived living with Alexander Wilson- staying with him until his death in , but then forged her own path, gaining a divinity degree and writing a book on faith. Wilson , the second son of his first marriage, is a respected poet having been a guest of honour of the Royal Family at the Buckingham Palace reception celebrating contemporary poetry , and receiving an honorary fellowship from the University of Southampton.

She has been hoping to develop a film or television series based on his life. A second shorter edition of the biography is expected to be published in the near future. As I was giving my orders a German aeroplane, flying low, came over. A bomb burst near by, and every man, prisoners and Tommies alike, made a rush for shelter.


I was following, when came another shattering roar. I felt a terrific shock, the world seemed to be spinning round, jumbling in hopeless confusion khaki and grey figures, tank and trench.

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A silence surrounded me and a dreadful darkness. For me the battle of the Somme was over. A sudden feeling of horror came over me. Had I lost a limb or limbs? Such an eventuality was, to my mind, appalling.

Alexander Wilson (British writer) - Wikipedia

I would infinitely rather die than continue to live maimed and a cripple. She read my thoughts.

  1. The mysterious life of Alexander Wilson 1893-1963;
  2. Brother John.
  3. if [tribe] = (The Bridge Chronicles Book 3).

It sounded nasty, but was preferable to what I had begun to fear. She did not return my smile; instead regarded me with a look of deep pity. From the doctor I discovered that my chances of living were not great, but that, if I recovered, I would be able to carry on almost normally. You are commenting using your WordPress.

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Best-selling in Biographies & True Stories

You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Copyright of Alexander Wilson Estate. He had Irish ancestry. Alexander Wilson as a teenager. Copyright The Alexander Wilson Estate.

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Islamia College in Lahore. Seen from its playing grounds. The Alexander Wilson Estate. Alexander Joseph Patrick Wilson had a double life. We do not know when it started.

Alexander Wilson (British writer)

Alexander Wilson with pipe in the late s or early s. Alexander Wilson judging a sports competition between colleges of the University of Punjab in the late s. Civil and Military Gazette. At the time he was working in the Secret Service. Alexander Wilson in his 60s taken during the middle to late s. They were pioneers in a way for each of their epochs. She was a pioneer of radio drama on early All India Radio.

This edition was published in Next Post The writing career of Alexander Wilson. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: Email required Address never made public. It is over ten years since Tim Crook first told the story of how he sought to investigate the life and times of the father of his friend Mike Shannon. In the spring of Mike was only 7 years old when he said goodbye to his father, Alexander Wilson, dressed as a lieutenant colonel in the Indian Army.

As the steam train pulled away from the Yorkshire railway station platform that would be the last time he ever saw him. More than six decades later Tim Crook would help unlock the secrets of his father's life. The biography was published in October shortly before Mike passed away.

Not only had he learned that his father had worked for MI6 during the Second World War, but that he had been one of the leading spy, crime and romance authors of the s and 30s. At first he seemed to be a man with no beginning and no end. There was no record of his death in action in the North African desert, and there was no record of his birth in the identity his father had put on his son's birth certificate.

Mike would have to come to terms with the fact that his father had faked his own death, had lived double, triple and quadruple lives. He would be revealed as a multiple bigamist, but at the same time also a celebrated and successful author. Details of crimes and imprisonment would be mixed with the discovery of relatives and a new family he had no idea had existed. The second edition includes more revelations about Wilson's work in MI6, where his talent for invention is said to have done more harm than good, his role as a university chief in British India where he enjoyed great success despite getting the job with a fake CV, and more spy novels under a pseudonym that indicates that he must have loved the son he abandoned.

Fabulist and multiple bigamist, or patriotic author whose imagination blurred the lines between truth and fantasy? But he disappeared without trace after Wilson encoded real life spying and 'The Great Game' of intelligence into his novels. The investigation changed lives and revealed the career of an intelligence officer and espionage writer whose journey spanned the globe.

It is a story of love, betrayal, broken hearts, terrorism, patriotism, and a triumph of human dignity on the part of the women and children in his life. In "Wallace Intervenes" Alexander Wilson wrote 'nothing can be underhand that is performed in the service of country'. The implications of that maxim for his surviving family are unimaginable. Read more Read less. Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Related Video Shorts 0 Upload your video. Customer reviews There are no customer reviews yet.