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Editorial Reviews. From Publishers Weekly. The thought-provoking sixth Crosstime Traffic book (after The Gladiator), set in a time line where years have.
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I guess I'm just disappointed at how much potential this book had, potential that Turtledove unfortunatley failed to exploit. Jan 26, Patrick Broderick rated it really liked it. This, the last of the Crosstime series, is my favorite.

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It combines parallel reality fiction with post-holocaust fiction. Set in Westwood in a post-nuclear war Los Angeles, a family from the home timeline sells arms to King Cal of Westside as the kingdom prepares for war with the Valley after they block the old freeway between Westside and the Valley.

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The occupation of Westside by This, the last of the Crosstime series, is my favorite. The occupation of Westside by the Valley troops doesn't make it any easier. One humorous touch - King Cal had a mutant dog that roughly the size of a large pony and is called Pots. Jun 20, Bill Bowne rated it really liked it. Interesting and a pleasant read. Having seen Cal Worthington commercials whilst we lived in AK , I recognized his cameo appearance in the book.

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I expect there were other inside jokes, but not being a Californian, I didn't get them. Anyway, although this is the last book in the series, it does leave open room for more books. For example, what if there were more Crosstime home Interesting and a pleasant read. For example, what if there were more Crosstime home timeline universes?

Jul 14, Ken rated it it was ok.

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In Young Adult literature, there are more and more examples of amazingly good writing; writing that is accessible to teens and at the same time descriptive, thoughtful and engrossing to readers of all ages. I was disappointed that The Valley-Westside War did not come close to that potential. I'm not sure that I would have been all that impressed even when I was a teenager myself. Turtledove tells the story of a family living in about , in a world that could easily be our own future. This In Young Adult literature, there are more and more examples of amazingly good writing; writing that is accessible to teens and at the same time descriptive, thoughtful and engrossing to readers of all ages.

This mother, father and daughter travel to an alternate reality, one in which nuclear war devastated the USA and Russia in They pass themselves off as locals in the version of this world, while trying to discover what led to nuclear war in this timeline. They live in the rebuilt reuins of Westwood. When the Westside leaders erect a toll barrier on the near Mulholland, the Valley goes to war to fight it, and our alternate-time travelers struggle not to get caught up in the conflict. I got a kick out of the familiar settings, as much of the action takes place near where I live, and on the UCLA campus, including the Young Research Library, where I used to work.

But once the novelty of that wore off, I wasn't left with much. There is a sad lack of character development here.

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We know that Liz, the girl who visits this timeline with her parents, is very pretty. We know that Dan, the Valley soldier who likes Liz and gets a little too close to her -- and to her real identity -- is smart and stubborn. And that's about all we know. This reads like a book written in a hurry. We're told some things about this world over and over again. Why do I need to read at least four times that drinking untreated water gives people "the runs?

Are these careless mistakes, or did the author feel the need to repeat things because he underestimates his teenage readers?

It's hard to tell. There is some suspense toward the end of the book, as Liz and her family are forced to go on the run, but the situation dissipates quickly and we're left with Not even much food for thought, despite the potent underpinnings of the situation. Oh yeah -- and you know when you're watching a movie, and there's some product placement that is so blatant that it's annoying and distracting? Well, there's a scene like that in this book. I doubt money changed hands, but I was irritated at the lovefest given to a particular soft drink near the end of the book.

It got a little silly. And I also find it kind of odd that in the home timeline of this family, they're still using iPods and MacBook computers. I guess Apple's marketers are going to stick with these names for another 89 years or so! Reading this book was a quick distraction, and I was amused at some of the winking pop culture references involved. I wouldn't say that I completely wasted my time here, but I wouldn't particularly recommend that you bother, whether you're a teen or an adult.

One last note: I know this book is part of a series, and I know nothing about the other books in the series. Reading the previous ones wasn't necessary to understand this book. View all 3 comments. Aug 29, Aaron rated it really liked it. Harry Turtldove presents another book in the Crosstime Traffic series, which is set about years in the future. It is a time in which we have learned to cross the barriers between alternative timelines. It has proven to be a boon for us as we are running out of resources on our own Earth.

We send agents to other timelines to trade for materials we need. In this most recent volume in the series, the Mendoza family has shifted into an alternate timeline that split off from theirs shortly before Harry Turtldove presents another book in the Crosstime Traffic series, which is set about years in the future. In this most recent volume in the series, the Mendoza family has shifted into an alternate timeline that split off from theirs shortly before It was that year that brought about the Rain of Fire, or a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union, devastating the world's culture.

The resulting societies have reverted to a lifestyle not unlike the mids with the remnants of the good times that were all around them. Liz Mendoza has joined her parents who have arrived in an area of what had previously been Los Angeles in order to provide them with access to the research library at UCLA. This is the first book in which the characters have crossed time for research rather than trade, and the Mendozas are a test case. They won a grant to come here in order to learn when exactly the timelines diverted The Mendozas have settled into a Westside, formerly the West Side of the City, which has now become a small kingdom, like many of the other nearby neighborhoods of yesterday.

Liz is having trouble with her new life on the other side of time, where she must deal with greater inequality between the sexes and a society that seems to struggle to survive while continuing fighting between the various small countries that are rife in the former United States.

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Things change a bit when Westside is attacked and conquered by Valley without the, like, valley girls. She meets Dan, one of the soldiers who is bright yet held back by the world into which he was born.

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He becomes a bit besotted with her, and the two form what could have been a friendship in better circumstances. Their interactions are made more challenging as Dan starts to notice some things that are just different about Liz and her family.

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He can't help but wonder if they are spies and so must act. This becomes particularly true when a Westside spy is captured fleeing their home. It is a complex world, but seems quite realistic and well thought out. I have to admit that I was a little confused at the start of the book, but I think that was mostly due to my confusion about which state was which, particularly since I have no knowledge of LA. Feb 24, Mathew Whitney rated it liked it Shelves: read The last of the Crosstime Traffic series explores the reasons people in the home timeline may have for visiting alternate timelines that have little to offer in the way of trade.

In this case, studying the history of a timeline to determine where the breakpoint occurred, and, more importantly, why. One of the faults commonly brought up for this book is the way the people from the alternate talk, primarily attributed to the breakpoint and southern California location, though portions The last of the Crosstime Traffic series explores the reasons people in the home timeline may have for visiting alternate timelines that have little to offer in the way of trade.